Saturday, November 28, 2015

"'LEARNING' is always a PAINFUL-process."

… --Lucy, 'Lucy'

… BEST-/#1-example of "LEARNING-pain" =
March 15, 2003 = My Black Belt Test:
During MY-OWN 'Shodan'- ('BEGINNING-degree') "TEST", I DISLOCATED my RIGHT-shoulder while "SPARRING". 
(… OUCH!)
Nonetheless, I "SUCKED-it UP" & COMPLETED the "FOUR-hour"-"e-VALUE-ation" … 'cuz "THAT's just what I DO".  

… On July 6, 2008, (I have a SPOTTY, "piss-POOR" memory!  … So, HOW/WHY do I remember THAT?!  
I recall that the DATE 'twas on 07/06/08.
(… But, THAT's just ME.)
(… I SHRUG.)

So, I GREATLY-appreciate the INVITATION from my "Martial Arts"-PROFESSOR to attend a "Black Belt TEST" in three weeks.
(… I HAFTA-correct MYSELF: SAID "test" is ONLY "~THREE" hours … NOT "~FOUR", as I THINK I previously-stated.)
(… 'Tis "THREE hours" … NON-stop … of an INTENSE-workout!)
(… 'Tis … ALMOST … as much of a MENTAL-"gauntlet" as 'tis a "PHYSICAL-challenge"(--'What Would You Do?')

A youngER fellow FRATERNITY-member ('Sigma Alpha Epsilon') RECENTLY-visited my housemate (& stayed at/in my house) & sent a BOX of PEARS as a "THANKS".
(… ME: "AWESOME!")

OUTSIDE-of CO-teaching or just "VIEWING & COMMENTING-on" Karate-/Jujitsu-class, I spend MOST-of my SaturdayS pretty-much watchin' ALOTTA college-football.

ME--as Lucy, from 'Lucy':"It's funny, I used to be so 

concerned with who I was and what I wanted to be, 

and now that I have access to the 

furthest reaches of my brain, I see things clearly and realize 

that what makes us "us" — it's primitive. They're all 

obstacles. Does that make any sense?

Like this pain you're experiencing. It's blocking you from 

understanding. All you know now is pain. That's all you know, 


(… THANKFULLY, I doN'T really experience "PAIN", … 'cuz 

of my "DEADENED"-nerves.  THUS, there is VIRTUALLY-

NOTHING to "BLOCK (MY) understanding".)

"… I don't feel pain fear desire. It's like all things 

that make us human are fading away. It's like the less 

human I feel, all this knowledge about everything

quantum physics, applied mathematics, the infinite 

capacity of the cell's nucleus, they're all exploding 

inside my brain. All this knowledge. I don't know what to 

do with it."

ME: "  We've codified our existence to bring it down to 

human size, to make it comprehensible, we've created a 

scale so we can forget its unfathomable scale."

( If I BELIEVED-in "RECREATIONAL-drugs", I'd "get 

SO-HIGH" while watching this film.)

"… TIME is the only true unit of measure, it gives proof to the 

existence of matter.  Without time, we don’t exist."

ME: "'IGNORANCE'  brings chaos,  NOT knowledge."

(… THIS explains WHY I can-NOT comprehend "STUPIDITY".  IGNORANT and/or UN-wise people ONLY frustrate, confuse & UPSET me!)

P.S. In the time BETWEEN my GLORIOUS-"Christening" on March 15, 2003 & my DEVASTATING "Tragic 'Down-FALL'" (PUN?!) on July 6, 2008, I …


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