Saturday, November 7, 2015

BUSY-Day of WELCOME-Visitors!

"FOLLOW your HEART!"  
… (SIGH) But, you'd might as WELL "bring your BRAIN along", … I guess.

(… Let "DISCERNMENT" be your "GUIDE" … & "MISTAKES" your "TEACHER".)


Over the course of the last "HALF-a-year" (SIX monthly-rankings), the TURKISH national soccer team has "moved-UP" in the "FIFA-rankings" from
# 52 --> 47 --> 43 --> 42 --> 37 --> 18.
(… YAY!)
Also, 'Turkiye' qualified for the "2016 European Championships" in France.
(… WOO-HOO!)

"I'm a FIRM-believer in doing something, 'cuz YOU want & NOT 'cuz somebody-ELSE does."
(--Kat, '10 Things I Hate About You')
(… The ONLY "judge" of YOUR-concern is … YOU!)

Give people MULTIPLE "chances" to "PROVE their WORTH/SKILL".  
(E.g. I DID that this morning at "Martial Arts"-class.  An instructor--with whom I haveN'T ALWAYS gotten-along--taught a GREAT-class … in PRINCIPLE.) 
(… PERSONALLY, I doN'T agree with HOW he CORRECTED the KIDS in SOME instances.  
"You're talking to me all wrong... It's the wrong tone. You 

do it again and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron."

--Clem, 'Joe Dirt')

… But, ALAS!  The 'Karateka' responded-POSITIVELY, & THAT's what MATTERS!  … "To EACH his OWN."
(… SAID teacher "won me over", by--HALF-jokingly--telling the class how I USED-to--ROUTINELY--"fake him out" with my KICKS.  … AAAHHH, GOOD-times!)

… Oh, YEAH!
AND, I had a FEW friends come-over to "ENTERTAIN -me"/"DISTRACT-me" from my SORROWS!
(… YAY!


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