Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My BRO--to ME: "I wish I had your CONFIDENCE!"

MY retort: "DoN'T EVER wish that!"
(--'The New Guy')
SINCE my accident, my--TEMPORARY/CURRENT--disabilities have DRAMATICALLY-"altered" my (METAPHORICAL) "view of LIFE"!))
Ergo, it's KINDA-like I was … "born-ANEW".
(… RELAX!  'Tis NOT as if I'd even THINK-about becoming some sort of "'Born'-AGAIN Christian"!)

"BERTholomeu" (ONE of my MANY nicknames for my brother … that REALLY annoys him) asked me to HELP him RECENTLY with the MATH-section of the test NEEDED for his doctoral-studies in 'Turkiye'.  **
I SWEAR he was EXCLAIMING the TOPIC-line to me … "with his EYES"!

… In regards to MATHEMATICS,
y'all MIGHT say that

I DO what I AM.

(… Please do NOT "twist my words" into some HOMO-sexual IMPLICATION!  … Yes, "I AM" a STRONG, SMART, CULTURED … MAN.  But, I was referring to MY being
the "PRODUCT" … of the "MULTIPLICATION" of two "ODD #s"--my 'rents.)

So, regarding TODAY:

-- My OTHER-nurse (My MAIN-"medical-helper"'s currently on her weeklong-VACATION.) "fed me" my THREE "breakfasts" & verified that my "G-/peg-tube" is FINE … as I suspected.  (My "tube" started bleeding YESTERDAY at "NeuroFit 360" ONLY 'cuz it was "SLIGHTLY-pulled in an AWKWARD-position".  But, I NEVER "suffered" ANY pain!)

-- I had a VERY PRODUCTIVE & ENCOURAGING "UPPER body"-workout.  I displayed some GREAT "iso-METRIC"-strength with my LEFT-arm!  (… THAT prompted me to "issue-MYSELF" yet-ANOTHER "HOME-work-assignment:
"What's the DIFFERENCE between "iso-METRIC" & "iso-TONIC" exercises?")
My LEFT-armed "RANGE-of-MOTION" is "DEFINITELY improving & increasing"!
(--My trainer)
I DEFINITELY PREFER exercising "AGAINST another person's PRESSURE" over/to "weight-MACHINES" or "DUMBBELLS".  Rather than CONSTANTLY having to ALTER the weight-resistance, an actual-PERSON can VARY the resistance … according to YOUR "output".

… My Neural Psychotherapist--& mom--"brought some VERY-IMPORTANT 'points' to LIGHT":
-- I REALLY shouldN'T "release" my PENT-UP FRUSTRATION--with my employEES--on my MOM, when she visits me.  (I KNOW that I--especially/ONLY POST-accident--tend-to INTERNALIZE/"bottle-UP" my EXTREME-emotions.)   
-- … INSTEAD, I'll "KEEP … a SEPARATE … 'journal' …of my GRIEVANCES".
(… Granted, I'll STILL blog-post ALL I can REMEMBER on HERE.  But, I SHALL "sequester" my MAIN-complaints in a SEPARATE-folder/-journal … as my mom is sometimes "SHORT on TIME".)
-- I've GOTTA "practice what I preach"!  

… As if "the LATE Robin Williams were speaking to me--POST-accident, when he quoted Walt Whitman in 'Dead Poets Society':"… YOU are HERE.  LIFE exists.  … The POWERFUL 'play' (of LIFE) 'goes-ON', & YOU may contribute a 'VERSE'."
"What will be YOUR 'verse'", (Mr. A.J.)?
(… ME: Read my blog.)

… Oh, REAL SMOOTH, A.J.!  Here you are, VALIANTLY-TRYING to convince "laypeople" of your "SANITY", while you talk-to YOURSELF … AND to DEAD-people/"GENIES"(--'Aladdin')!

… "I'm NOT 'delusional'.  I'm POSSESSED!"

… Just call me "'The Ghost Whisperer'".
(PAUSE) (… Wait. … Do I WANNA BE Jennifer Love Hewitt?!)
(… PAUSE) 
(… Uuummm, NO.)

P.S. "Iso-METRIC = An isotonic contraction is any contraction is which a muscle shortens to overcome resistance. When a muscle shortens, at least one joint moves, and body movement occurs. The resistance can come from lifting a weight, pulling up your body, or from some other object such as when you lift a bag of groceries. An isotonic contraction involves two phases. The concentric phase occurs when muscle is shortened in an upward movement. The eccentric phase occurs when the muscle is lengthened in a downward movement."

"Iso-TONIC = Isometric muscle contractions do not involve any movement. An isometric contraction occurs when your muscles push against a fixed resistance and no joint or body movement occurs. Even though there is no movement, your muscles are still working and contracting. If you are going to include isometric contractions in your workout, don't push too hard. Isometric contractions can significantly increase blood pressure, so don't hold your breath when doing these exercises and give yourself plenty of breaks. Talk to your doctor if you feel lightheaded or experience any chest pain during an exercise."
(--'Isotonic Vs. Isometric Contraction', by Scotty Brunning)

P.P.S. My "UPPER body"-trainer's LEARNING Spanish … for one of is clients.  So, ''hablo a e'l en espan(tilde)''.
(… My ENGLISH-speaking may NOT be great.  But, ODDLY, my "grasp" of FOREIGN-tongues" is CONSIDERABLY-BETTER.)

** - I ALSO went-OUT to get my SOLO-picture taken for some FOREIGN-paperwork NEEDED by my brother.


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