Thursday, November 12, 2015

"Do YOU … UNDUHSTAND … the WORDS … that are com in outta my MOUF?!"'

… (--Carter, 'Rush Hour')
'Tis NOT like I'm speaking JAPANESE!
(… THAT'll come at my "MARTIAL ARTS"-class this evening.)

… Yes, I USED-to KNOW/SPEAK/UNDERSTAND SOME Japanese.  (… Pretty-much ONLY the words that deal with MARTIAL ARTS)
((… E.g.
'tobe' ('TOH-bay') = 'jump'
'mawari' ('mah-WAH-ree') = 'spinning'
'ushido' ('oo-SHEE-doh') = 'back'
'geri' ('GEH-ree') = 'kick')
… 'tobe mawari ushido geri' --> 'JUMPING, spinning back-kick'
(… Fellow-'Karateka' would RARELY "see it comin'", when I would "UNLEASH" a JUMPING, SPINNING leg-THRUST into their gutS.)

… 'Tis quite-ODD that I SPEAK/SAY "FOREIGN-words" more-CLEARLY than I do with "words of my 'native-TONGUE'" (English).  

So, my Speech-Therapist COMPLIMENTS me on my IMPROVING-pronunciation!
However, she & I BOTH have noticed that my ENUNCIATION is BETTER with FOREIGN-words.
(… For ME, that'd MOSTLY be Turkish OR Spanish OR Japanese.)
NEITHER of us could pinpoint WHY! 
(… MY guess is … that "ENGLISH" has too-MANY "rules" … regarding its PRONUNCIATION.)
(WARNING) After a SEMI-long "excretory-drought" (~75.5 hours), I've "released TWO DIFFERENT FECAL-bombs" in ~1.5 hours.
(… "THEY" come in BUNCHES.)

My mom decided to "invite-HERSELF over" today … WITH my aunt & uncle, … so 'twas FORGIVABLE.  "NOSY-ROSY" that she IS, she read MY schedule.  … She saw "AJ -- S.T."  So, she just ASSUMED/"JUMPED to the (FALSE) CONCLUSION 'twas something FAR-WORSE/-"more PAINFUL": She actually SAID to my aunt … who IS a LONGTIME registered-NURSE …       
"I THOUGHT he had a 'Sexually-Transmitted Disease'!"  ("S.T.D.") 
… C'MON, Mom!  I thought … & HOPED … you had a LITTLE-MORE confidence in my DECISION-MAKING!


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