Monday, November 23, 2015

Making DECISIONS … & ADJUSTMENTS-to the imminent-CHANGES:

When "factoring-IN" ALL aspects/"factors", I must/DO consider 
Sir Isaac Newton's "THIRD Law of Motion":

"For EVERY action, there is an EQUAL & OPPOSITE RE-action."

(… "When you understand PHYSICS, … you understand EVERYTHING."
--DR. Sheldon Cooper, PHYSICS-Professor, 'The Big Bang Theory')

… Before EVERY time I get-READY to "WALK", I--FIRST--lean/swing FORWARD to utilize the "Law of Angular-MOMENTUM" to PROPERLY-/SAFELY-STAND alongside my WALKER.

… I utilized THIS LOGICAL "PHYSICS-/TRIGONOMETRY-application", BEFORE/AS I "WALKED" "~60 feet"/"~720 inches"/"~20 yards" ACROSS my GYM … this "PRE-vening".

Is it BAD/WRONG/SHORT-sighted that I've ALREADY kinda-SELECTED (in my MIND) my Halloween-costume for NEXT YEAR?!

In lieu of my INJURED--but IMPROVING--left-hip, I CONSTANTLY HAFTA-decide whether to "WALK" … & LEAN-on it … OR to "take the EASY-way out" & "ride" in my CHAIR.
… 'Por ejemplo', TODAY I decided-to "WALK" into & out-of "NeuroFit 360".  I made-SURE to weight-SHIFT through my HIPS, & keep my eyes looking-UP.  

I'm STILL "debating" with my MAIN-Nurse & my mom over WHAT-to DO with my newEST Caregiver/employEE.  
(… Ya see, I KNOW that he's an "UTTER-WASTE of time, energy & MY-money!  But, my mother "BITCHES-"/COMPLAINS-about the NECESSARY-WORK in/for finding & training a NEW "worker".  
… 'Tis VERY-true.  BUT, he REALLY "SUCKS … at LIFE"!
((… I've been TRYIN'-to "give him TIME" to "RIGHT his WRONGS".  But, (AUDIBLE-sigh) it REALLY seems-like he's gettin' WORSE!
… I hafta "weigh the 'TROUBLE'": What's WORSE/"more SERIOUS"--MY UN-happiness … OR … THEIR search-for a SUITABLE-replacement?!
… "At FIRST"/"A couple WEEKS ago", I succumbed to my SYMPATHY/EMPATHY & ADMITTED to my mom that HER work/effort WAS VALUED/appreciated.  But, as said-"employee" CONTINUES-to "PISS me the F--- off", I'm "leaning-MORE toward" MY DIS-content.
((… I.e. TONIGHT I SCREAMED!  … How MANY times have I (AND "LOGIC") explained that 'tis NOT-comfortable, when HE … STEPS-on my F---IN' TOES?!))

"Just 'cuz I LOOK a certain-WAY on the OUTSIDE, does NOT mean I'm the SAME-way on the INSIDE."
(… EX-ternally, I'm a SEMI-mute "CRIPPLE".

… "'HOW-do YOU juggle it ALL?'  You" (ALL) "ask.  
Well, the trick IS … you LEARN … as you go."

… "There's ALWAYS … HOPE.
(--SUPERGIRL, 'Supergirl')

"PEACE, … LOVE … & MATH, (A.J. Kaynatma)"
(--Charlie Epps, BRILLIANT mathematician, 'NUMB3RS')


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