Friday, November 27, 2015

LATELY, … "Friday"'s KIND-been my "OFF-day".

Even though my "eye-doctor" says my vision has "definitely-IMPROVED", my "astigmatism" lately has REALLY been BOTHERING-me!  

"Astigmatism is a vision problem that causes objects to appear distorted and blurry. It often affects both distance and near vision. It is the most common vision problem and it may occur with nearsightedness and farsightedness."

"DoN'T let ANYONE EVER tell you … 'you doN'T deserve what you WANT'!"
(--Patrick, 'Ten Things I Hate About You')

"I doN'T LIKE to DO what other people EXPECT."
(--Cat, 'Ten Things I Hate About You') 

If I were a "Spice Girl"--STRICTLY by/in NAME, I'd be "SPORTY-Spice".  I--HYPOTHETICALLY--"anointed" myself thus, 'cuz I'm VERY-ATHLETIC, with an "ATHLETIC-build" & an EVER-PRESENT "THIRST" for "SPORTS-trivia".
… If I were to CREATE my-OWN "Spice-MAN", I guess I COULD-be "BRAINY-Crip" … or "WHEELS-Mind".


-- AGAIN, pain-LESS-ly, "WALKED"--to TEST my hip--to my bathroom-sink to brush my teeth … at ~11:00 this MORNING.
-- "caught" the "tail-END" of the HILARIOUS-movie 'Groundhog Day' … for my NEEDED-laughs.
(… THIS viewing got me THINKIN':
… If I could REPEAT--OVER & OVER--ONE day in my life, WHAT would it be … & WHY?  *  
-- watched--yet AGAIN--the VERY-informative film 'Lucy' … at ~noon.
-- SILENTLY-/INTERNALLY-"chastised" my Caregiver for ASS-uming he KNEW/UNDERSTOOD what I CAN/caN'T do, BEFORE I TRY!  **
-- … SILENTLY-/INTERNALLY-"chastised" my EVENING-Nurse for--ALSO--"ASS-uming" I "was up TOO-LATE" last night, … JUST 'cuz I yawned!  JEEZ!  I REALLY-wish she would JUST "feed" me & "SHUT the F--- (Expletive deleted.) up!"
-- … realized that (AUDIBLE-sigh) 
SOMETIMES, the FIRST-step towards "FORGIVENESS" is REALIZING the OTHER-person is … totally "BAT-SHIT crazy"!
-- watched 'Atonement' & TRIED-to RELATE-the MORALS/LESSONS to MY life.
-- So, TODAY was "Black Friday" … for shopping.
… "IS It RACIST?"(--'Tosh.O')


* = I'd RE-live March 15, 2003, … the date of my black belt promotion.  (… My "Professor" SURPRISED me with TWO black belts!)
I MIGHT RE-do June 6, 2003, … the date of my "high school"-graduation.  (… MY "valedictory" received PLENTY-of WIDESPREAD PRAISE & COMMENDATION!)
I MIGHT RE-"play-out" October 30, 2007, … the date of my FAVORITE/BEST/"most BENEFICIAL" "Relationship-INCEPTION".
(… She "STRENGTHENED" me throughout my injurIES.)

** = 'Twas NOT an OFFENSE worthy of MY "holding a GRUDGE".  So, after he FLAWLESSLY-aided me in my "WALK" to urinate (at ~8:00 pm), I decided that he "made-UP for it."


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