Thursday, July 2, 2015

… Yet ANOTHER SYMBOLIC film--for ME: ('What Dreams May Come')

So, I watched another SPECTACULAR film … that could apply VERY WELL to … the "HELL" I've recently been-through & am TRYING-to "WEATHER":

'What Dreams May Come'.

(… I'd NEVER seen it BEFORE, & UN-fortunately, yet NICELY, I HAD TO "pull myself AWAY" from "the SCREEN" for MY "SPEECH-Therapy".  … I WON in Scrabble, & I ATE--via MOUTH--TWO scrambled eggs.)
((… My "lingual"- ("tongue"-) movement is DEFINITELY IMPROVING.  My SPEAKING is becoming EASIER & more COGENT/UNDERSTANDABLE.  My SWALLOWING is becoming more PRODUCTIVE & EFFICIENT.))
(… Funny/Interesting/MYSTERIOUS thing:
FOREIGN languages--like Turkish, Spanish &/or Latin--are easIER to COMPREHEND … from MY mouth … than ENGLISH--my "native tongue"--is.)

"SOMETIMES you never KNOW you can ACTUALLY do something, … 'til you DO it."
((--USWNST (U.S. Women's National Soccer Team)-member Abby Wambach))
(… After being told what I CAN & CAN'T do for SO LONG (Read: "my ~four YEARS at 'F.I.N.R."), I sometimes even surprise MYSELF … at "NeuroFit 360".))

So, on to the symbolically-GREAT movie:

"What's true in our MINDS is TRUE, … whether SOME people KNOW it or NOT."
(--Chris Nielson, 'WDMC')
(… Although MY MATH-answers may SEEM UNBELIEVABLY-quick & ASTOUNDINGLY-random, they're actually QUITE … CORRECT!)

"What SOME folks call 'IMPOSSIBLE', is JUST stuff they haveN'T seen before."
(--Chris Nielson, 'WDMC')
(… "SOME folks" = "My EX-doctors")
(… "Take THAT, Mr. DOUBTING Mustafa!"--Genie, 'Aladdin')

… Ironic, huh?"
(--Albert, 'WDMC')

My Neural-Psychologist--to ME: "So, what is the 'ME'?"
MY reply: "My brain, I suppose."
HER: "Your brain?!  Your brain is a body part ...Like your fingernail or your heart. Why is THAT the part that's you?
ME: "Because I have sort of a voice in my head, the part of me that thinks, that feels, that is aware that I exist at all."
HER: "So, if you're aware you exist, then you do. That's why you're still here."
ME: "THAT's when I realized I'm part of the problem … NOT because I remind you, but because I couldn't join you.  So, I left you alone.  Don't give up, okay?"

ME: [looking-BACK upon a COMATOSE me] "There's a man (A.J.) never got to know: the man he was growing up to be. He's a good looking clear-eyed young fellow, about 23. I can see him. He's the type of guy that men want to be around, because he has integrity, you know? He has character. You can't fake that. And he's a guy women want to be around too, because there's a tenderness in him. Respect, and loyalty, and courage, and women respond to that. Makes him a terrific husband, this guy. I see him as a father. That's where he really shines. I see him when he looks into his kids' eyes. (I taught … & TEACH KIDS' martial arts classes.) That kid knows that his ('Sensei') really, really sees him. He sees who he is. And then that child knows that he's an amazing person. He's quite a guy, that he'll never get to meet." 

ME--to any/ALL DOUBTERS: "It's not about understanding... it's about NOT giving up!"  

ME--to MYSELF at F.I.N.R.: "You were expecting PHYSICAL-danger? What could it do, kill ya, huh? No, in Hell there's real danger. Of losing your mind." 

ME--introducing MYSELF to a new LADY: "This is the guy who doesn't give up."
(… I bow.) 

So, I ALSO had a SPECTACULAR "SPEECH-Therapy" session!
Not-ONLY did I focus on SPEAKING-techniques--which are REALLY helping, but when I had my USUAL TWO scrambled eggs, I could actually 

SEMI-TASTE the food!
(… Yip-EE!) 
(… "Write that down."--ME, my valedictory)
(… QUESTION: How am I gonna REMEMBER that date … with my FAULTY-memory?
ANSWER: TODAY's DATE = 7/02/15
My mouth got LUCKY --> "LUCKY #7" --> minus MY # of siblings (2) --> minus MY chronological-order in my parents' offspring (1) =
= 7 - 2 - 15)

(… AND/OR:

((… "I had a 'SEMI-'" (Grow-UP, A.J.!  Is a CRUDE-reference to your FICTIONAL "HALF-mast"-ERECTION REALLY necessary?!  C'mon, Dude, you're BETTER than THAT!), 'cuz I couldN'T really "pinpoint" the EXACT-taste.  I MERELY felt my tastebuds KINDA "trigger"/"wake-UP"!  

… AS SOON AS my "SPEECH-Therapy" concluded, I QUICK-showered in/as PREP for my RELAXING-trip w/ my brother & housemate to the BEACH to meet friends.
(… I was looking for "landmarks" to "TRIGGER" my MEMORY.  Sure enough, the Hollywood-area has DRAMATICALLY-"spruced itself UP".  So, UNFORTUNATELY, FEW things looked FAMILIAR.)


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