Monday, November 30, 2015

"Just another MANIC-Munday!"

… "(I) Wish it were SUN-day!
… 'Cuz that's my FUN-day!"
(--The Bangles)

(INSPIRED-by the THEME-song from the CLASSIC-show--'Saved by the Bell':)
(… 'Tis ENTITLED 'Saved by my Legs':)

"When the 'neural-messages STALL',
So, it looks like I just might FALL,
And, I'm frustrated & gettin' kinda MAD.
By the time I 'harness my 'QI'
And dry-off my PEE,
I'm hunched-over my walker with a CUR-VING BACK!
Iiittt'sss ALL-RIGHT, 'cuz I'm SAVED by my LEGS!

If my leg-nerves fail me NOW,
It'd be pointless to BOW,
'Cuz I'd end-up sprawled all-over the GROUND.

Tryin' to keep my back STRAIGHT,
So, it ain't curved like an 'EIGHT'. 
If, I make it to my chair, it'll be ALRIGHT. 
Iiittt'sss ALL-RIGHT, 'cuz I'm SAVED by my LEGS!

It's ALL-RIGHT, 'cuz I'm SAVED-by MY …
It's ALL-RIGHT, 'cuz I'm SAVED-by MY …



SAVED BY THE BELL Theme Song When I wake up in the morning And the 'larm gives out a warning I don't think I'll ever make it on time By the time I grab my books And I give myself a look I'm at the corner just in time to see the bus fly by It's alright 'cause I'm saved by the bell If the teacher pops a test I know I'm in a mess And my dog ate all my homework last nite Riding low in my chair She won't know that I'm there If I can hand it in tomorrow, it'll be all right It's alright 'cause I'm saved by the bell It's alright 'cause I'm saved by the bell It's alright 'cause I'm saved by the It's alright 'cause I'm saved by the It's alright 'cause I'm saved by the bell )


… Now, ANOTHER musical-revision from MY EVER-Creating mind, ENTITLED ''Workin' Ev'ree Day'':

(… INSPIRED-by 'Manic Monday'--APPROPRIATELY-named--by The Bangles)

"Six o'clock already
I was just in the middle of a dream
I was kissin' Valentino
By a crystal blue Italian stream

But I can't be late
'Cause then I guess I just won't get paid
These are the days
When you wish your bed was already made

It's just another manic Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another manic Monday

Have to catch an early train
Got to be to work by nine
And if I had an airoplane
I still couldn't make it on time

'Cause it takes me so long
Just to figure out what I'm gonna wear
Blame it on the train
But the boss is already there

It's just another manic Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another manic Monday

All of the nights
Why did my lover have to pick
Last night to get down?
Doesn't it matter
That I have to feed the both of us
Employment's down

He tells me in his bedroom voice
"C'mon honey, let's go make some noise"
Time it goes so fast
(When you're having fun)

It's just another manic Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another manic Monday

I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
It's just another manic Monday"

(…''Workin' Ev'ree Day'':)

"Three o'clock already
I was just catchin' up on my e-MAILS.
Gotta keep friends informed,
So, they doN'T think I grew any TAILS.
Gotta get to my GYM
'Cuz I really wanna strengthen my LIMBs.
These are the DAYS,
When my promising-future wasN'T such a HAZE.

I'm just workin' like EV'REE DAY.
I wish it were a 'Walk-SPREE DAY',
'Cuz that'd be 'GLEE-DAY'!
My 'Run & Scream WHEEEE'-DAY!
I'm still ''Workin' Ev'REE DAY''!

Hafta get to my gym by THREE,
So, I can avoid the needed late-FEE.
But, if I still drove my sport-utility CAR,
From said workout-stuff I'd never be very-FAR.Ya' see I'm already quite-STRONG,
But, I need-to RE-develop my flex-ih-bihl-ih-TEE.
I know I caN'T be WRONG.
My 'trunk-control' is weak, you'll SEE.

Of all re-PAIRS,
Why'd it hafta be that-TIRE
To ex-PLODE?
It DID mat-TIHR,
'Cuz God knows phih-SICS.
…I, too, know SCIENCE.
But, there's much I caN'T con-TROL.
As I progress, praise will ex-TOLL."

I awoke with an "URGE to URINATE".
So, I "WALKED" to my TOILET … to "make it RAIN" … urine--NOT cash.
(… AGAIN, I am VERY-ENCOURAGED with/by my pain-LESS "TRUDGING"!)

… I played ALOTTA "Minesweeper" … IN my CHAIR, … as I watched 'NUMB3RS' from ~9:00 am to ~11:00 am.


After a ROUSING-game of Scrabble during my "SPEECH-Therapy", I "added-IN" some "Occupational-Therapy" by INDIVIDUALLY-"picking-UP" & "placing-IN the 'tile-bag'" 48 tiles/pieces … with my LEFT-hand.  
ALSO, I finished-EATING … by MOUTH …  the LAST … three bites of my scrambled eggs while my EVENING-nurse SIMULTANEOUSLY "fed me"--via G-tube.

Did y'ALL hear THAT … my AUDIBLE-sigh of RELIEF?!
(… My mom RECENTLY-agreed that my newEST-employee … kinda-SUCKS!)
I agreed-to TOLERATE-him for a FEW-days, while we search for a NEW-one.)

P.S. When I HAD-to URINATE at ~1:00 am … "LATE last night"/"EARLY this morning", I DECIDED-to "WALK" 'a mi banyo' … DESPITE my EXTREME-fatigue … to "TEST KARMA".  … Well, I guess that "the planets ARE PROPERLY-aligned", 'cuz upon my RETURN the Broncos had JUST-completed their overtime-VICTORY.


Sunday, November 29, 2015

"It's NOT about the SIZE of the dog in the FIGHT."

… "It's about the amount of 'FIGHT' in the dog."

I'm certainly-NOT the BIGGEST-"fighter".  But, I DEFINITELY "pack a 'PUNCH'".
((… As a "high school"- AND collegiate- WRESTLER, I ALWAYS wrestled in the lowER weight-classes.  (119 lb., 125 lb.--two years, 130 lb., 135 lb., 140 lb.--two years, 145 lb.))
((… I found that I GAINED MINIMAL-amounts of WEIGHT as I aged, GREW, (SEMI-)MATURED … & developed my FONDNESS-for the AFTER-effects
 of "imbibing-ALCOHOL".))

MANY people UNDER-"value" me, … JUST 'cuz they're TOO STUPID to … "ENVISION my CAPABILITIES … 'BEYOND my WHEELCHAIR'".
… THEM--to ME: (SHRUG) "I guess I underestimated you."
MY response: "Yeah, well, maybe next time you will … ESTIMATE me."

(--Jan & Michael, 'The Office')

"DISCIPLINE" is "CHOOSING between what you WANT NOW & what you WANT MOST".

… "'DISCIPLINE' is the 'bridge' between GOALS & ACCOMPLISHMENT."
(--Jim Rohn)

"You should NEVER, EVER doubt … what NO ONE's SURE-about."
(--Willy Wonka, old-school 'Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory')
(… Uuummm, excuse me, SUPPOSE-ED "NEUROSURGEONS".  Examining the OPPOSITE-end of the spectrum, y'ALL were CERTAIN-about my "LACK-of FUNCTIONALITY/COMPETENCE", EVERYONE should doubt YOUR LACK-of comprehension of MY "T.B.I."!)

I'm ALL-about "REACTION". 
I KNOW that lifestyle "goes-AGAINST" MUCH/ALL of what LIFE "preaches".  
… But, I believe a "TRUE-/ACCURATE-Test of one's CHARACTER" evaluates HOW one "REACTS to CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES in a GIVEN-situation".
… Since I doN'T EVER "start-'SHIT'"/INSTIGATE, MANY of MY "deeds"/"tasks" are actually "RE-actions".

Take-CHANCES, when you're YOUNG.  
So, you can tell-STORIES, when you're OLD.  

… "HOW many times can you get TAZED in-the-NUTS & still have KIDS?!"
(--'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen')

… In an ODD- & ABSTRACT-way, MY (TRAGICALLY) DIS-abled LEGS represent "The MATRIX of LEADERSHIP".
(--'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen')

((… EXPLANATION: In order to "bring me BACK-to 'LIFE'", I HAFTA "merge the 'MATRIX' with (MY) 'SPARK' (NERVES)".))

"I believe whatever doesN'T KILL you, … makes you … STRANGER."
(--Joker, 'The Dark Knight')
(… MY TRAGIC-accident "supplied me" with a "Traumatic Brain-Injury", … & IT has DIRECTLY-contributed GREATLY/EXTENSIVELY to my newER WEIRD-ness.) 

"I make MY-OWN 'luck'."
(--Two-Face, 'The Dark Knight')
((… Since I doN'T BELIEVE-in "COINCIDENCE", I help-DETERMINE my-OWN "SUCCESS-rate" with my-OWN (ALMOST-)INSTANTANEOUS Statistics-/Odds-/Probability-calculations.))

… It takes-AWAY "TODAY"'s PEACE.

… "You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do." 

--Eleanor Roosevelt.


First thing this morning, I HAD-to urinate (= "ACTION"), so I "buzzed" to "WALK" 'a mi 'JUAN'" (= "REACTION").  … SAID "AMBULATION" was pain-LESS (= "ACTION").  Ergo, I'll CONTINUE-to "PUSH my LIMITS" (= "REACTION"). 
Also, since my "WALKING" has NOT been BAD-for my HIP-health ("Knock on wood."), I MUST-be doin' SUMTHIN' RIGHT!  

I shaN'T LIE: I do some of my BEST, INTUITIVE, HELPFUL thinking while SEATED "above/atop my 'PORCELAIN-THRONE'".  

… E.g, I observed that my LEFT-foot APPEARS to-be NATURALLY-"turned SLIGHTLY IN"/"pigeon-toed" … at-REST.  … Since I'd NEVER had this issue PRIOR-to my ACCIDENT, I caN'T help but HYPOTHESIZE that SAID bodily-BUMMER has/had ONLY developed … POST-accident … as a "NATURAL"-tendency to create MORE-stability, when I "WALK".  

… ALSO, I concluded/reasoned that I'm really/GLEEFULLY becoming more RELAXED.  
PREVIOUSLY, I didN'T "WALK" to "GO '#2'", 'cuz my CONSTANT-nerves would "TIGHTEN my rectal-/anal-SPHINCTER", as I "WALK".
(… TMI?!) 

… "'HATE' can 'move mountains'."
(--Albert, 'A Million Ways to Die in the West')
(… Ha ha HA!  I NEEDed to watch this HILARIOUS film this morning!)  

In observing my housemate DO some of his WORK … on his laptop, I recalled that I'm … a TAD "sore" that I NEVER really LEARNED-to … "type with-OUT LOOKING at the keyboard".
(… 'FAR-keht-MESS.' = Phonetic Turkish for 'It doesN'T matter.)

I watched ALOTTA football … & 'futbol', as I typically DO … on Sundays.  
((… My favorite TURKISH-soccer team TIED.  (  : (  )
My MN Vikings WON in "American-FOOTBALL".  (  : )  )  
My (CURRENT) hometown NFL-team LOST.  (  : I  ) 
(… I doN'T really CARE about 'em.  'Tis JUST a DISCUSSION-topic, … & I'm SOCIAL.))  
My FAVORITE NFL-team BEAT the PREVIOUSLY-UNdefeated champs … in OVERTIME!  (  : (  ) 
Sooo, 'twas CLEARLY an EMOTIONAL-"UP & DOWN" day!
(… But, since I went 2-1-1, 'twas MOSTLY a GOOD-day. 
Sooo, … ''C'est la vie.'')

She ALWAYS-seems to … REEK of … (I caN'T describe it.  'Tis just UN-pleasant!) sumthin' FOUL!  
(… I doN'T MEAN to CRITICIZE her!  I'm just EXCITED that my nasal-nerbes are actually-WORKING!  
… Next step: … TASTE!)  

MY RECOVERY/RECUPERATION could VERY WELL be represented by the FILM I watched today!  
(… ONLY, I would SLIGHTLY-alter the title to … 
'Transformer (SINGULAR): RISE of the FALLEN'.)

Saturday, November 28, 2015

"'LEARNING' is always a PAINFUL-process."

… --Lucy, 'Lucy'

… BEST-/#1-example of "LEARNING-pain" =
March 15, 2003 = My Black Belt Test:
During MY-OWN 'Shodan'- ('BEGINNING-degree') "TEST", I DISLOCATED my RIGHT-shoulder while "SPARRING". 
(… OUCH!)
Nonetheless, I "SUCKED-it UP" & COMPLETED the "FOUR-hour"-"e-VALUE-ation" … 'cuz "THAT's just what I DO".  

… On July 6, 2008, (I have a SPOTTY, "piss-POOR" memory!  … So, HOW/WHY do I remember THAT?!  
I recall that the DATE 'twas on 07/06/08.
(… But, THAT's just ME.)
(… I SHRUG.)

So, I GREATLY-appreciate the INVITATION from my "Martial Arts"-PROFESSOR to attend a "Black Belt TEST" in three weeks.
(… I HAFTA-correct MYSELF: SAID "test" is ONLY "~THREE" hours … NOT "~FOUR", as I THINK I previously-stated.)
(… 'Tis "THREE hours" … NON-stop … of an INTENSE-workout!)
(… 'Tis … ALMOST … as much of a MENTAL-"gauntlet" as 'tis a "PHYSICAL-challenge"(--'What Would You Do?')

A youngER fellow FRATERNITY-member ('Sigma Alpha Epsilon') RECENTLY-visited my housemate (& stayed at/in my house) & sent a BOX of PEARS as a "THANKS".
(… ME: "AWESOME!")

OUTSIDE-of CO-teaching or just "VIEWING & COMMENTING-on" Karate-/Jujitsu-class, I spend MOST-of my SaturdayS pretty-much watchin' ALOTTA college-football.

ME--as Lucy, from 'Lucy':"It's funny, I used to be so 

concerned with who I was and what I wanted to be, 

and now that I have access to the 

furthest reaches of my brain, I see things clearly and realize 

that what makes us "us" — it's primitive. They're all 

obstacles. Does that make any sense?

Like this pain you're experiencing. It's blocking you from 

understanding. All you know now is pain. That's all you know, 


(… THANKFULLY, I doN'T really experience "PAIN", … 'cuz 

of my "DEADENED"-nerves.  THUS, there is VIRTUALLY-

NOTHING to "BLOCK (MY) understanding".)

"… I don't feel pain fear desire. It's like all things 

that make us human are fading away. It's like the less 

human I feel, all this knowledge about everything

quantum physics, applied mathematics, the infinite 

capacity of the cell's nucleus, they're all exploding 

inside my brain. All this knowledge. I don't know what to 

do with it."

ME: "  We've codified our existence to bring it down to 

human size, to make it comprehensible, we've created a 

scale so we can forget its unfathomable scale."

( If I BELIEVED-in "RECREATIONAL-drugs", I'd "get 

SO-HIGH" while watching this film.)

"… TIME is the only true unit of measure, it gives proof to the 

existence of matter.  Without time, we don’t exist."

ME: "'IGNORANCE'  brings chaos,  NOT knowledge."

(… THIS explains WHY I can-NOT comprehend "STUPIDITY".  IGNORANT and/or UN-wise people ONLY frustrate, confuse & UPSET me!)

P.S. In the time BETWEEN my GLORIOUS-"Christening" on March 15, 2003 & my DEVASTATING "Tragic 'Down-FALL'" (PUN?!) on July 6, 2008, I …



… Just NOW--at ~3:30 am EST, my "stomach's RUMBLING" INTERRUPTED my "SHEEP-COUNTING".
"How RUDE!"
(--Michelle, 'Full House')  

… So, I summoned my Caregiver … from his LOUD-snoring (… which I had WISELY SEMI-"masked" with my door CLOSED) to "just TRY" my "EXCRETORY-EXPERTISE" at this UNGODLY-hour.

… Lo & behold, DESPITE my DOUBTS, "SCIENCE 'WON'!"


DAMN you, A.J., for QUESTIONING "Science"! 
(… RELAX, LADIES!  'Tis "Premature … Evacuation" … of my BOWELS!)  
(… HEY!  "When 'the MOOD' STRIKES" …)


Friday, November 27, 2015

LATELY, … "Friday"'s KIND-been my "OFF-day".

Even though my "eye-doctor" says my vision has "definitely-IMPROVED", my "astigmatism" lately has REALLY been BOTHERING-me!  

"Astigmatism is a vision problem that causes objects to appear distorted and blurry. It often affects both distance and near vision. It is the most common vision problem and it may occur with nearsightedness and farsightedness."

"DoN'T let ANYONE EVER tell you … 'you doN'T deserve what you WANT'!"
(--Patrick, 'Ten Things I Hate About You')

"I doN'T LIKE to DO what other people EXPECT."
(--Cat, 'Ten Things I Hate About You') 

If I were a "Spice Girl"--STRICTLY by/in NAME, I'd be "SPORTY-Spice".  I--HYPOTHETICALLY--"anointed" myself thus, 'cuz I'm VERY-ATHLETIC, with an "ATHLETIC-build" & an EVER-PRESENT "THIRST" for "SPORTS-trivia".
… If I were to CREATE my-OWN "Spice-MAN", I guess I COULD-be "BRAINY-Crip" … or "WHEELS-Mind".


-- AGAIN, pain-LESS-ly, "WALKED"--to TEST my hip--to my bathroom-sink to brush my teeth … at ~11:00 this MORNING.
-- "caught" the "tail-END" of the HILARIOUS-movie 'Groundhog Day' … for my NEEDED-laughs.
(… THIS viewing got me THINKIN':
… If I could REPEAT--OVER & OVER--ONE day in my life, WHAT would it be … & WHY?  *  
-- watched--yet AGAIN--the VERY-informative film 'Lucy' … at ~noon.
-- SILENTLY-/INTERNALLY-"chastised" my Caregiver for ASS-uming he KNEW/UNDERSTOOD what I CAN/caN'T do, BEFORE I TRY!  **
-- … SILENTLY-/INTERNALLY-"chastised" my EVENING-Nurse for--ALSO--"ASS-uming" I "was up TOO-LATE" last night, … JUST 'cuz I yawned!  JEEZ!  I REALLY-wish she would JUST "feed" me & "SHUT the F--- (Expletive deleted.) up!"
-- … realized that (AUDIBLE-sigh) 
SOMETIMES, the FIRST-step towards "FORGIVENESS" is REALIZING the OTHER-person is … totally "BAT-SHIT crazy"!
-- watched 'Atonement' & TRIED-to RELATE-the MORALS/LESSONS to MY life.
-- So, TODAY was "Black Friday" … for shopping.
… "IS It RACIST?"(--'Tosh.O')


* = I'd RE-live March 15, 2003, … the date of my black belt promotion.  (… My "Professor" SURPRISED me with TWO black belts!)
I MIGHT RE-do June 6, 2003, … the date of my "high school"-graduation.  (… MY "valedictory" received PLENTY-of WIDESPREAD PRAISE & COMMENDATION!)
I MIGHT RE-"play-out" October 30, 2007, … the date of my FAVORITE/BEST/"most BENEFICIAL" "Relationship-INCEPTION".
(… She "STRENGTHENED" me throughout my injurIES.)

** = 'Twas NOT an OFFENSE worthy of MY "holding a GRUDGE".  So, after he FLAWLESSLY-aided me in my "WALK" to urinate (at ~8:00 pm), I decided that he "made-UP for it."


Thursday, November 26, 2015


Many (IGNORANT) people (FALSELY-) "ASSUME" that TODAY's holiday is ESPECIALLY-meaningful to ME, … just 'cuz I am of TURKISH-descent. 
(… AUDIBLE-sigh)  

STRANGELY, I wanna THANK my BODY … for possessing the CONTROL … to "hold-IN my URINE" (BAD, A.J.!) from my waking-UP (at 5:48 am) 'til the shift-CHANGE (at 6:00 am) … with-OUT experiencing ANY discomfort, pain or (SIGNIFICANT) urine-color change.
(… I HAD the VERY "SUB-par" Caregiver working "last NIGHT"/"this MORNING", & I NEEDED someone to "NOT step-ON my toes"! *)

… I DID compliment TODAY's Caregiver for his "GREAT-work since I switched" him to the "DAY-shift".

I am THANKFUL for having a "CHART" to "document" my "Excremental-EXTRAVAGANZAS".  It "DOCUMENTS" the DATE, TIME, SIZE & CONSISTENCY of SAID "fecal-festivities".  
… I had FORGOTTEN--as I, UN-fortunately, TEND-to DO since my accident--that I HAD--in FACT--"EVACUATED my BOWELS" the day before … TWICE in ~four hours. 
(… ''C'est la vie.'')

I "celebrated" TODAY's holiday … by--HANDILY--BEATING my mom in my FAVORITE card-game of "cribbage".  Then, we watched an episode--via "On DEMAND"--of the GREAT show, 'Limitless'.  

… I REALLY-appreciate VISITORS' company/presence.
(… HEY, y'ALL!  I doN'T bite … HARD!)


Wednesday, November 25, 2015


I should/HAFTA "give-THANKS" to/for  
& … BRAIN, … I guess.
-- my PARENTS for their UN-conditional FINANCIAL-, MORAL-, PSYCHOLOGICAL- & VERBAL-SUPPORT during/THROUGHOUT my REHAB … AND for their ASTOUNDING INTELLIGENCE-genes that "ALLOWED-me" to "DEFY ALL my Neurosurgeons' (PESSIMISTIC-) predictions".
-- my LAW- & FINANCIAL-Team(S) for their WORK to MONETARILY-"REWARD" me for ALL my HARROWING-tales.
-- my-OWN applicationS of BOTH my "Bioengineering-" & "Entrepreneurship-" knowledge toward my-OWN WELL-being.  
-- my-OWN "MARTIAL ARTS"- & WRESTLING-based (PHYSICAL-) "TOUGHNESS".-- my-OWN INCREDIBLY-HIGH metabolism for ENABLING-me to MAINTAIN my ATHLETIC-physique … in SPITE-of my IN-ability to RUN … for calisthenics … for ~7.36 YEARS!
-- my "Martial Arts"-PROFESSOR AND my 'Sempai' for UNDERSTANDING my--TEMPORARY--PHYSICAL-"limitations" & STILL-supporting AND helping me TEACH & train.

Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you'll look back 

and realize they were the big things.


ability to "COOK (DELICIOUSLY) by TASTE"))


One thing y'ALL caN'T take from me: … I AM (SEMI-) 'IRON-Man'.

My mom brought-over MANY-of my RECENT x-rays (LEFT-shoulder & LEFT-hip), MAINLY-just 'cuz I was CURIOUS … as to what-ANGLES to MANIPULATE during my EVER-present "REHAB".  
(… My LEFT-shoulder is ~40% METAL/IN-organic materialS.)I brought the x-rays of my HIP with me to my GYM, so the gym-OWNER could "give me his THOUGHTS".
(… Apparently, my HIP's in relatively-BAD "shape"!  … But, SAID "owner" DID confirm my thoughts/HOPES that "Hip REPLACEMENT-surgery" is NOT NECESSARILY "INEVITABLE".
… WHEW!)

"SCARS are a reminder that the past was REAL."
(--'Red Dragon')

… "PAIN heals.  Chicks 'dig' SCARS.  … GLORY … lasts forever."
(--QB Shane Falco, 'The Replacements')
(… EVENTUALLY, I WILL FULLY-heal/-recover.
… My "torn-UP" LEFT-shoulder is a SURPRISINGLY-FANTASTIC "ice-breaker".  *)

One of the BEST feelings in the world is KNOWING that your PRESENCE … & ABSENCE BOTH "MEAN-SOMETHING" to SOMEONE. 

… What's "taken for-GRANTED" MAY eventually be "taken-AWAY".
(… I.e. My LEGS' … STRENGTH)

"An 'opinion' with-OUT 3.14 is … MERELY an 'onion'."

(… PAUSE … for … CONFUSION.)

(… Ha ha HA!)

((… EXPLANATION: … "I have (ONLY/JUST) a THEORY … But, it's 'FAR-TOO' 'ELEGANT' to NOT-be TRUE."
(--Charlie Epps, 'NUMB3RS') 
"3.14" = ~"PI"
Subtract "PI"--LITERALLY--from "OPINION" = "ONION"))

(… Um, A.J., it's NOT funny, if/when you hafta EXPLAIN the joke.)

… MY mom--about ME: "(A.J.) was an AWKWARD-kid.  (Chuckle) But, he 'TRUSTED MATH'.  He 'felt-SAFE' with MATH."
(--Don Epps, 'NUMB3RS')

… As my "Neural-PsychoTherapist" CORRECTLY-determined, … "NUMBERS … RELAX (me).  … They put (ME) at-EASE."

… "You caN'T IMAGINE how FRUSTRATING it IS … to have an idea you're so-sure is RIGHT … & NOT be able-to EXPLAIN it."
(--Charlie Epps, MATHEMATICIAN, 'NUMB3RS')
(… I--A.J. Kaynatma--SECOND that observation, … as a SEMI-mute, FELLOW-"mathematical-GENIUS"!)


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