Monday, August 31, 2015


… (--Declaration of Independence)

From NOW on, whenever I "CHEERS" glasses for a "TOAST", I shall "wish BETTER-accumulation of 'MENTAL-STRENGTH'" … a la 'LUCY':

"To KNOWLEDGE." (clink)

"IF you wanna FEEL-better, take a PILL.
… IF you wanna FIX-it, 'face the TRUTH'."
(… I COULD "take-the-

You caN'T live LONG-enough to make them-ALL YOURSELF."
(--Eleanor Roosevelt)
((… I've noticed that since I can no longer TALK … as MUCH, I've become more OBSERVANT, … ASTUTE … & INSIGHTFUL.
… NO, I am NOT implying that I've become more JUDGMENTAL!
(… ALTHOUGH, I kinda HAFTA "judge" people … for MY-OWN--CURRENT--SAFETY & WELL-BEING.)
(… I STILL PREFER to let people's ACTIONS determine their "WORTH".  … Just, NOW, I have "far-LESS" PATIENCE to give additional-"CHANCES".)

"FORGIVE them, … EVEN if they're NOT sorry.
(… THIS DELIBERATE-omission--by YOU--HELPS you … to MAINTAIN your "SANITY".)

Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that 

comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because 

all things have contributed to your advancement, you should 

include all things in your gratitude. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.

ME--to my staff at a meeting: "Ignorance brings CHAOS, 

not knowledge."

(… "Ignorance" means "NOT-knowing", NOT "STUPIDITY" … 
… as MANY people INCORRECTLY think.  … Ergo, ask

ALOTTA questions!  … THAT's what I "tell" my 

Karate-/Jujitsu-students about my TECHNIQUES.)


(This is "ONE way to look at" the "bare-essentials" of LIFE:)

My Blog-CREATOR--to ME: "We've codified our existence to 

bring it down to human- size, to make it comprehensible, 

we've created a scale so we can forget its unfathomable 


... Humans consider themselves unique so they've rooted 

there whole theory of existence on their uniqueness. One is 

their unit of measure, but it's not. All social systems we've 

put into place are a mere sketch. One plus one equals two. 

That's all we've learned, but one plus one has never equaled 

two. There are, in fact, no numbers and no letters. We've

 codified our existence to bring it down to human size to 

make it comprehensible. We've created a scale so that we 

can forget its unfathomable scale."

(--Lucy, 'Lucy')

MY response: "HHHMMM.  It seems like SOMEONE is STILL-upset over MY earning a PERFECT MATH SAT-score to HIS receiving a PERFECT VERBAL SAT-score!"

Yes, I DID win an EXORBITANT-amount of 'PARA' (Turkish 

for 'MONEY') from my lawsuit-VICTORY over the 

NEGLIGENT tire-company.  But, I am "WAY-MORE 

concerned with MY "TUMULTUOUS" yet "REWARDING" 


selfish "way of THINKING" is RARE.)

"We humans are more concerned with 

HAVING than with BEING."

(--Professor Norman, 'Lucy')

My housemate--to ME: "For primitive beings like us, life 

seems to have only one single purpose: gaining time. And, it 

is going through time that seems to be also the only real 

purpose of each of the cells in our bodies. To achieve that 

aim, the mass of the cells that make up earthworms and 

human beings has only two solutions: Be immortal, or to 


… If its habitat is not sufficiently-favorable or nurturing, the 

cell will choose immortality. In other words, self-sufficiency 

and self-management. On the other hand, if the habitat is 

favorable, they will choose to reproduce. That way, when 

they die, they hand down essential information and 

knowledge to the next cell. Which hands it down to the next 

cell and so on. Thus knowledge and learning are handed 

down through time."

(--Professor Norman, 'Lucy')

MY response: "Since I'd consider my LEGS as PART-of MY 'habitat', I'd DEFINITELY-say that 'tis 'NOT sufficiently-favorable'.  … Can I get an 'AMEN!'?"

My housemate: "AMEN!"

ME: (HALF-mocking) "WAY to be a 'YES-man'!  … But, I APPRECIATE the SUPPORT.  … FURTHERMORE, since I can-NOT & desire-NOT to seek-IMMORTALITY, … I HAFTA 'reproduce'.  Ergo, … 'GIRLS-night'!"

My INTERNAL-monologue:
"LIFE was given to … 'US' … a billion years ago.  Now you know what YOU can do with it."
(--CONCLUDING lines of 'Lucy')


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