Saturday, November 21, 2015

(SATURDAY) ALAS! "Another one bites the dust."

'Tis yet-ANOTHER day that COULD have been quite-AWFUL.  But, I "CHOSE-to" "put a POSITIVE & PRODUCTIVE spin on it", 'cuz … "THAT's just … what I DO" … as an 

So, my day BEGAN rather-earlIER than expected, SIMPLY-'cuz "Nature called my BLADDER" at ~5:35 this morning.  
As SLEEPY as I was, BOTH my "SELF-drive for IMPROVEMENT" AND "urinary-tension" were too GREAT/"STRONG" to IGNORE.  So, I "ROSE from bed", "caravanned-over" to my toilet ("'Tis better SAFE than SORRY" with my SORE-LEFT-hip.), "secreted some urine" into ''mi 'JUAN'' & returned to my "zone of DANGER"/BED.
… After ~ten minutes of "NOT 'falling BACK asleep", I TRIED a few "EXERCISES": 
1) "LAPTOP-activity" did NOT "work".  
2) THINK-about "Z"s.
(… SURPRISINGLY, that DID SEMI-"instigate" some "'SHEEP'-rustling".)
3) CaN'T go-WRONG with some … "CALISTHENICS"!
(… How 'bout 100 crunches?!  
… STILL "NOT sleepy?!
… Ok, BEAST.  I guess your day STARTS.)

"Martial Arts"-class was--AGAIN--GREAT!
My 'Sempai' ONLY demonstrated two of my FOUR NEW techniques.  He said that he didN'T show the OTHER two, 'cuz they MIGHT-be "TOO-advanced for TODAY".
(… 'C'est la vie.'  "ALL in good-TIME.") 

… Of MY techniques he DID show, my "PROFESSOR" complimented BOTH.  The 'Karateka' seemed-to "GRASP"/UNDERSTAND/"APPLY" BOTH … very-WELL.
(… On ONE technique, my 'assistant-INSTRUCTOR' recommended a FANTASTIC-alteration.  … NATURALLY, I obliged.)

I've NEVER "reacted"/"responded", when my Weekend-/Evening-Nurse makes one of her (blatantly-WRONG) SPORTS-observations.  So, WHY does she CONTINUE-to make 'em?!

… I caN'T/shouldN'T be RUDE, & tell her that her "OPINIONS" are both … RIDICULOUSLY-STUPID & flat-out WRONG!
(… Was THAT her PLAN … ALL-along?!)

I'm goin' OUT to the Miami Heat basketball game tonight … with my housemate--an EX-"high school b-ball" player himself.
(… After a FULL-day of ATHLETIC-disappointments today, I'd REALLY-appreciate SUMTHIN' about-which to CHEER!)


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