Sunday, August 23, 2015


(Just to ELIMINATE any & ALL MIS-guided thoughts of my EGOTISM, I'll inform you that MANY of these QUOTES were/are ALL from "Dr. Sheldon Cooper" from a GREAT television-show--'The Big Bang Theory'!) … if NOT-specified.
((… There'll be DOUBLE-quotes ("' '") to SIGNIFY a 'Dr. Cooper'-quote.))

My housemate walked into room this morning … to CHECK-up on my "gettin'-READY for our "movie theater"-trip at ~noon.  
(… He OFFERED to make some COFFEE.)
My RESPOONSE: "'I'm sorry, coffee's out of the question. When I moved to (Minnesota, … when I was THREE years old), I promised my mother that I wouldn't start doing drugs.'"

I'm in the middle of a story about some of my SUB-par employEES, when I let-out an EXASPERATED-sigh.  
My eyes begin to TEAR-UP.
My NeuroPsychoTherapist--ASTOUNDED--remarks to ME: 
"AW, WHY are you CRYING?!
ME: "'One cries because one is sad.  For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.'"
… ALSO, THIS ONE's crying, 'cuz he got BEAT-UP for referring to himself as 'ONE'.

ME: "NOT to BRAG, but I'm VERY-CONFIDENT in my 23+ YEARS of 'MARTIAL ARTS'-training."

When you're "SERIOUS" about "being-HAPPY", you caN'T HELP … 
but SMILE!
… It's HARD-"WORK"!
… But, SOMEBODY's gotta do it!

CREATE your-OWN GOOD news!
Be PRO-active!

My AVERSION-to MOST canines is NOT a mark of MY fear.  'Au CONTRAIRE'!

"My hygiene is impeccable. In fact, animals don't trust me because I smell like nothing. Literally, … NOTHING." 

I have a SLIGHT-AVERSION to/for "leaving MY house", simply/only 'cuz NOT-ALL places (AUDIBLE-SIGH) adhere to the LAW 
"For the record, it could kill us to meet new people. They could be murderers or the carriers of unusual pathogens. And I'm not insane, my mother had me tested."
(… "Us" = "Me, Myself & I")

My housemate--to me: (EXCITEDLY) "You'll NEVER guess what JUST happened!"

MY response: "You went out in the hallway, stumbled into an inter-dimensional portal, which brought you 5,000 years into the future, where you took advantage of the advanced technology to build a time machine, and now you're back, to bring us all with you to the year 7015, where we are transported to work at the think-a-torium by telepathically controlled flying dolphins? 

"'I am EXCEEDINGLY-smart.'"  I entered high school (HONORS-Geometry) at TWELVE.  "'While my brother'" IS "getting" his PhD, I STILL "tutored/prepped HIM in MATH for an IMPORTANT UPCOMING-test.  "'Penicillin caN'T take THIS' (NATURAL MATH-inclination) 'AWAY!'"

So, I was wondering about how CREATIVE SOME film-writers are.  
(I.e. I was watching 'Dawn if the Planet of the Apes'.)
"The correct animal for inter-species super soldier is koala. You would wind up with an army so cute, it couldn't be attacked."

A (MALE-) patient at my gym recently mumbled some "UNPLEASANTRIES", 'cuz--APPARENTLY--he NEEDED the "STEPPING-machine" I was USING.
So, I begged my trainer to REPLY!
ME: "Can I respond NOW?"
Trainer: "Do it."
ME: "You mess with the bull, you get the horns. I'm about to show this guy just how HORNY I can be."
Trainer: "Somebody else do it."

My housemate--with MY mom, MY brother & most RECENT girlfriend: 

"'So, what do you say, (A.J.), are we your X-men?!'"
ME: "'No, the X-men were named for the X in Charles Xavier. Since I am (A.J., but since the 'J'-sound is made with a 'C-' in Turkish), you will be my C-men.'"
My EX-: "Ha ha HA!  That's NO-longer APPROPRIATE."

My housemate: "You know, I saw this great thing on the Discovery Channel. Turns out if you kill a starfish it'll just come back to life."
ME: "Was the starfish wearing boxer shorts? Because you might have been watching Nickelodeon."

(As I lie in bed, all-of-a-SUDDEN I had to urinate--URGENTLY!  As I "WALK" to my toilet, I dropped my glasses … ON THE FLOOR.)

(  : (  )My INTERNAL griping: "'Oh, gravity, thou art a heartless bitch.'" 

ME--to my EX-(PSEUDO-) trainers at my old neural-rehab facility: "'I don't mean to be rude or discourteous, but before we begin. I'd just like to say there's absolutely no scientific evidence to support (ANY of your … BULLSHIT) of any kind. Which means - and again, no insult intended - you're a fraud, your profession is a swindle, and your livelihood is dependent on the gullibility of stupid people. But again, no offense.'"

(After my "MIND-Doc" was APPALLED that I said that my last two weeks have been rather UN-eventful:)
ME--to my NeuralPsychotherapist: "'For God's sake, (Doc), do I have to hold up a sarcasm sign every time I open my mouth?'" 

Doc: "'You have a sarcasm-SIGN'?!'"                             

… AND, thus ENDS the "Sheldon"-quotes.
GREAT news!

This PAST-week I received my "TRANSCRIPT"--that I REQUESTED--for my MBA--from my graduate-school.  
I MIGHT/MAY/"probably-WILL" RE-enroll soon.
((… I WAS doing DECENTLY, I guess.  (4.0 GPA through 11.0 credits; 3.92 after 12.0 of my REQUIRED 21.0 credits for COMPLETION/GRADUATION of/with my "Accelerated Degree") I'm GUESSING--& PROBABLY-right--that my studies/grades "directly-SUFFERED" from my INJURIES/ABSENCES.  … ''C'est la vie.''))

… "NOT-so 'great'" news:
~90 minutes BEFORE our scheduled-departure for the movie, my housemate told me that he's got a FAMILY-situation with which to deal.  … So, we'll reschedule our "movie-'DATE'" for a DIFFERENT-weekend … with MORE-people.

… Nonetheless, he "MADE-UP for it" by "ACQUIRING" a DVD-copy of SAID film … which we'll watch later this week.(… NOICE!)

… This afternoon I watched the AMAZING-film--'Rounders'--that INSPIRED me to learn to "COUNT-CARDS".

(… With my "FAULTY-memory", I can "ONLY 'get a SEMI-'.)
(… Did I INTEND-to IMPLY my "HALF-erection" HAMPERS my MATH?!  … 
… LADIES, "doN'T hold your breath".)

… As I finished-up the DAY's blog LATE-night in bed, I RE-watched the GREAT-movie 'John Wick'.  


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