Sunday, November 29, 2015

"It's NOT about the SIZE of the dog in the FIGHT."

… "It's about the amount of 'FIGHT' in the dog."

I'm certainly-NOT the BIGGEST-"fighter".  But, I DEFINITELY "pack a 'PUNCH'".
((… As a "high school"- AND collegiate- WRESTLER, I ALWAYS wrestled in the lowER weight-classes.  (119 lb., 125 lb.--two years, 130 lb., 135 lb., 140 lb.--two years, 145 lb.))
((… I found that I GAINED MINIMAL-amounts of WEIGHT as I aged, GREW, (SEMI-)MATURED … & developed my FONDNESS-for the AFTER-effects
 of "imbibing-ALCOHOL".))

MANY people UNDER-"value" me, … JUST 'cuz they're TOO STUPID to … "ENVISION my CAPABILITIES … 'BEYOND my WHEELCHAIR'".
… THEM--to ME: (SHRUG) "I guess I underestimated you."
MY response: "Yeah, well, maybe next time you will … ESTIMATE me."

(--Jan & Michael, 'The Office')

"DISCIPLINE" is "CHOOSING between what you WANT NOW & what you WANT MOST".

… "'DISCIPLINE' is the 'bridge' between GOALS & ACCOMPLISHMENT."
(--Jim Rohn)

"You should NEVER, EVER doubt … what NO ONE's SURE-about."
(--Willy Wonka, old-school 'Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory')
(… Uuummm, excuse me, SUPPOSE-ED "NEUROSURGEONS".  Examining the OPPOSITE-end of the spectrum, y'ALL were CERTAIN-about my "LACK-of FUNCTIONALITY/COMPETENCE", EVERYONE should doubt YOUR LACK-of comprehension of MY "T.B.I."!)

I'm ALL-about "REACTION". 
I KNOW that lifestyle "goes-AGAINST" MUCH/ALL of what LIFE "preaches".  
… But, I believe a "TRUE-/ACCURATE-Test of one's CHARACTER" evaluates HOW one "REACTS to CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES in a GIVEN-situation".
… Since I doN'T EVER "start-'SHIT'"/INSTIGATE, MANY of MY "deeds"/"tasks" are actually "RE-actions".

Take-CHANCES, when you're YOUNG.  
So, you can tell-STORIES, when you're OLD.  

… "HOW many times can you get TAZED in-the-NUTS & still have KIDS?!"
(--'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen')

… In an ODD- & ABSTRACT-way, MY (TRAGICALLY) DIS-abled LEGS represent "The MATRIX of LEADERSHIP".
(--'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen')

((… EXPLANATION: In order to "bring me BACK-to 'LIFE'", I HAFTA "merge the 'MATRIX' with (MY) 'SPARK' (NERVES)".))

"I believe whatever doesN'T KILL you, … makes you … STRANGER."
(--Joker, 'The Dark Knight')
(… MY TRAGIC-accident "supplied me" with a "Traumatic Brain-Injury", … & IT has DIRECTLY-contributed GREATLY/EXTENSIVELY to my newER WEIRD-ness.) 

"I make MY-OWN 'luck'."
(--Two-Face, 'The Dark Knight')
((… Since I doN'T BELIEVE-in "COINCIDENCE", I help-DETERMINE my-OWN "SUCCESS-rate" with my-OWN (ALMOST-)INSTANTANEOUS Statistics-/Odds-/Probability-calculations.))

… It takes-AWAY "TODAY"'s PEACE.

… "You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do." 

--Eleanor Roosevelt.


First thing this morning, I HAD-to urinate (= "ACTION"), so I "buzzed" to "WALK" 'a mi 'JUAN'" (= "REACTION").  … SAID "AMBULATION" was pain-LESS (= "ACTION").  Ergo, I'll CONTINUE-to "PUSH my LIMITS" (= "REACTION"). 
Also, since my "WALKING" has NOT been BAD-for my HIP-health ("Knock on wood."), I MUST-be doin' SUMTHIN' RIGHT!  

I shaN'T LIE: I do some of my BEST, INTUITIVE, HELPFUL thinking while SEATED "above/atop my 'PORCELAIN-THRONE'".  

… E.g, I observed that my LEFT-foot APPEARS to-be NATURALLY-"turned SLIGHTLY IN"/"pigeon-toed" … at-REST.  … Since I'd NEVER had this issue PRIOR-to my ACCIDENT, I caN'T help but HYPOTHESIZE that SAID bodily-BUMMER has/had ONLY developed … POST-accident … as a "NATURAL"-tendency to create MORE-stability, when I "WALK".  

… ALSO, I concluded/reasoned that I'm really/GLEEFULLY becoming more RELAXED.  
PREVIOUSLY, I didN'T "WALK" to "GO '#2'", 'cuz my CONSTANT-nerves would "TIGHTEN my rectal-/anal-SPHINCTER", as I "WALK".
(… TMI?!) 

… "'HATE' can 'move mountains'."
(--Albert, 'A Million Ways to Die in the West')
(… Ha ha HA!  I NEEDed to watch this HILARIOUS film this morning!)  

In observing my housemate DO some of his WORK … on his laptop, I recalled that I'm … a TAD "sore" that I NEVER really LEARNED-to … "type with-OUT LOOKING at the keyboard".
(… 'FAR-keht-MESS.' = Phonetic Turkish for 'It doesN'T matter.)

I watched ALOTTA football … & 'futbol', as I typically DO … on Sundays.  
((… My favorite TURKISH-soccer team TIED.  (  : (  )
My MN Vikings WON in "American-FOOTBALL".  (  : )  )  
My (CURRENT) hometown NFL-team LOST.  (  : I  ) 
(… I doN'T really CARE about 'em.  'Tis JUST a DISCUSSION-topic, … & I'm SOCIAL.))  
My FAVORITE NFL-team BEAT the PREVIOUSLY-UNdefeated champs … in OVERTIME!  (  : (  ) 
Sooo, 'twas CLEARLY an EMOTIONAL-"UP & DOWN" day!
(… But, since I went 2-1-1, 'twas MOSTLY a GOOD-day. 
Sooo, … ''C'est la vie.'')

She ALWAYS-seems to … REEK of … (I caN'T describe it.  'Tis just UN-pleasant!) sumthin' FOUL!  
(… I doN'T MEAN to CRITICIZE her!  I'm just EXCITED that my nasal-nerbes are actually-WORKING!  
… Next step: … TASTE!)  

MY RECOVERY/RECUPERATION could VERY WELL be represented by the FILM I watched today!  
(… ONLY, I would SLIGHTLY-alter the title to … 
'Transformer (SINGULAR): RISE of the FALLEN'.)

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