Monday, November 2, 2015

(SONG) "These are my CONFESSIONS!"

… (ONLY, REPLACE "confessions" with "REFLECTIONS".)

"'HAPPINESS' is NOT something READY-made.
IT comes from your-OWN actions."
(--Dalai Lama)

My "LACK-of patience" HAS-to be ANNOYING/AGGRAVATING to MOST-people.  
((… It's frustrating to ME!  So, I can only-IMAGINE the DIS-comfort that OUTSIDERS/OTHERS experience!  (  : (  ) ))


My uncle emailed me this article.  I couldN'T HELP but NOTICE how eerily-FAMILIAR the story is/WAS:  

(… "Copy + Paste".)
(… 'Tis about a young, SEMI-foreign MATH-prodigy/ACADEMIC-"visionary" with a "laundry-list" of extracurricular-FEATS … INCLUDING a "STORIED-group" of "martial arts"-awards.)

Well, I'm in a rather- … GREAT mood this "noon-time"!
(… Here's WHY: 
-- I watched my FAVORITE "American-FOOTBALL" team--the Denver Broncos--"SPANK" the PREVIOUSLY-undefeated Green Bay Packers last night, 29-10!
-- I watched the (LOCAL) Miami Heat basketball team "complete a MIRACULOUS 41-point turnaround" in its WIN last night!  (… DOWN 20 to 21-point WIN)
-- (WARNING) … SPORTS aside, I "evacuated my bowels" … INTO 'mi JUAN' … this morning … for the second-CONSECUTIVE day!  (… ~29.5 HOURS apart)
-- I JUST watched TWO-consecutive AWESOME episodes of one of my FAVORITE TV-shows--'NUMB3RS'!
(… BIG-surprise that I'm OBSESSED-with a show about the IMPORTANCE of QUANTIFYING … EVERYTHING!)
(… Did y'all notice/detect my BLATANT-SARCASM?)
-- I--officially--BEGAN my "workout-HOMEWORK" by doing 40 FULL-situps this morning--AFTER my THREE "MORNING-feedings"!
-- My Neural PsychoTherapist actually CALLED-ME to reschedule the TIME of TOMORROW's appointment.

"I've come-to REALIZE that my efforts to SIMPLIFY my life are starting to make everything more-COMPLICATED."
(--Dr. Larry Fleinhardt, 'NUMB3RS')

… HOWEVER, my much-NEEDED "break"/rest from PRACTICING MY "WALKING" was WELL-deserved/-BENEFICIAL!
-- This MORNING I "TRIED"/"experimented-with" (NOT with my SEXUALITY) my "WALKING".
-- I was so "CALM, COOL & COLLECTED" during my "morning-'WALK'" to brush my teeth, 
… that 'twas one-of my BEST "WALKS" in recent-memory!
(… pain-LESS, CONTROLLED, QUALITY-turns, NOT "pigeon-toed")
… I returned to "NeuroFit 360" this afternoon … for a GLORIOUS pain-FREE "LEG … & Sit-up WORKOUT"!
… "Sometimes 'LIFE' … gives you a SECOND-chance."
(--'Burnt' movie-trailer)
(… I USED-to be a PHENOMENAL-cook!  … I STILL AM!  But, I'm NOW just far-MORE/ACTUALLY dependent-upon RECIPES, since I--TEMPORARILY--caN'T TASTE … to EVALUATE my "WORK".)
(… Also, the fact that I'm ALIVE … & "FUN-CTIONING" PROVES that "LIFE" took MERCY-on my MIS-fortune!)
(… So, I am very, very, VERY INTERESTED-in viewing this UPCOMING-film!)

My housemate--after witnessing my RECENT-"WALKING"--about ME: 
"That's simply what he DOES--INSPIRE the UN-inspired."
(--Gwen, 'Van Wilder')

"PART-of being your-OWN MAN … is knowing WHEN-to accept 'HELP'."
(--Kara, 'Supergirl')

I was--yet-AGAIN--COMPELLED-to EXPRESS my INNER-thoughts through a "REVISION" of a POPULAR-song.

 (Song-"BASE" lyrics:)
('CONFESSIONS' by Usher)

Every thing that I've been doing is all bad
I got a chick on the side with a crib and a ride
I've been telling you so many lies ain't nothing good it's all bad
And I just wanna confess 'cause it's been going on so long
Girl I've been doing you so wrong and I want you to know that
Every thing that I've been doing is all bad
I got a chick on the side with a crib and a ride
I've been telling you so many lies ain't nothing good it's all bad
And I just wanna confess 'cause it's been going on so long
Girl I've been doing you so wrong and I want you to know that
[Verse 1]
Everytime I was in L.A. I was with my ex-girlfriend
Everytime you called I told you,
"Baby I'm working." (No!)
I was out doing my dirt (Oh!)
Wasn't thinkin' 'bout you gettin' hurt
(I) was hand in hand in the Beverly Center like man
Not givin' a damn who sees me
So gone (I know)
So wrong (just listen)
Acting like I didn't have you sittin' at home
Thinkin' about me
Bein' a good girl that you are
But you probably believe you got a good man
I man that never would do the things I'm about to tell you I've done
Brace yourself
It ain't good
But it would be even worse if you heard this from somebody else


[Verse 2]
if I could turn back the hands of time and start all over I would
stead of everything being all bad beby everything will be all good
I don’t wanna lose you but I know what I'm telling you ain't gonna’ make you wanna stay, probably just make you run away or
mad enough to punch me in my face
I've been living like an idiot and I deserve every bit of it
I know, today is the day that I end all the lying and the playing and the bullshit
Girl, I'm sorry baby I'm sorry
But I can no longer walk around with this stress on my chest
I confess...


Can you break it down....

[Harmonica playing]

[Chorus fades out]

(MY version … entitled 'LIMITATIONS' … to the SAME-tune:)

"I did ONE thing--among many--that was so BAD.
I was drivin' home from CLASS, but my tire was like GLASS.
I was tryin' to do too much, but I was just ''hurtin' MYSELF''.
And, it took a 'death-SCARE' to 'RIGHT my WRONGS'.
Legs, I never APPRECIATED your strength I'll ad-MIT.
Now my BRAIN's feelin' that LACK-of RESPECT.
I know it seems CRASS.  But, I need a ''piece o' ASS''.
But, my 'WHEELS' & letter-board 'scare girls AWAY'!
Well, I just wanna reveal I'm 'MORE than meets the EYE'.
Girls, I've been so LONELY, & you've GOTTA-know THAT!

EVERY-time a thought 'creeps-into my head', I lift my HAND,
As if to say, 'Now, I must de-CLARE.'
'No pain.  But, I'm TRYING!'  (NO!)
I only close my EYES  (OH!)
To ''keep 'em on the PRIZE''!
My steps make the floor 'RUMBLE', … so, I GRUMBLE.
Not givin' a DAMN who hears me
So mad!  (You KNOW.)
So OW!  (Just LISTEN.)
Acting like the pain ''ain't that BAD''
Thinkin' about the END.
Bein' the OPTIMIST I AM,
I 'see the LIGHT at the END of the TUNNEL'.
C'mon, A.J.  Use your BIO-physics to support what you DO.
BRACE yourself!
This aiN'T EASY.
But, it'd be so much WORSE, if I wereN'T so SMART.

If I could ''hit 'REWIND'' to one MORNING, I WOULD.
'Stead of my legs ''SUCKIN'', they'd both be GOOD.
I'm NOT crazy in a BAD-way.  I'm just mentally-BEEEYOND-
DoN'T shy-AWAY from ME.
I doN'T bite … HARD.
I've been treated like a 'TOOL', & I doN'T deserve ANY of it!
I dream of the days I'll go WALKING & TALKING & 'SHIT'!
I'm sorry I'm NOT-sorry!
I struggle-to 'fight-THROUGH' this CONSTANT-DOUBT.
ALAS, I continue."

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