Friday, July 31, 2015

HOPEFULLY, the SMALL "wins" NOW "add-up" …


So, I BEGAN my day a TAD EARLY (at ~5:55 am), 'cuz THAT's just how I am.
(The "shift-CHANGE" is at 6:00 am, so I EVEN beat THAT!)

make a man HEALTHY, WEALTHY & WISE."
(--Benjamin Franklin, FOUNDER of "University of Pennsylvania"--my ESTEEMED college)

((… Well, SHIT!  I'm, TYPICALLY, "A BIT of a 'NIGHT-OWL'".
I DO tend-to NOT "sleep-IN" … 'cuz my DAMN-mind REFUSES-to "CHILLAX"!
OTHER-THAN my VERY FAULTY, TRAUMATIZED LEGS & UNRELIABLE, "SPOTTY" MEMORY, I'm in "TIP-TOP" SHAPE!  NOT-to brag, but I am … BEYOND a "VERY-comfortable" financial "state-of-AFFAIRS".
I've "LONG" (WAY PRE-accident) "DAZZLED people" with MY UN-believable--yet UN-mistakeable--INTELLIGENCE … of too-MANY areas/topics/issues/subjects.))
… Ergo,

"'LATE to BED' + 'EARLY to RISE' make da' man (ME)
(5/8) HEALTHY, (9/8) WEALTHY & (7/4) WISE".
(--Benji FrankAY w/ editing by YOURS TRULY)

I DID "earn" a "'SMALL' (TEMPORARY) win", when my MAIN-nurse recently told me that--since my EXTERNAL stomach-bleeding was a RANDOM-/FLUKE-occurence … As I SAID/NOTED/INSISTED, ... my "G.I. 'Doctor'" will WAIT to "DRILL YET ANOTHER/NEW HOLE in my stomach"/"RE-place the 'G-tube'-site".

… I discussed with my MAIN-nurse WHAT I STILL MUST-DO/-WITHSTAND … regarding SAID "G-tube"-area:
-- Practice EXTREME-"care for"/-"protection of" the site … WITH a THICK/HEAVY "BACK-brace/-support" wrapped-AROUND my LOWER-"trunk" … that I, ACTUALLY, use ONLY to "CUSHION" my "PEG-tube"-area & NOT to SUPPORT my back.
-- Wait (SIGH!  "STORY of MY rehab-program") for the INEVITABLE RE-"drilling" of a (NEW) "peg-HOLE" … in my stomach.

I did ALOTTA PHENOMENAL/AWE-INSPIRING/ACTUAL WALKING @ "NeuroFit 360" TODAY!  … I WALKED-across the LENGTH of the training-facility (~120 feet) … with ONLY a CANE-like pole--to LEAN-on … & the owner standing-BESIDE me--as a SAFETY-precaution.

… So, after a "LONG & EVENTFUL day" of "WALKING", TALKING & "BALKING"--at my UN-fortunate/IMPENDING "Gastro-Intestinal" "INEVITABILITIES",
"I bid you 'ADIEU'.

I SHOULD've LED/BEGUN with this:

("Thank Goodness It's Friday!")

Needless to say, I've GREATLY-APPRECIATED my RECENT visitors!
((… "The CREATOR" (--'The Matrix Reloaded') … of MY BLOG … stopped-by THURSDAY … for the FIRST-time in a LONG-while!))

… My greeting to EACH & EVERY visitor of mine:
(… OF COURSE, A.J. speaks in THIRD-person, & he refers to himself/THEMSELVES as a COLLECTIVE-group.)
"You see US as you WANT-to see us … in the SIMPLEST-terms, in the most CONVENIENT-definitions.  But, what WE found is that EACH-one of US ("The ROYAL 'we'.  The EDITORIAL …"--The DUDE, 'The Big Lebowski') is a 'BRAIN' … & an 'ATHLETE' … & a 'BASKET-CASE' … a 'PRINCESS' (… I FLAIL my hair BACK … & FORTH.) … & a 'CRIMINAL'."
(--'The Breakfast Club')


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Am I … a "BI-"?!


"ALAS!  "I'm NOT an 'AMBI-turner.  (sniffle) I caN'T turn LEFT."
(--Derek, 'Zoolander')

EVERY/EACH person has a "PREFERRED"/"FAVORED" side.

"According to the theory of left-brain or right-brain dominance, each side of the brain controls different types of thinking. Additionally, people are said to prefer one type of thinking over the other. For example, a person who is 'LEFT-brained' is often said to be more logical, analytical, and objective. A person who is 'RIGHT-brained' is said to be more intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective.
In psychology, the theory is based on the lateralization of brain function.

In one study by researchers at the University of Utah, more than 1,000 participants had their brains analyzed in order to determine if they preferred using one side over the other. The study revealed that while activity was sometimes higher in certain critical regions, both sides of the brain were essentially equal in their activity on average.
'It’s absolutely true that some brain functions occur in one or the other side of the brain. Language tends to be on the left, attention more on the right. But people don’t tend to have a stronger left- or right-sided brain network. It seems to be determined more connection by connection,' explained the study's lead author Dr. Jeff Anderson.
While the idea of right brain / left brain thinkers has been debunked, its popularity persists. So what exactly did this theory suggest?
In psychology, the theory is based on the lateralization of brain function. So does one side of the brain control specific functions? Are people either left-brained or right-brained? Like many popular psychology myths, this one grew out of observations of the human brain that were then dramatically distorted and exaggerated.
The right brain-left brain theory originated in the work of Roger W. Sperry, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1981."
(--Kendra Cherry--Psychology Expert, 'Left Brain vs Right Brain', 'About Education')

The left-side of the brain is considered to be adept at tasks that involve logic, language, and analytical thinking. The left-brain is described as being better at CERTAIN/SPECIFIC aspects:
  • -- Language
  • -- LOGIC
  • -- Critical thinking
  • -- NUMBERS
( I've CAPITALIZED the "areas"/"fields"/"specializations"--in "CAPS"--that INDICATE why/how I'm  a TAD MORE  "LEFT-brain 'DOMINANT'".   THIS "theory" makes-SENSE, 'cuz 
1) The nerves PROJECTING from each NEURAL-hemisphere cross at the "MEDULLA",  causing the LEFT-side of the brain to "control" the RIGHT-side of the body  & vice-versa.
2) The RIGHT-side of my ENTIRE-body is my STRONGER-/PREFERRED-side.
(( I WRITE, THROW, "FIX my GLASSES", comb my hair, brush my teeth &  "WIPE my ASS" with my RIGHT-hand.  I KICK soccer balls, KICK fellow-'Karateka' (in the FACE!), SWIM strongER, PUSH hardER on the "bike" at "NeuroFit 360" with my RIGHT-leg.))

( As BAD/TOUGH as my injurIES make my life NOW, things COULD've been exponentially-WORSE, if I'd have had extensive-damage to the LEFT-hemisphere of my BRAIN.   THEN, I'd hold this 'Remember the Titans' football-CHANT in a lot LESS-regard:
"STRONG-side!  LEFT-side!   STRONG-side!  LEFT-side!")

So, since I was DRIVING (So, I was in the front-LEFT seat of my S.U.V.) on/along a POPULAR highway,--at ~1.1667 miles/minute (= ~70 miles/hour),  & my FRONT-LEFT car-tire EXPLODED; I was EJECTED--OVER my seatbelt, OUT my window & ONTO the freeway-road.  So, HOW was MORE SIGNIFICANT-damage NOT "absorbed" by the LEFT-side of my BRAIN/HEAD?!
(… Am I really THAT-MUCH of an "ANOMALY"?!  Am I a CONTORTIONIST?!
… Using MY "LOGIC", my/the BEST "guess" is that my "martial arts"-INSTINCTS "kicked-IN", & I ATTEMPTED-to "SHOULDER-roll" my way to SAFETY.)
(… WOW!  My "REASONING" is VERY sensical!)
(… Also, WOW!  After REALLY CONCENTRATING & FOCUSING, I REMEMBER that--upon my vehicular-IMPACT/-EJECTION, I TRIED-to "LEFT SHOULDER-roll" on/along the road.  This "LOGICAL" CONCLUSION EXPLAINS/JUSTIFIES my INEVITABLE-NEED for EXTENSIVE-repair on my LEFT-shoulder … via SURGERY & METALLIC-implants & my SIGNIFICANT-injurIES MOSTLY affecting the LEFT-side of my body.)
(… Since--at the time--I was coming-FROMM Karate-class, it makes-SENSE that I was PRONE-to "demonstrating my Karate-KNOWLEDGE & -TECHNIQUES".) 

… But, WHY are my LEFT neural-hemispherically controlled "areas" STILL so RIDICULOUSLY-/"-UN-believably" PRAISEWORTHY?!
((… E,g. I "speak" the FOREIGN "languages" I KNOW (Turkish, Spanish, Italian, German, Latin) more-COGENTLY/-UNDERSTANDABLY than my "NATIVE-tongue".
I HAFTA  organize MY "CARE"--via "LOGICALLY"-scheduling EIGHT DIFFERENT "employEE"s' obligations.
In order to SKILLFULLY/painLESSly/EFFICIENTLY organize MY DAILY-activities, I MUST "think CRITICALLY".
Whenever I need-to RELAX, I think of PRIME-"#s".
"Balancing my rather-BUSY schedule of RECUPERATION &/versus FUN" REQUIRES a great-amount of "REASONING".)

( I even ENJOY "class, when I'm JUST VIEWING the 'Karateka'--as I did tonight!)

( Actually,  THAT's a LIE.  
( As an example of MY TREMENDOUS "muscle-memory", my "PROFESSOR" told a student that my technique was--ONLY--"SIMILAR-to" a rank-REQUIREMENT.  When asked if I knew of WHAT the YOUNG-girl was referring-to, I--QUIZZICALLY--shrugged.)


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

"What about 'Carpe diem'?! And, sucking all the 'MARROW' out of life?!" ('Dead Poets Society' quotes)

… I am DAMN-PROUD of my LONG-TIME ((~(square-root of 729)  = ~3 cubed = ~(9 + 9 + 9) = ~27 YEARS)) "ANOMALY-esque-ness".
(… "It's about … CHOICE."--Neo, 'The Matrix Reloaded')
to "EMBRACE MY … ODDITIES" to BETTER-enjoy my UNIQUE-ness.

APPARENTLY, I'm ALL-about "Utilitarianism"--

The DUDE (ME): "Ya' know, it's like what LENIN said, … You look for the person who will BENEFIT, & uh, … uh, … uh "
Donny (My brother): "I am The Walrus."
The DUDE: "You know what I'm trying to say …"
Donny (BRO): "I am The Walrus."
Walter (My housemate): "Shut the FUCK up, 'Bert'!  V.I. Lenin!  Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov!"
Donny ('Bert')--to ME: "What the fuck's he talkin' about?!"
(--'The Big Lebowski')

So, yesterday I was told to TRY-to "CONTROL (my) anger", 'cuz I DO tend-to "BLOW-UP" & look/seem rather RIDICULOUS & UN-knowing … which is NOT I!
… Thus, I TRIED "SLOW-breathing & 'NUMBER-crunching"--for ~ten minutes--this morning to better-RELAX myself.
When my caregiver--SOMEHOW--FORGOT my EVERYDAY-Morning--routine & -signals, RATHER THAN … "freak-OUT", I JUST … PAUSED, breathed DEEPLY/SLOWLY, thought of SYNONYMS & RE-worded my requestS.
(… Easy, peezy, … JAP- …an-EEZY."--Brooks, 'The Shawshank Redemption')

… HOWEVER, MOMENTS after I typed the ABOVE incident, my MOTHER (… Notice how it's "mother" NOT "mom"--indicating my ANGER toward/with HER.) told me that "(MY) friend is NOT-allowed (by ONLY my OWN F--KIN' MOTHER) to 'give (ME) some (NECESSARY) AQUATIC-therapy'."
Then, she wouldN'T TALK -about (I NEED-TO discuss any/ALL "issues" to-COMPLETION" … for CLOSURE … for ME!)
(… "W.T.F.?!"  … My MOM redeemed herself by actually DISCUSSING our disagreement SHORTLY-therafter.  … WHEW!)

So, my "Neural-Psychotherapist" recently recommended--to ME--that I audit a class at a local university.  I'm CURIOUS … but HESITANT about enrolling in even-MORE classes.
"I always thought the PURPOSE of EDUCATION was to think for YOURSELF."
(… HONESTLY, I'm RELUCTANT to FURTHER my education, MOSTLY 'cuz … after ~18 years of "making the ACADEMIC-system 'MY BITCH'", I'm KINDA-scared of HOW I'll REACT to (most-LIKELY) "SUB-par SCORES & GRADES".)

(WARNING:) WHY am I in such a GOOD-mood from TODAY?!
-- My DIGESTIVE-/EXCRETORY-system is REALLY "functioning" WELL lately!  In a span of ~17.75 hours "last night INTO this morning", I "EVACUATED my BOWELS" THREE DIFFERENT/SEPARATE TIMES!  AND, ALL "OUTPUT-products" were AT LEAST SEMI-SOLID!
-- I displayed some FANTASTIC "WALKING" … by JUST holding two HORIZONTAL sticks/poles ACROSS the length of my GYM … EIGHT times!
… "There is no half-ass in his game, so it was all-in or out, nothing in between."
(--SENIOR NFL Columnist for CBS Sports, Pete Prisco, about QB Peyton Manning)
( --MY gym-OWNER about MY work-ethic)

ONE of my GOALS in writing this BLOG: 
"No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world."

(--Professor John Keating, 'D.P.S.')


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

"What came FIRST--the MUSIC or the MISERY? ('High Fidelity' quotes)

PRESENT A.J.--to PRE-accident A.J.: "Top five things I miss about (my--FUNCTIONING--legs)--ONE: 'FREE-WILL'.  Having the CHOICE/OPTION to SIT or STAND or LUNGE or GALLOP or  SQUAT-THRUST my way to  ANYTHING, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME.  NOT-having to DEPEND-on someone-ELSE to act as my 'SPOTTER' or 'DRIVER' or 'GUARD'  would-be  'MAGICALLY-SATISFYING'.  TWO: 'CHARACTER'.  My LOWER-appendages were NEVER hesitant to 'GOOF-off', and/or 'make an ASS of me'.  That 'dedication to HUMOR/COMEDY' exemplifies 'character'.  Or, at least they HAD 'character' before that 'EXPLODING-TIRE nightmare'.  They're STRONG & DEPENDABLE, and they NEVER seem to 'give-up'   no matter HOW 'DEEP' a stance my 'Martial Arts'-Professor wanted me to SHOW. THAT's 'CHARACTER'."      
[holds up three fingers]
[long pause, hesitantly]
PRESENT A.J.: "I miss their 'FEEL' & the way they BEND  but NOT break.  No, I'm NOT some kind of WEIRDO/SICKO who CONSTANTLY 'TOUCHES himself' & WHINES about 'putting the LOTION in the basket'.   I'm NOT Buffalo-Bill from 'Silence of the Lambs'!  I could ALWAYS ''push 'em to their LIMITS''.  I miss their STRETCHING.  It's a mystery of human-ANATOMY, & I doN'T understand it!  (Actually,  I DO comprehend the 'EXTENSION' & 'CONTRACTION' of muscles.  SSSHHH!)  Some muscles, as far as their 'TENSION' & 'EASE' are concerned, just feel like home-REST  as opposed to 'home-WORK'." 
[shake my head, recollecting, then look back and lip synch 'FOUR' while holds up four fingers]
PRESENT A.J.: "I really dig how I would just WALK-around. It's like I  didN'T care how I looked or what I projected, and it's NOT that I didN'T care!  It's just, I was NOT-affected, I guess, and that gave me--GRACE.  And, FIVE: I USED-TO do this thing in bed when I couldN'T get to sleep.  I'd kinda half-moan, & do SIT-UPS, 'til I TIRED &/or FATIGUED.  EXHAUSTING!  But, I've GOTTA maintain my ABS!   I COULD make a 'LAUNDRY-LIST' about my LEGS & things that 'drive me CRAZY'.  BELIEVE ME!  But, it'd just be your 'garden-variety' SELF-depricating nitpicks.   That's KINDA the 'issue' that got me here--in 'neural-psychotherapy'."    


PRESENT A.J.: "The making of a great compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do and takes ages longer than it might seem. You gotta kick off with a killer, to grab attention. Then you got to take it up a notch, but you don't wanna blow your wad, so then you got to cool it off a notch. There are a lot of rules. Anyway... I've started to make a tape... in my head... for my LEGS.  Full of stuff that's APPROPRIATE for THEM.  Full of stuff that RELAXES THEM.  For the first time I can sort of see how that is done."

PRESENT A.J.:  "I agreed that what really matters is what you like, not what you are like... Books, records, films - these things matter. Call me shallow but it's the fuckin' truth, and by this measure I was ACTUALLY ENJOYING … MUSIC!"

PRESENT A.J.: "It would be nice to think that, since I was 23, times have changed. Treatment of COMA-victims has become more sophisticated.  Government-officials less 'THICK-headed'.  BRAIN-tissue thicker. LOGICAL-instincts more developed. But, there seems to be an element of that afternoon in everything that's happened to me since.  All my violent, traumatic-stories are a scrambled version of that first one."  

PRESENT A.J.--to MY BRAIN: "If you REALLY wanted to screw me up, you should've gotten to me earlIER."

PRESENT A.J.: "Hey, I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but I'm certainly not the dumbest. I mean, I've read books like "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" and "Love in the Time of Cholera", and I think I've understood them. They're about girls, right? Just kidding. But I have to say my all-time favorite book is Johnny Cash's autobiography "Cash" by Johnny Cash.  

PRESENT A.J.: "……………...Now, the making of a good compilation tape is a very subtle art. Many do's and don'ts. First of all you're using someone else's poetry to express how you feel. This is a delicate thing.

PRESENT A.J.--to PRE-accident A.J.: "So you've got a list here of 5 things you'd do if qualifications and time and history and salary were no object.
OLD-SCHOOL A.J.: "Yeah, SO?"
PRESENT A.J.--evaluating the choices: "HHHMMM, 1) Martial Arts Instructor--'Tis VERY DEPENDENT on your SOCIAL-connections.  2) Industrial-/Technical-Engineer for Petroleum-Distributor--You WERE RAPIDLY 'climbing the MANAGERIAL-ladder'.  3) Biomedical Engineer--WHERE?!  4) UFC-fighter--WHERE's your PRACTICE-facility?  5) Comedic-writer--INTRIGUING!  But, you need MORE info!

PRESENT A.J.: "A.J., gimme your TOP FIVE physical-'crimes' perpetuated by YOU to … YOURSELF in this EARLY-century.  GO!  (IMMEDIATELY)     …………………..Sub-question: is it in fact unfair to criticize a FORMERLY-BRILLIANT Engineer/Martial-Artist for his latter day sins?!  Is it BETTER to burn-OUT or fade-AWAY?!"  


Monday, July 27, 2015

… "My BAD!"

I NEGLECTED to blog-POST on SATURDAY, 'cuz I was "PREPPING" for a LAST-MINUTE party that my mother was--RANDOMLY--"throwing" … at MY house!

(AUDIBLE sigh)


"Well, it's certainly better than MY average day:"

… "Reading PHILOSOPHY, ...
Avoiding GANG-rape in the WASH-room.
Although, it's LESS of a problem NOWadays.
Perhaps, I'm losing my sex-appeal."
(--oldER John Mason, 'The Rock')

MY inner monologue: "Your 'BEST'?!
LOSERS always complain about their 'BEST'.
WINNERS go home, and fuck the prom-queen."
(--Mason, 'The Rock')

… Quotes aside.
I "received a rather ILL-TIMED (URINARY-)call from Mother-Nature" at 4:23 am.  I AUDIBLY-sighed as I "WALKED" to my toilet to "ANSWER it".
(… Is it WEIRD that I ALWAYS "monitor" the COLOR/HUE of my urine … to determine if I'm "imbibing" ENOUGH fluid: DARKER urine = NOT drinking ENOUGH; ClearER urine = "diuretic" PRESENT.  My "COLOR" VARIES … OFTEN.  But, this morning 'twas rather DARK-ish.)
(… 'Tis my OWN PSEUDO-/FAUX-"urinalysis".)
(… WHAT?!  I'm a SCIENTIST!)

… I "fell-BACK asleep" (YAY!) for AWHILE … 'til 7:12 am.  I EVEN slept-THROUGH the (NOISY) shift-CHANGE of my caregivers!  (… I'm RARELY able-to do THAT!  … RE-lax!  'Tis NOT--YET ANOTHER--"consequence" of my accident.  I've ALWAYS been a rather "LIGHT-sleeper".)
((… Granted, I'm no "neural-psychotherapist" (HINT-HINT, NUDGE-NUDGE), but I'd be fairly-CONFIDENT in stating that I TEND-TO REQUIRE "NOT MUCH sleep", 'cuz of "muscle-MEMORY" … AND CONSTANTLY "hyperACTIVE neural-ACTIVITY".)
((… I've ALWAYS been EXCESSIVELY "neurologically-'VERY active'".  So, I've NEVER, really, NEEDED ALOTTA sleep.  My body (muscular system)--ESPECIALLY POST-accident--JUST NEEDS ALOTTA SHORT "BREAKS"/PAUSES to gain some "R & R" ("Rest & Recuperation").))

My "SPEECH-Therapy" was pretty "Standard Operating Procedure":
"Exercises" for … TONGUE-movement, SPEAKING-intelligibility, WORD-anunciation & SPEECH-volume. To CHANGE things UP, we did NOT play SCRABBLE today.
(… SSSHHH!  I think she's SCARED.)

… TODAY (July 27, 2015) marks the FIRST day of my NEW "'FEEDING'-schedule".
In an effort to IN-crease my SLEEP, DE-crease my "LATE-night/"EARLY-morning" LAVATORY-treks & IN-crease my AFTERNOON-/EVENING- ("PREvening-"--Dr. Sheldon Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory')activitIES, I will NOW "eat" MY "DINNER"--via "G-tube"--at ~2:00 pm.

… I had a FAN-TASTIC workout TODAY at "NeuroFit 360"!
I did ALOTTA (~1500 seconds = ~25 minutes) POWERFUL "FOOT-pedaling" on the "LEG-bike".  Then, I PRACTICED my "SIT-to-STANDS" & weight-SHIFTING along my HIPS.
(… "It's ALL in the HIPS!"--Chubs, 'Happy Gilmore')
(… It MAY have been classified/filed as "SPEED-WALKING".)

… As part of my "HOME-work" for "NeuroFit 360", I did some GREAT weight-SHIFTING--through my HIPS--as I "WALKED" FIVE DIFFERENT/SEPARATE times 'a mi BANYO' to urinate.
(… I felt VERY "MODEL-esque" … & FEMININE … as I REALLY thrust-OUTWARD my HIPS .. as I "WALKED".)

… I'm RE-watching the season-FINALE of my FAVORITE TV-series ((for "SUPAH-SMAHT")--'Good Will Hunting') viewers)), 'Scorpion'!


Sunday, July 26, 2015


Although I am NOT (at ALL) MUSICALLY-inclined/-gifted/"-touched"--as my brother IS,
 I felt that I kinda NEEDED an "anthem".
So, I WROTE one.

(… I shaN'T lie:
During the car-ride home AFTER--YET ANOTHER--AWE-INSPIRING workout at "NeuroFit 360" this past week,
Rachel Platten's 'FIGHT Song' came-on the car-radio, and it kinda INSPIRED me:)

'ONE-Man Wrecking Crew'

"Like a small duck
Floating in a POND.
My mind--like a pair of 'quack-tastic' legs--processes 'a mile a minute',
As I wait for my legs to RESPOND.
All I need are faith
And hope that my legs shan't be PAWNED.
The tiniest, slightest 'trigger'
To make those neural-impulses 'BOND'.

And, all those tasks I cannot--yet--do:
Missed-opportunities & eventual goals.
I always ponder, as I struggle to 'walk',
'C'mon, A.J. Grow some big-ballz!'

(A.J.'s talking to HIMSELF:)
("WHAT a TERRIFIC audience!")
'You know what you must-DO.
There's no one to impress but YOU.
Since your brain is 'an animal', 'tame' it … like at a ZOO.
I know sometimes it's frustrating, & you just wanna 'fling your POO'.
But, we're all here for you--every one of your 'CREW'!
We are here for support, as pleasant surprise builds with actions-ANEW!
I really don't care what the 'haters' of me believe,
'Cuz the only opinion that matters is mine.'

Losin' contacts, 'cuz I can't--yet--talk
I seem to be the only one who cares of my legs.
I have constant 'pain'.
And, it's been eight years.
I miss my RUNS.
But, there's a 'fire' burning in my mind:
'Still … BELIEVE!'
Yeah, I definitely still believe.

And, all those tasks I cannot--yet--do:
Missed-opportunities & eventual goals.
I always ponder, as I struggle to 'walk',
'C'mon, A.J. Grow some big-ballz!'

You know what you must-DO.
There's no one to impress but YOU.
Since your brain is 'an animal', 'tame' it … like at a ZOO.
I know sometimes it's frustrating, & you just wanna 'fling your POO'.
But, we're all here for you--every one of your 'CREW'!
We are here for support, as pleasant surprise builds with actions-ANEW!
I really don't care what the 'haters' of me believe,
'Cuz the only opinion that matters is mine.'

The ONLY opinion that matters is MINE!

Like a small duck
Floating in a POND.
My mind--like a pair of 'quack-tastic' legs--processes 'a mile a minute',
As I wait for my legs to RESPOND.
All I need are faith
And hope that my legs shan't be PAWNED.
The tiniest, slightest 'trigger'
To make those neural-impulses 'BOND'.

'You know what you must-DO. (HEY!)
There's no one to impress but YOU.  (HEY!)
Since your brain is 'an animal', 'tame' it … like at a ZOO.  (HEY!)   …………….
I know sometimes it's frustrating, & you just wanna 'fling your POO'.
But, we're all here for you--every one of your 'CREW'!
We are here for support, as pleasant surprise builds with actions-ANEW!
I really don't care what the 'haters' of me believe,
'Cuz the only opinion that matters is mine.'

(My INSPIRATION … from/AFTER which I "SAMPLED"/modeled:)

"Fight Song"

Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion

And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?

This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

Losing friends and I'm chasing sleep
Everybody's worried about me
In too deep
Say I'm in too deep (in too deep)
And it's been two years
I miss my home
But there's a fire burning in my bones
Still believe
Yeah, I still believe

And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?

This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

A lot of fight left in me

Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion

This is my fight song (Hey!)
Take back my life song (Hey!)
Prove I'm alright song (Hey!)
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong (I'll be strong)
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

No I've still got a lot of fight left in me

OTHER Inspirational SONGS:
-- 'STRONGER' -- Kelly Clarkson

--- ''Don't Stop Believing''--Journey

-- 'Skyscraper' -- Demi Lovato

-- 'Get Up, STAND Up' -- Bob Marley

--  ''It's MY Life' -- Bon Jovi

-- 'NOT Afraid' -- Eminem

-- 'Harder, Better, Faster' -- Daft Punk

-- 'Lust for Life' -- Iggy Pop

-- 'What a Feeling' -- Irene Cara

-- 'Imagine' -- John Lennon

-- 'Teardrop' -- Massive Attack

-- ''Don't Worry.  Be Happy' -- Bobby McFerrin

-- 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life' -- Monty Python

-- Here Comes the Sun' -- The Beatles

-- 'Lovely Day' -- Bill Withers

((… I--CERTAINLY--do NOT know the lyrics to "many" (Read as "ANY".) of these songs.  Consequently, I'm JUST going by the "IMPLICATIONS" of ONLY the title.)

(EDITED/REVISED edition of Bruce Springsteen's 'Born to Run':)


"Eh-ver-ee day I sweat-it-out aboard the wheels of a 'rollaway semi-American DREAM'.
At my leg-gym, I 'strut my stuff', as I smile a lot & GLEAM.
Thankful I'm functioning at all after my disaster on Highway five nighty-FIVE.
Over my seatbelt & out my window, I'm grateful to be ALIVE.
Baby, society's ignorance 'rips the hair from my SKULL.
It's a traumatic-pain.  'Tis more than a 'LULL'.
I've gotta run only after I can WALK.
Because socialites like me, baby, I was 'born to TALK'.

Leeann, let me in.  I wanna be your FRIEND.
I wanna guide your dreams & VISIONS.
Just wrap your legs 'round these dormant TRUNKS,
And, strap your hands across my ENGINES.
Together we could guide my 'STEPS'.
We'll walk until I fall, 'Baby', we were meant-to steadily-increase my REPS.

H-Oh, will you WALK along next-to me as fries to my 'fast food'-SLIDER?
'Cuz. baby, I'm just a scared & lonely 'chair-RIDER'.
But, I gotta know how it FEELS.
I want to witness that 'miracles CAN HAPPEN!
Oh, LEGS, would please show me,
Beyond the plentitude of pessimistic-doubters in SOCIETY,
My legs supporting my straight, balanced BODY?!
And, my eyes staring straight-UP so hard!
My number of visitors rises during the day & DARK.
I wanna walk with you, LEGS, on the beach tonight
In an ever-stable GAIT …
Hate-FULL society's jammed with 'BUSTED' legs of a last-chance WILLful-drive.
Everybody-ELSE's out on-the-run TONIGHT!
So, I woN'T ALWAYS be IN-bed.
Together, LEGS, we WILL live-THROUGH this sadness in my soul.
H-Oh!  Someday, LEGS, I doN'T know WHEN,
We're GONNA get-to that STRENGTH--
Where we REALLY wanna GO,
And we'll "hop, skip & JUMP".
But, 'til THEN, OPTIMISTS like us,
Baby, we've gotta HOPE to RUN!
Oh, LEGS, OPTIMISTS like us,
Baby, we can only STRIVE to RUN!



Saturday, July 25, 2015


Now, I'm ALL-about "MULTI-tasking" … in order to SEMI-save time.
Now, my mom CLAIMS that when you do TWO things at-ONCE, you can ONLY devote HALF your ATTENTION & EFFORT to ONE task.
"In the last … 2,575 days, HAVE YA MET ME?!")
… I DO what I MUST … NOT necessarily 'cuz I WANT-to, but 'cuz I KNOW I HAFTA.
(… My "INNER-drive/-push" woN'T ALLOW me to "take the EASY-way OUT".)

… "'The FORCE' is STRONG with THIS one."
(--A MAIN character in/from ONE of the CLASSIC 'Star Wars'-films)
(… --ME, to my LEGS after they OVERCAME alotta EXTREME-fatigue … at 4:28 this MORNING … to "WALK" 'a mi banyo' to "RELIEVE-myself" … via URINE … INTO my toilet … as I "STOOD".)

… STRANGELY, as a RESULT, 'tis NOT that my muscles are "TIRED".  … I am--GENUINELY, HONESTLY--"SLEEPY"!
DAMN YOU, "Mother-Nature"!
Well, HOPEFULLY, my "BI-weekly" (TWICE-a-week) trip to my "SECOND-home" ("the DOJO") RE-energizes me.
(… It likely WILL.)

… YES!
I was SO EXHAUSTED that I was ACTUALLY ABLE to "fall-BACK asleep"!
((… Granted, my "trip to 'ZZZ-land'" was ONLY ~35 minutes.  (Thanks A LOT, NEW--but OLD--nurse!)  (… That was "OOZING with SARCASM"!)  … Also, while I was napping, she TOOK one of MY papers … about MY "medication" … off MY desk … with-OUT asking!  CONSIDERATION, PLEASE!))

In HONOR of TODAY's "HOLIDAY" ("Embrace Your GEEK-ness Day"), I'll TRY TO sum-up the VARIOUS degrees/levels of … ME:

1. The Neuro Ninja

I can ESTIMATE the POTENTIAL-energy in just-ABOUT every bone (206) and muscle (~640--THREE types<"striated", ""smooth" & "cardiac") in my body, … giving me peak physical coordination. My fine motor skills and dexterity allow me to make immediate calculations of what I am physically capable.  MY visual perception of my environment adds to my physical capabilities because I am able to create and manipulate mental images, allowing me to perfectly calculate my orientation in my environment.

2. The Word Warrior

Because of my EIDETIC-memory, I can speak a multitude/plentitude/plethora/ of foreign languages. With an IQ of well-OVER 150, I can read at 20,000 words per minute and memorize both visual and audible information. That means I doN'T have to look up "eidetic" like you do (it means I have VIVID mental images).

3. The Laser Overlord

I have a distinguished background in theoretical physics and quantum mechanics. Given how frequently I COULD--HARMLESSLY--experiments with lasers, just think of how many ray-guns I could make! 

4. The Epic Engineer

I PRIDE-MYSELF on being SIMILAR to "Happy"--of 'Scorpion'--who  is a mechanical prodigy & can eyeball the density of most metals and alloys, as well as the structural makeup of any car, train, or building. She’s a master of homemade weapons and can determine the speed, impact, and trajectory of bullets and other flying objects.
(… It's ALL "PHYSICS" & "TRIGONOMETRY"--"right-up 'MY alley'"!)

5. The Human Calculator

"Bragging" I MUST!  I am--A BIT of--a mathematical genius who can solve complex math and physics equations on the fly, including taking into account factors like wind resistance, temperature, and time. I can recognize patterns and numerical relationships that allow me to solve both hypothetical and real-life problems through logic.

6. The Mind Mender

Although I NOW struggle with EMPATHY, I've LONG PRIDED-myself on "looking-AT" problems from "MANY angles".  The esteemed behavioral psychologist can make judgments and assessments based on a person’s subconscious psychical cues, which are tied to their emotions and thoughts.

7. The Sage

I--thanks to my EXTENSIVE, commendable "Biomedical-Engineering"-background in Academia--understand practically everything about the science of the human body. Not only that, but everybody comes to me for advice—personal and professional—making ME the resident "fountain of WISDOM".

… "Remember: 'HOPE' is a GOOD-thing … maybe the BEST of things.  And, NO 'good-thing' shall ever 'DIE'."
(--Andy Dufresne, 'The Shawshank Redemption')

Early this afternoon, two of my FORMER fellow HIGH-ranked & HIGHLY-respected BLACK BELTS demonstrated a few of MY Jujitsu-techniques--"on the FLY"--to the ADULTS'-class of MARTIAL ARTS.
(… OBVIOUSLY, THEY are still … "PRESENT".  TECHNICALLY, I'm "NOT-there".)

To MAINTAIN my (SEMI-)"SANITY", I watched--FIRST--a BASEBALL game (GO, "Twinkies"!  … SHIT, I jinxed 'em!), THEN, (LIVE) "U.F.C." (Ultimate Fighting Championships) matches!
((… At the time of my--DREADED--accident/injurIES, I WAS training to be an MMA-fighter (Mixed Martial Arts).  So, I can DEFINITELY RE-late!))

… AFTER said "matches", I watch 'Saturday Night Live', 'cuz …


Friday, July 24, 2015


… --Charlie, 'NUMB3RS'

… JEEZ!  I so, so, SSSOOO WANNA sing 'A Whole New World' from 'Aladdin'!

…   (HERE ya go:)
(… I shall play the part of "Aladdin".
My LEGS will be PERSONIFIED as "Princess Jasmine".)

Aladdin: I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?
Aladdin: I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride
Aladdin: A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming
Princess Jasmine: A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you
Aladdin: (Now I'm in a whole new world with you)
Princess Jasmine: Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feelings
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky
Princess Jasmine: A whole new world
Aladdin: (Don't you dare close your eyes)
Princess Jasmine: A hundred thousand things to see
Aladdin: (Hold your breath, it gets better)
Princess Jasmine: I'm like a shooting star
I've come so far
I can't go back
To where I used to be
Aladdin: A whole new world
Princess Jasmine: Every turn a surprise
Aladdin: With new horizons to pursue
Princess Jasmine: Every moment red letter
Both: I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you
Aladdin: A whole new world
Princess Jasmine: A whole new world
Aladdin: That's where we'll be
Princess Jasmine: That's where we'll be
Aladdin: A thrilling chase
Princess Jasmine: A wondrous place
Both: For you and me

(… Yeah, I USED-TO listen to the 'Aladdin'-soundtrack EVERY weekday-morning on the way TO my middle school.)

"We ALL 'wear MASKS' … METAPHORICALLY-speaking."
(--Stanley Ipkis, 'The Mask')

So, I found-out/learned … at ~10:08 am … that my SPEECH-Therapist would arrive at ~1:00 pm.
(… I HAFTA call HER every-OTHER morning, 'cuz her "TEACHING-schedule ALWAYS varies.)
HHHMMM, so, THAT gave me … 172 PREP-minutes (2 hours & 52 minutes) (~2.867 hours) to FURTHER-practice my AUDIBLE-, COGENT/INTELLIGIBLE-speaking & tongue-movement.

'Benim ane'--'Beh-NEEM AH-neh'--'My mom' (in TURKISH) brought-up a VERY-legitimate point!
She & I were "RATTLING-off" SYNONYMS for how "CONFUSED"/"CONFOUNDED"/"PERPLEXED"/"BEWILDERED"/"FLUMMOXED" she was with my--ALL-of-a-SUDDEN--BROKEN printer, when I stated that SHE was rather
After enjoying a MOMENTARY gasp & chuckle at my CUNNING, my mom INSIGHTFULLY remarked"
"YES, you can be 'NON-plussed'.  But, can you EVER JUST be 'PLUSSED'?!"
MY reply: "In ADDITION--YES.  (SIGH) What caN'T MATH do?!"
(… THAT's rhetorical.)

I watched PARTS-of 'Jerry Maguire', BEFORE "SPEECH-Therapy".
(… Wait, I already-have ALOTTA 'dinero'/'para'/"$"!)
(… But, I LACK … "KWAM"!
--Rod Tidwell, 'Jerry Maguire')

I had a GREAT "SPEECH-Therapy" session … as USUAL!
I ATE--via MOUTH--ALL of ONE scrambled egg.
(… My MAIN-nurse has--TEMPORARILY--LIMITED my "consumption"--by "MAIN face-HOLE" … as opposed to "MAIN stomach-HOLE"--as a PRECAUTION … AGAINST further "G-peg/Gastrointestinal PROBLEMS".)
(… While I APPRECIATE the EXTREME biological-CARE, I tend-to get rather FRUSTRATED when OTHERS just "ASS-U-ME" they know MY "ANOMALY-esque" body BETTER than I--a "BioMEDICAL Engineer".

(As time passes-by, & I CONTEMPLATE-over the NUMERIC-values, my housemate states--to a nearby associate:)
"Be PATIENT.  He'll get it.  THIS is how he 'PROCESSES' & 'FUNCTIONS'."
(… I CONCLUDE my "calculations".  They stare--CONFUSED, AMAZED & BEWILDERED at my CONCLUSIONS.
Housemate--about ME: "He's a MATHEMATICIAN.  They have THEIR-OWN 'language'."
(… --'NUMB3RS')
ME: (I shrug.) "I just do what I DO.  I just 'SEE' it."

is to BELIEVE it!"
((--'Alice in Wonderland' (2010))

… So MANY (MEDICAL-)"doctors" have deemed MY "WALKING", TALKING & (HELL …) "FUNCTIONING" … "IM-possible!"

… Am I in … "WONDER-land" or … "NEVER-land"?!
(--Peter Pan)


Thursday, July 23, 2015

"'The Past is the PAST, & the Future is NOW!'"

… (Clem, 'Joe Dirt')

"Every 'SAINT' has a PAST.
And, every 'SINNER' has a FUTURE."
(--'The GOOD Woman')
(… Now, by NO-MEANS, do I consider MYSELF a "SAINT"!  … Although, I DO have a--relatively--"STORIED" past.  CONVERSELY, my--POTENTIAL--FUTURE looks "BRIGHTER" every day.)
(… Keep-up the GREAT-"work", A.J.!)

"Our SCARS serve as a REMINDER that the past was REAL."
(--Hannibal Lector, 'Red Dragon')
(… I have--SEEMINGLY-permanent--VISIBLE "scars" on my LEFT BIG-toe, my RIGHT forearm & my "SPASTIC-eyes".)
(… Surgery, BOTCHED-surgery, Astigmatism)

All we CAN do is APPRECIATE the PRESENT & 'LIVE in the MOMENT'."
(--Rashida Rowe)
(… CONTRARY to THIS stipulation, I WILL create an IDEAL oldER version of … MYSELF.)
(… ALSO, I HAFTA "live EACH moment, as IF it were my LAST".)

"To have a GOOD FUTURE, you have to LEARN from the PAST & FOCUS on the PRESENT."
(--Sonya Parker)

When you forgive those that hurt you, they no longer have control over your future happiness. Their anger keeps them a prisoner to your past, while you enjoy the present.
(--Zakiya Caswell)
( The "KEY" to MY "getting-OVER/-PAST" my PREVIOUS incidents in which I was "WRONGED" is that I CREATE a BETTER RESULTING-situation--for ME--than my BEGINNING-status.)

"Your LIFE isnN'T determined by who you were in the PAST.  Your life is determined by the steps that you are willing to take today to make a better tomorrow.
(--Prakash Ray)

If we consider every moment as learning something in life we may create a wonderful treasure of practical knowledge of how to live a vibrant life. Every moment we live gives experience of good or bad events according to what we do in the given moment. The only important moment is the present moment. Living in the present moment gives practical outlook of life. Only you have to recognize and strive to make full utilization of the opportunity in the given moment. Therefore live every moment to the fullest according to your merit and ability.
(--Dr. Anil Kr Sinha)

Sometimes a man's spirit just ain't strong enough to withstand the ghosts from his past.
(--Kirina Joanna Cowman)

"Everything in your FUTURE is NOT (PRE-)determined by your PAST."
(--John Meyer)

The BEST way to PREDICT your FUTURE is to … 
(… THUS is MY "JOB"--60 seconds/minute, 60 minutes/hour, 24 hours/day, 365 days/year.)
(… NON-paying!)

"There is no limit to what you can do. Don't focus on money or success just be the moment. Forget the naysayers, forget the past, forget the future. Be the moment. Forget the mistakes. Do not let guilt play your moment, let love play the moment. Let your heart play the moment, do not let fear play you."
(--Jeremy Lin)

"A memory is just a MEMORY.  DoN'T let it control what happens in the future or worsen the present."
(--Collin Mitchell)

"Our actions of the past should not define who we are today. Our actions of today should help to define who we want to become."
(--Ash Sweeney)  

"FEAR is NOT what you OWE me, (LEGS).
 You owe me  ALL."
(--Tooth Fairy, 'Red Dragon')

I OWN a "MARTIAL ARTS"-shirt that says/reads:
"Warrior's Way".
There areN'T MANY (DELETE the "M".) wheelchair-BOUND, SEMI-mute "SMART-asses" with TWO black belts in Karate AND a HIGH-ranking brown belt in Jujitsu, who've trained--& TAUGHT
--in VARIOUS styles/systems for ~76.67 % (and COUNTING …) of his/her life.

… "A WARRIOR's 'path' is a LONELY one."
(--Agent Simmons, 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon')

… At Karate-class tonight, I couldN'T HELP but notice how utterly-FOOLISH, DIS-courteous, JUDGMENTAL & … STUPID … MANY parents ARE.


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I MUST "TREASURE" my PAST accomplishments!


-- I WON my (elementary-)school-WIDE Spelling bee … as a 4th-grader.

-- When I was the ONLY EIGTH-grader at my LOCAL-HIGH SCHOOL--for "Algebra 1", I traveled via "PRIVATE"/"PERSONAL" school-bus EVERY weekday.
(… PLUS, my MIDDLE school started EACH school-day LATER that year.  So, I "sat-in" on my FAVORITE Science-teacher's (7th grade) class & "GOOFED-around"/"SHOT the SHIT"/"made an ASS of myself" … for 56 minutes of EVERY school-day.)

-- … Thus, I "FORCED" my middle school to ALTER its curriculum to offer MORE, ADVANCED MATHEMATICAL-courses.

-- "I graduated 'suma CUM LAUDE' from (a PRESTIGIOUS high school).

That's Latin for 'with HIGHEST HONOR'."
(--Sheldon, 'The Big Bang Theory')

-- … My "cum(-ulative) GPA"--in high school was a "WEIGHTED" 4.7613.  THAT included, but was NOT limited-to
AT LEAST 16 "HONORS"-classes,
AT LEAST SEVEN "Advanced Placement"-classes 
&  PERFECT MATH-"S.A.T." and "S.A.T. 2" scores.

… I applied to ONLY-ONE college (the COVETED, VENERABLE "Ivy League"-institution of "University of Pennsylvania".
… I got-IN.

… I was ~one-THIRD of my way COMPLETED with my "ACCELERATED-'GRADUATE school'-degree in "Entrepreneurship", when my TRAGIC-accident occurred.

… I knew for a LONG-time that I was "QUITE different".
But, RATHER THAN try-to "blend-IN" & "FOLLOW the grain", I EMBRACED MY 


and VEHEMENTLY/EARNESTLY/"FRUITFULLY"/SUCCESSFULLY tried-to "harness the 'QI'" of MY strange/odd "GIFTS" to help OTHERS--via TUTORING, "Peer-COUNSELING" & … just GENERAL "assistance".

MANY "norms" CRITICIZED my ODDitiES & self-LESS-ness.  But, they (my DOUBTERS/HATERS) WILL-get their "COMEUPPANCE"!

… "There's a FINE-line between 'WRONG' & 'VISIONARY'.
… UN-fortunatately, you have to be a VISIONARY to 'SEE' it."
(--Dr. Sheldon Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory')


-- 23+ years studying "MARTIAL ARTS" (and GOING …)

-- EIGHT years of COMPETITIVE "amateur-WRESTLING" (high school AND college)

-- YOUTH-level of 
SOCCER (4 years)
FOOTBALL (1 year)
BASKETBALL (3 years)

-- "Instead of being stymied by any type of change, you can be stimulated by them."
(--Denver Broncos FUTURE Hall-of-Famer QB Peyton Manning)
(… "'SHIT' happens."  … DEAL with it.  
… ''C'est la vie.'')


-- As a 3.5-year member of my college-FRATERNITY. I was ELECTED--by my PEERS--as "Eminent Chaplain" ("Frat-JOKESTER"/-FUNNY-guy") … SEVEN times.
(… THAT's EVERY semester.)

-- I've LONG used my CUNNING & HUMOR as a "COPING-mechanism", when I'm UN-comfortable. 
(… I've been COMMENDED for my "QUICK-WIT" & "pension for HILARITY".)

-- I "value" being CORDIAL/FRIENDLY over being CORRECT.
(… My senior-year of high school, I was voted--by my PEERS--as "Most Likely to Succeed".)


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