Saturday, August 15, 2015


So, I woke-up "just a TAD" latER this morning, … WHICH was NICE.  
(… I'm GUESSING that the "extra 'Z's" MAY-have had SOMETHING to-do with the recent DOWNPOUR.  ("Word on the STREET" is that "RAIN makes people SLEEPY.")

… POSSIBLY as a RESULT, I felt ENERGIZED throughout the "martial arts"-SEMINAR" I attended this morning.
… Aw, forget-THAT!  ONLY since my injurIES, I do NOT like to, humbly, give OTHERS credit for MY work.
(… Yes, I RECOGNIZE that 'tis a TERRIBLE-fault/-vice of MINE.  ...

"The secret to 'getting-AHEAD' is 'getting-STARTED'."
(--Mark Twain)
… You doN'T hafta "see the WHOLE 'staircase'".  JUST "take the 'FIRST-STEP'". 

MORE will come tomorrow, as I HAFTA go prep for my brother's party.


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