Saturday, November 14, 2015

… (SATURDAY) Using EBONICS, … "I know my 'SHIT'."

So, I took the VERY HELPFUL and INSIGHTFUL advice of the owner of my SPECTACULAR gym--"NeuroFit 360"--to IMPROVE my DAILY squats.
(… ALAS!  The forementioned-/preceding-note WAS significant … at the time I FIRST-created THIS blog-post.  But, since my LEFT-hip got INJURED, I can NO-LONGER--pain-LESS-ly "withstand" my DEEP-squats.)

… NOW, I KINDA-"just take it EASY" & LIMIT my already-MINIMAL "LEG-'work'".
I DO, however, apply my trigonometric-UNDERSTANDING to my RARE-"WALKING" & wheelchair-MANEUVERING.
PLUS, I AM "stretching" my legs … AND arms … each & EVERY morning for the last ~"WEEK & a HALF".  
(… LEFT-arm: ~105 degree STRAIGHTENED-LIFT
LEFT-leg: ~125 degree-turn/-LIFT
RIGHT-leg: ~140 degree-turn/-LIFT)

So, I MOSTLY watched NCAA football today.  … I HAFTA keep-BUSY, … & I LOVE SPORTS!

I had another … GREAT "MARTIAL ARTS"-class this morning!  
My 'SemPAI' showed TWO--of my THREE--NEW Jujitsu-/Wrestling-techniques.  
(… BOTH received "OPEN-approval/-commendations" from my Professor.)

… Speaking of whom, I'm off to a little "get-TOGETHER"/"PARTY" to watch the BIG "U.F.C." ("Ultimate Fighting Championships") FIGHTS tonight at my Professor's house.  
(… I feel PRIVILEGED that I am one of the "handful of SKILLED 'martial arts'-GUESTS" to receive an INVITE.)

… "Here goes … NUTHIN'."

In HONOR of my "SSSOLID"-day, I "bid y'ALL 'adieu'" with THIS message:
"Here's to those who wish me WELL.
Any others can … go to HELL.
(… We "CLINK" glasses.)


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