Monday, August 17, 2015

ME: "SSSHHH! 'Do you (ALL) KNOW what the SECRET of LIFE is?'"

… ME: "THIS."
(I hold up ONLY my extended, right index-finger.)
My housemate: "Your … FINGER?"
ME: "One THING.  Just ONE thing.  You stick to that, & the rest doesn't 'mean SHIT'."
Housemate: "But, what's the 'ONE thing'?"
ME: (Smiling) "THAT's what YOU hafta find-OUT."
(--'City Slickers')

-- My MAIN Nurse returned from her "Vacation".  
(… WHEW!

Upon her RETURN, she said that my "peg-tube"-SITE still "looks very GOOD".
However, she also gave me the BAD-news that--after seeing a PICTURE-of my POTENTIAL "site-COVER/-WRAP" for in the POOL--it's NOT SUFFICIENT.
(  : (  )

(… "BACK to the 'ol 'DRAWING-BOARD'.")

This (SUPPOSED) "CLEANING-company" ("The Maids") REALLY kinda-SUCKS.  They CLAIM-to 'comprender SOLAMENTE espan(tilde)ol'.  
(… 'THEN, WHY do i frequently hear them speaking ENGLISH … TO EACH-OTHER'?!)
… Yes, 'MENTIROSOS, comprendo MUCHO'.  So, if you doN'T STOP YOUR "SHENANIGANS", I MIGHT just "FORGET" to PAY y'ALL.
(… For their--SUPPOSED--understanding: ''No se' CO'MO pagarte TODO.''

I REALLY-appreciated this AMUSING, OPTIMISTIC quote from COMEDIAN Sheng Wang: 
"I'm a POSITIVE-person.  To ME, 'going-bald' is not about 'hair-LOSS'.  … It's about 'face-GAIN'."

No matter ALL the times I ERR, … ESPECIALLY since my accident DRASTICALLY "F--D-UP" MANY of my muscle-nerves, I just think:
"RELAX, (A.J.)!  'Screwin'-up is a part of 'LEARNING'."

… "EVERYTHING should-be made as SIMPLE as possible … but NOT 'simplER'."
"'LIFE' is like 'riding a bicycle': To keep your 'BALANCE', you MUST 'keep-MOVING'."
"I very-RARELY think in WORDS … at-ALL.  A thought comes, & I MAY TRY-to express it in WORDS AFTERWARDS."
(… I THINK/process/analyze/hypothesize & CONCLUDE "NUMERICALLY".)
(… ALL above MEMORABLE-quotes were made by the GREAT Albert Einstein.)

"EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE if one is willing to do what it 

takes and to let go of what holds you back.  


When it comes to 'making a BIG-change in your life', you 

HAVE-to 'WANT-it' MORE-than you 'FEAR-it'."

(--Author UNKNOWN)

So, I recently watched an old-episode of the HILARIOUS 'Comic Relief'--starring Robin Williams, Whoopi Goldberg & Billy Crystal.  Then, I thought: 
"Ya know what was a GOOD "Billy Crystal"-movie that I haveN'T seen in a WHILE?!
… 'City Slickers'.
So, I RESEARCHED the film & ADAPTED/REVISED/EDITED some lines … to relate to ME.

ME, MYSELF & I--to my brother's RECENT party-guests:
"YES!  We're 'TRAUMATICALLY-disabled, AND we're SEMI-mute.  YET, we're PROBABLY smartER than ALL y'all.'  Let's not make an issue out of it!"
My brother's retort: "Eh, they're NOT making an ISSUE of it.  YOU're makin' an issue of it!"

My housemate--to ME: "It's nothing to be ASHAMED-of … I had the SAME-problem."
MY reply: "'What--being a MUTED, MISUNDERSTOOD GENIUS'?!  Didn't you feel stupid?  … I mean ...IN-adequate?"
Housemate: "'JUST the SECOND two.'  But, yeah, for a WHILE, but then I OVERCAME it.  Can I explain it to you again?  … I mean, … now PROMISE-me you woN'T get-UPSET."
ME: "OK, it's NOT gonna do any GOOD."
HIM: "OK, if you WANT to 'convey your MATHEMATICAL-MASTERY but AVOID seeming like a DICK, then use your DynaVox'."   

(As my housemate glances-over my RECENT-pix, identifying ME, for my brother in Turkey.)
HIM: "Well, look at it--it's got your NAME & your PICTURE on it.  It's a little GROTESQUE."
MY retort: "I'm PROUD of what I do."
HIM: "So is the PRESIDENT.  … He doesN'T wear his PICTURE on his SUIT."

HIM: "You remember when we were 'in high school P.E.-class', and we were playin' ball, and we hit the ball OVER-the-fence & OUT-of-bounds, and we YELLED, 'DO-OVER!'?"
HIM: "Well, your LIFE is a 'DO-OVER'.  You've got a 'CLEAN-SLATE'."

... Dating-BACK to WHEN I watched 'The Theory of EVERYTHING'--which I watched PARTS-of VERY-LATE last night, I was REMINDED of how I view MYSELF:

"a 'mathematician' FIRST, popular 'blog'-writer SECOND, 

and, in all the ways that matter, a (DRASTICALLY UN-) 

normal human being with the same desires, drives, dreams, 

and ambitions as the next person (who's ALSO an 



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