Wednesday, November 25, 2015

One thing y'ALL caN'T take from me: … I AM (SEMI-) 'IRON-Man'.

My mom brought-over MANY-of my RECENT x-rays (LEFT-shoulder & LEFT-hip), MAINLY-just 'cuz I was CURIOUS … as to what-ANGLES to MANIPULATE during my EVER-present "REHAB".  
(… My LEFT-shoulder is ~40% METAL/IN-organic materialS.)I brought the x-rays of my HIP with me to my GYM, so the gym-OWNER could "give me his THOUGHTS".
(… Apparently, my HIP's in relatively-BAD "shape"!  … But, SAID "owner" DID confirm my thoughts/HOPES that "Hip REPLACEMENT-surgery" is NOT NECESSARILY "INEVITABLE".
… WHEW!)

"SCARS are a reminder that the past was REAL."
(--'Red Dragon')

… "PAIN heals.  Chicks 'dig' SCARS.  … GLORY … lasts forever."
(--QB Shane Falco, 'The Replacements')
(… EVENTUALLY, I WILL FULLY-heal/-recover.
… My "torn-UP" LEFT-shoulder is a SURPRISINGLY-FANTASTIC "ice-breaker".  *)

One of the BEST feelings in the world is KNOWING that your PRESENCE … & ABSENCE BOTH "MEAN-SOMETHING" to SOMEONE. 

… What's "taken for-GRANTED" MAY eventually be "taken-AWAY".
(… I.e. My LEGS' … STRENGTH)

"An 'opinion' with-OUT 3.14 is … MERELY an 'onion'."

(… PAUSE … for … CONFUSION.)

(… Ha ha HA!)

((… EXPLANATION: … "I have (ONLY/JUST) a THEORY … But, it's 'FAR-TOO' 'ELEGANT' to NOT-be TRUE."
(--Charlie Epps, 'NUMB3RS') 
"3.14" = ~"PI"
Subtract "PI"--LITERALLY--from "OPINION" = "ONION"))

(… Um, A.J., it's NOT funny, if/when you hafta EXPLAIN the joke.)

… MY mom--about ME: "(A.J.) was an AWKWARD-kid.  (Chuckle) But, he 'TRUSTED MATH'.  He 'felt-SAFE' with MATH."
(--Don Epps, 'NUMB3RS')

… As my "Neural-PsychoTherapist" CORRECTLY-determined, … "NUMBERS … RELAX (me).  … They put (ME) at-EASE."

… "You caN'T IMAGINE how FRUSTRATING it IS … to have an idea you're so-sure is RIGHT … & NOT be able-to EXPLAIN it."
(--Charlie Epps, MATHEMATICIAN, 'NUMB3RS')
(… I--A.J. Kaynatma--SECOND that observation, … as a SEMI-mute, FELLOW-"mathematical-GENIUS"!)


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