Friday, November 20, 2015

("SHIT-BALLZ!") Am I "MAN-strating"?!

… Where are my "MAN-pons"?!

Over the course of the last ~6 hours, … I've become 
VERY MOODY/"emotionally UN-stable"/BITCHY.

(Write THIS down, 'cuz I almost-NEVER ENCOURAGE OTHERS to "RATE" MY actions/deeds.)
Y'all, please "JUDGE me":

-- Yesterday WAS Thursday, & I ALWAYS ENJOY viewing my "MARTIAL ARTS"-class.
-- I fell-ASLEEP last night RATHER-perturbed, 'cuz my favorite NBA-team was losin'-BIG, … AND I had YET to design MORE techniques for Saturday's class.
-- I woke-UP … in the "middle of the night", 'cuz my stomach was "UN-comfortably RUMBLING".  Therefore, having my "usually-MINIMAL/-LIMITED slumber" DISTURBED is … RATHER-antagonizing.
-- … I "rang" for my "Caregiver", &--as is his CASE/DEAL/MANTRA--he "took … his … TIME … in … "answering my SUMMONS". 
-- After "letting-LOOSE" of a medium-sized "BOWEL-movement", I was OVERJOYED that I could DEFINITELY-SMELL my "FECAL-contributions"!
-- … "My spirits" were FURTHER-heightened by my discovery--POST-"POOP-PARTY"--that my basketball team came-BACK & WON!  … AND, I've THOUGHT-of a NEW-technique!

… So, LADIES, I've CONCLUDED-that … this "EMOTIONAL-gamut y'ALL run-through" ~12 times per year is NOT-fun!  
"PROPS to" the FEMALE-gender for "maintaing SOME-sanity" in-SPITE-of THAT "MONTHLY emotional obstacle-course" y'ALL "undergo"/"withstand".


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