Thursday, August 13, 2015

A GREAT television-show that KINDA sums up my (OLD) self:

… The SHOW in-question --

((… I used-to WORK-WITH my ex-girlfriend AT/FOR a VERY-SUCCESSFUL "Petroleum-Distributor".  I MAY-have "mixed BUSINESS with PLEASURE".  (… I DID!)
But, said "WORK" NEVER occurred AT my occupational-facility!  So, said "extracurricular-WORK" remained UNBEKNOWNST to my coworkers.))
So, I'd occasionally/FREQUENTLY "sprinkle-in" little QUOTES … that were UNKNOWN to "the UN-trained EAR".  But, she KNEW "our little SECRET" … & MY ODD-humor, so she'd INTERNALLY-laugh.  … I'd consider THAT a "win".))

I'd be out checking supplies/maintenance/etc. with a few warehouse-workers … AND my PROFESSIONAL--but NOT-so-quiet--girlfriend/office-accountant.
Before we'd ALL four go count-supplies in the "GARAGE", I'd yell to EVERYONE--but SLYLY grin & nod to MY "partner-in-CRIME":

"Let's get WEIRD!"

Or, a maintenance-guy would ACCIDENTALLY drop a bucket, but TRY-to NOT "draw-ATTENTION" to his screw-up.  So, I'd yell,

"OOO, TIGHT butt-hole!
(--Adam, 'Workaholics')

Seeing as I kinda-HAFTA "keep myself BUSY", 'cuz MY MIND is ALWAYS "WORKIN' … at a 'MILE-a-MINUTE' (60 mph)", I had NUMEROUS "JOBS"/RESPONSIBILITIES/TIME-OBLIGATIONS:

… Aside from my PAYING--with ACTUAL-$$--JOB, I had NUMEROUS OTHER, NON-paying "obligations":
-- TEACH kids' martial arts classES at my dojo.
-- MAINTAIN my EXEMPLARY studies & HIGH-marks at my graduate-school.
-- KEEP my LONG-time, CO-dwelling girlfriend HAPPY.
I kinda AM … a BIT of a "WORK-aholic".
When I COMMIT to something, I dedicate my FOCUS, my ENERGY, my MIND/BODY/SOUL to … WHATEVER!  It's "BALLZ-to-the-WALL".  "Go BIG, or go HOME."  "If you're gonna GO, … go ALL-OUT."

"If you caN'T STAND, … you caN'T FIGHT.  (SWEEP the leg.)
… If you caN'T SEE, … you caN'T FIGHT.  (POKE the eyes.)"
(--'Tapped Out')

DUE-to my having a LATE-afternoon/evening VISIT from a couple friends--whoM I haveN'T seen since MIDDLE SCHOOL--tomorrow/'yari(no dot above the "i")n'/'man(tilde)ana, I rescheduled my GYM-trip for NOON TODAY.  
… My (MAIN-)trainer commented that they "should schedule me earlIER MORE OFTEN, because (I) did FANTASTIC".  I responded by stating:
"Well, I AM more of a 'MORNING-person' NOW, because I tend-to tire QUICKLY."*
(… As I USUALLY do--to my TRAINERS … at my GYM, I SPOKE this message … RATHER-than take EXTRA-time to SPELL-it-OUT on my "letter-board".)
… Said "gym" STARTED-off as "primarily LEG-oriented/-focused", but as I've PROGRESSED, my workouts have "WORKED" MANY-MORE bodily-AREAS: 
-- back/neck (POSTURE)-- LEFT-shoulder-- hips
-- shoulders

"I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer 

now and live the rest of your life as a champion!' " 

(--Muhammad Ali)


SECOND 2/3 of THAT.  )

* = TECHNICALLY, a "'noon - 1 pm'-workout" is NOT in the 



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