Monday, August 24, 2015

BUSY--but FUN--day:

… NO, I did NOT IMPLY there was ANY "butt-fun"!
(… Grow-UP, y'ALL!)
I MEANT that I had a FUN time ENTERTAINING a LONGTIME-buddy who was IN-TOWN from "Cali-" … for the DAY.

HERE are some GENERAL "pick-me-UP"s:

"SEE your 'future'.
BE your 'future.
Make … MAKE your 'future'."
(--Ty, 'Caddyshack')

"ALL the world's a 'STAGE', & MOST of us are DESPERATELY UN-rehearsed."
(--dramatist/memoirist Sean O'Casey)

… "'SHIT' happens."
… DEAL with it … CALMLY.)

Per the advice of the OWNER of my LEG-gym, I'm actually TRYING-to be more on my HEELS … rather than on the "BALLS of my feet".  ALL my LIFE, I was told to "STAY-on the 'BALLS of (my) feet … to INCREASE READINESS & HASTEN/QUICKEN a POSSIBLE/POTENTIAL getaway.   As I'm "WALKING", I've noticed that--CONTRARY to POPULAR (& MY) belief--'tis MUCH quietER to STEP heel-FIRST when WALKING.

Be GRATEFUL for the "SMALL-things".
(… It ALL "adds-UP".
… "'A HAPPY-Life' = A CONSTANT-series of 'ADDITION'- & 'SUBTRACTION'-PROBLEMS that ULTIMATELY 'sum-up' to a POSITIVE-result."

"Like all magnificent things, it's very simple..
Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience."

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The search for TRUTH & KNOWLEDGE is one of the FINEST-ATTRIBUTES of man!  … Though, OFTEN 'tis most LOUDLY-'voiced' by those who STRIVE-for it the LEAST."
(--Albert Einstein)


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