Wednesday, November 18, 2015


… (ANIMATED-Gandhi, HILARIOUS 'Clone High')

"I know MATH is full-of 'ABSOLUTES', and, … UNFORTUNATELY, Life is NOT."

(--Charlie Epps, 'NUMB3RS')

“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change toward him. We need not wait to see what others do.”
(--ACTUAL REAL-life Gandhi)
MIS-quoted as    “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” 
(… We each have only-ONE "Judge" we EACH ought to IMPRESS … YOURSELF!)

"Where 'IGNORANCE' is BLISS, 'tis FOLLY to be WISE."

(--Thomas Gray)
MIS-quoted as SIMPLY             "'IGNORANCE' is BLISS."
(… I TOTALLY DIS-agree with the PRECEDING … CORRECT-quote.  I caN'T think-of ONE example-situation in which 'tis BETTER to-be "UN-knowing" than "INTELLIGENT".)

The Bible does NOT say/read "'MONEY' is the root of all-EVIL."

RATHER, 'tis "For the LOVE of money is the root of all evil" … in the "King James"-version.
(… I.e. I HAVE alotta $.  But, I feel that I'm STILL a "stand-UP", MODEL-individual, 'cuz I WAS a GREAT-person BEFORE my "monetary-BLISS".  In FACT, I doN'T like--at ALL--ANYONE who "JUDGES people" SIMPLY/ONLY by their "economic-stature".)

Voltaire is MIS-quoted as "I DIS-approve of what you say, but I will defend to the DEATH your RIGHT to say it."

'Tis ACTUALLY "Think for YOURSELVES, & let OTHERS enjoy the PRIVILEGE to do so also."   
(… I ENCOURAGE folks to read my thoughts on THIS-here blog.  But, PLEASE use my words as a "GUIDE" … of TIPS & ADVICE.)

"A WARRIOR's path is a LONELY-one."
(--'Transformers: Dark of the Moon')
(… I can/WILL SUPPORT/ATTEST-to THAT, … UN-fortunately.  I own a Karate-shirt that says/reads 

“The ends justify the means” is actually “One must consider the final result,” which really gives a very different connotation to Machiavelli's ORIGINAL statement.
(… 'Tis KIND-OF an "IF, … THEN"-statement: 
"IF one FULLY-accounts for ALL-factors, THEN one's conclusion is deemed LEGITIMATE.")

"BORING-stuff' happens in an 'OFFICE'.

'EXCITING-stuff' happens in a … 'HEADQUARTERS'."
(--Brian, 'Limitless')
(… Ergo, MY "laptop & table in my room" SHALL-be known as 
"A.J.'s 'HEADQUARTERS' of Humorous 'High-jumping of Hurdles' w/ a Humdrum of Hydrogenated-Hiccuping".)(… "Alliteration Aside", Altan is Amazing!)

"Hey, hospitals doN'T just GIVE-AWAY bandaids, unless they're NEEDED.  THAT is a medical-LAW!"
(--Leonard, 'The Big Bang Theory')
(… Since I did NOT receive a "BANDAID" after my shoulder-SURGERY, does THAT mean 'twas NOT-NECESSARY?!)
(… Judging by the LOOK of the resulting-SCAR, I'd say that SAID-"surgery" WAS--in FACT--"NEEDED" … & MESSY.)


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