Friday, August 21, 2015

"When you understand PHYSICS, you understand EVERYTHING."

… (--Dr. Sheldon Cooper, Theoretical-PHYSICIST, 'The Big Bang Theory')

… I've LONG-"KNOWN-about", UNDERSTOOD & TAUGHT MANY--NOT "all"--aspects of "STANDARD-mathematics" ("UP-TO & INCLUDING" the SECOND-level of CALCULUS).
ESPECIALLY in my CURRENT-/TEMPORARY-"state", I like to think about NUMBERS, when I'm tryin'-to SLEEP LATE at night.
THEN, 'cuz my mind "tends-to WANDER", I ponder the MANY MATHEMATICAL-INTRICACIES of the FANTASTIC-show 'NUMB3RS'!

… By APPLYING said "numbers", I can/DO determine WHEN & HOW to exert my "Force at a certain Acceleration to move a certain Mass"--like my LEFT-arm/-leg.
(… "F = M x A"  --> "Sir Isaac Newton's Second Law of Motion")

… I produce "Work" by exerting a"Force" over an object, over a certain "Distance", at the COSINE of a specified angle, "Z", from the "Force".
(… W = FDcosZ)

When STANDING-UP, I TRANSFER my WEIGHT from leaning-BACK in my wheelchair to leaning-FORWARD over my feet.
(… INTERNALLY--to MYSELF, I compute the 
NECESSARY "Angular Momentum", WHILE quoting the announcer in 'Little Giants':
"It looks like Mr. MO-mentum may be changing his address."
(… Also, I CHUCKLE … & SNORT.)

… "ANGULAR-momentum" (L) is proportional to "moment of Inertia" (I) & "angular Speed" (w).
(L = Iw)

… I "remember" (YAY!) ALL of the ABOVE-"properties" … from "A.P. Physics" my SENIOR-year of high school!
(… HOWEVER, my teacher IS/was very Greek.  Being the Turk I AM, I ADAMANTLY tell MYSELF:
"NEVER trust a GREEK, … even when bearing GIFTS." 

:You never 'LOSE-memories' … only the ability to ACCESS-them."
(--Toby, WORLD-CLASS psychologist, 'Scorpion')

After reading MY (ABOVE-)reasoning, I--PROUDLY--pose THIS predicament to y'ALL:
"It was hard to know who was MORE-CRAZY--ME or EVERYONE-ELSE."
('Mad Max: Fury Road')

"I doN'T 'fix' PROBLEMS.
Then, problems 'fix' THEMSELVES."
(--Louise Hay)


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