Sunday, November 1, 2015

In an effort to be more like my CINEMATIC--so, FICTIONAL--hero, 'Rain Man',

... I just gonna RANDOMLY count stuff … to apply ANY0KIND of MATHEMATICS/NUMBERS to … ANYTHING & EVERYTHING!
So, as I was brushing my teeth just now, I noticed that there are NINE NON-permanent items/containers on my bathroom-counter.
(… "Yeah, definitely.  … DEFINITELY."
--Raymond, 'Rain Man')
-- ONE of my three communication-boards
-- my toothbrush-holder
-- my liquid hand-soap container
-- my "bar of soap"-holder
-- my basket of mouth-swabs
-- my tube of toothpaste
-- disinfectant spray
-- my container of (CLEAN/UN-used) Q-tips
-- my electric-razor

… (WARNING) At ~3:15 this MORNING, I "went '#2'" … in my TOILET.
Y'all (as "Susanna" of 'Rain Man') to ME (as 'Rain Man'): (Italian accent) "How did that FEEL?"
ME (as "Raymond"): "… WET."
(… Of course, in the film, the two are evaluating their KISS.  I'm merely discussing my SEMI-solid "bowel-EVACUATION".)

So, my Adaptive, Awesome And Amazingly-Athletic ((… And Aesthetically-Appealing to Any And All "'A-'Adams" ('NON'-Adams = FE-males) … "Alliteration aside."--Peter LaFleur, 'Dodgeball')) body has REALLY-been showing some PROMISING-indicators that it's "TURNING a corner"!
(… My CONTINUOUSLY-improving lingual-/tongue-movement, -strength & -dexterity; my BIO-physics-applications; my CREATIVE jujitsu-technique designs; my innovative time-MANAGEMENT …)

So, AFTER my "excretory-EXTRAVAGANZA", I could NOT "fall BACK asleep", 'cuz I'm "psychologically-"STRANGE"/"UN-stable".
(… I am NOT-hesitant to ADMIT that I'm VERY WEIRD & ODD.)
… 'Tis MY ENIGMATIC-quirks & UNIQUE-idiosyncracies that DISTINGUISH me … as an "ANOMALY".
…  Since I've EMBRACED/"HARNESSED", HIGHLIGHTED & "CULTIVATED" said "altruisms", they've helped "LEAD"/"GUIDE" me through these (EMOTIONALLY) "PAIN-stakingly" TOUGH, (PSYCHOLOGICALLY) "MIND-numbingly" confusing & (SOCIALLY) "PARIAH-like" lonely times.
(… So, KEEP it UP. A.J.!)

(… "THAT's what SHE said!")
(… A.J. gets the "assist" on the "SCORE" by Altan!)
(… Altan: "It's just TOO-EASY!")

On a LESS-than "UPPITY-note", let's HOPE my SUNDAY-Caregiver has a BETTER-than-USUAL day, 'cuz his IN-consistency & LACK-of COMMON sense are REALLY … gettin' on my NERVES!

… QUESTION: Is it SO-DIFFICULT (for HIM) to "GRASP the CONCEPT" of MY being "a MYSTERY … wrapped in an ENIGMA"(--Jerry, 'Seinfeld')?!

"Every rule, every chart, every geeky statistic in a game 

book or module feeds into this impulse. All those details 

allow us to take apart existence, look at the individual parts, 

figure out how they work, and put them back together. Some 

people relieve stress by getting drunk or high and losing 

control; nerds find comfort by taking control and applying 

structure. Logic is like a warm blanket." 

--David M. Ewalt, 'Of Mice and Men'

When I--AGAIN--gain the proper/NECESSARY MANUAL-control, I'd LIKE-to start eating "candy-/chocolate-bars … with a KNIFE & FORK" … a la George Costanza on 'Seinfeld'.
((… ME--to y'ALL: (AUDIBLE-sigh) "How do YOU eat it?  With your HANDS?!"(--George)
(… Of course, I doN'T/didN'T really eat MUCH "JUNK food" … out-of PRINCIPLE.)
(… I think the 'twas the COMBINATION-of my wrestling-DISCIPLINE, my CONSTANT-STRIVING for ATHLETIC-betterment & my BIOmedical-knowledge that LIMITED my CONSUMPTION of various CANDIES/TREATS/"JUNK". 

'Tis EXCELLENT that my FAVORITE sports-teams have been playing BETTER lately!
However, 'tis TERRIBLE that my general-mood is (USUALLY) so EASILY-influenced by the athletic-PROWESS of a FEW SELECT "sports-COMRADES"!

… WHY?!
1) I DO enjoy OCCASIONALLY (NOT-always) sleeping-IN, RELAXING & generally NOT-having many time-CONSTRAINTS … on ANYTHING!
2) For as HARD as I CONSTANTLY "WORK" on EVERY weekday, 'tis CALMING/SOOTHING to ENJOY that "~28.57% DAYS "/"~83.33% TOTAL-HOURS"/"100% AWAKE-MINUTES" are spent "'WORKING' toward my 'RECOVERY'"!
3) I SOMETIMES have VARIOUS SOCIAL-events: brunch-OUT, pool-PARTIES, MOVIE-viewings, FRIENDLY-gatherings, etc.
4) I ALWAYS watch YOUNG 'Karateka''s demonstrating & applying (usually-MY) Jujitsu-techniques … into their-OWN MMA-sparring.
Saturday = NCAA
Sunday = NFL
turkish 'FUTBOL' = Nat'l team, 'SuperLeg'

2) My MAIN-nurse--whoM I really RESPECT & ADMIRE--has Saturday & Sunday "OFF".

(… Well, 5 "PRO"s "outweigh" 2 "CON"s.  So, I guess I've just "GOTTA suck it UP".
C'mon, A.J.  "ROLL with the PUNCHES.")

As my SUNDAY-Caregiver was leaving just now (at 6:03 pm), I told him:
"TODAY went pretty-WELL.  Just REMEMBER-to ALWAYS check with me FIRST."

(… THAT's my MAIN-issue/COMPLAINT … "in a nutshell".) 


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