Sunday, August 2, 2015

… In HINDSIGHT, I went--& HAFTA go--"BALLZ 2 the WALL"!

I returned home, IN BED, FROM my "UFC-party" at 2:36 am.
(… We martial artists "KNOW how to 'par-TAY' … DEEP/LONG into the night"!)

… HOWEVER, the "MAIN-card"/"TOP-fight"--Cousey v. Corrreia--lasted JUST 34 seconds!
(… I JOKED that "I went to PEE.  But, when I RETURNED, … I'd MISSED the fight!")

… Nonetheless, I am STILL VERY-GLAD I went-OUT for the GREAT event!

1) Rousey--an AMERICAN--REQUESTED the fight be IN BRAZIL (& it WAS), so she could "BEAT her (her OPPONENT--who's BRAZILIAN--Bethe Correia)'s ASS, in front of HER HOME-crowd"!

2) I had the PRIVILEGE of MINGLING with the youngER folks THEN "CONVERSING" with the wiseR-folks!
(… "With AGE comes WISDOM.")

3)  THOSE--FOUR--"martial arts"-LEADERS "act" as my "SECOND-family".

4) The MAIN-guy--myCHIEF-INSTRUCTOR--enlightened us by informing us that WE--FOUR--"ARE the CORE of American 'Budokai' ('Warriot's Way') at THE PRIME-'Shuri'-DOJO in America".

5) … To THIS COMPLIMENT, I remarked:
"WOW!  I am HONORED that YOU (I pointed AT my/THE CHIEF-Instructor.) consider ME--in my CURRENT-condition--PART of your/THE Leadership-'CORE'."

((… Correia--that "NO-talent ASS-clown"(--Michael Bolton, 'Office Space') went WAY "OVER the LINE" by TEASING Rousey about her father--who, TRAGICALLY, commit suicide.  Then, she DENIED ever doing so!  … I SAW the video-conference, in which Correia VEHEMENTLY, STUPIDLY remarked to Rousey:
"After I BEAT you, doN'T go CRYIN' & KILL-YOURSELF--like your DAD!"
… IN-sensitive 'PERRA'!  I--'Ah HOHTA'--WANNA "KICK the LIVIN' CRAP outta" her!))
(… Yes, y'ALL Spanish-speakers, I AM aware that I--DELIBERATELY--referred to Correia as a 'FEMALE-dog' or 'BITCH'.  But, does she NOT DESERVE such a LABRL/TITLE?!)

"The ONLY way ro 'GET RID OF' TEMPTATION is to 'YIELD-TO' it!"
(--'Blunt Talk')
(… THAT SEEMS very "DEFEAT-ist"--VERY "A-pathetic".  … But, … COULD it be a CIRCUMSTANTIAL "MEANS-to-an-END"?!)


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