Saturday, July 25, 2015


Now, I'm ALL-about "MULTI-tasking" … in order to SEMI-save time.
Now, my mom CLAIMS that when you do TWO things at-ONCE, you can ONLY devote HALF your ATTENTION & EFFORT to ONE task.
"In the last … 2,575 days, HAVE YA MET ME?!")
… I DO what I MUST … NOT necessarily 'cuz I WANT-to, but 'cuz I KNOW I HAFTA.
(… My "INNER-drive/-push" woN'T ALLOW me to "take the EASY-way OUT".)

… "'The FORCE' is STRONG with THIS one."
(--A MAIN character in/from ONE of the CLASSIC 'Star Wars'-films)
(… --ME, to my LEGS after they OVERCAME alotta EXTREME-fatigue … at 4:28 this MORNING … to "WALK" 'a mi banyo' to "RELIEVE-myself" … via URINE … INTO my toilet … as I "STOOD".)

… STRANGELY, as a RESULT, 'tis NOT that my muscles are "TIRED".  … I am--GENUINELY, HONESTLY--"SLEEPY"!
DAMN YOU, "Mother-Nature"!
Well, HOPEFULLY, my "BI-weekly" (TWICE-a-week) trip to my "SECOND-home" ("the DOJO") RE-energizes me.
(… It likely WILL.)

… YES!
I was SO EXHAUSTED that I was ACTUALLY ABLE to "fall-BACK asleep"!
((… Granted, my "trip to 'ZZZ-land'" was ONLY ~35 minutes.  (Thanks A LOT, NEW--but OLD--nurse!)  (… That was "OOZING with SARCASM"!)  … Also, while I was napping, she TOOK one of MY papers … about MY "medication" … off MY desk … with-OUT asking!  CONSIDERATION, PLEASE!))

In HONOR of TODAY's "HOLIDAY" ("Embrace Your GEEK-ness Day"), I'll TRY TO sum-up the VARIOUS degrees/levels of … ME:

1. The Neuro Ninja

I can ESTIMATE the POTENTIAL-energy in just-ABOUT every bone (206) and muscle (~640--THREE types<"striated", ""smooth" & "cardiac") in my body, … giving me peak physical coordination. My fine motor skills and dexterity allow me to make immediate calculations of what I am physically capable.  MY visual perception of my environment adds to my physical capabilities because I am able to create and manipulate mental images, allowing me to perfectly calculate my orientation in my environment.

2. The Word Warrior

Because of my EIDETIC-memory, I can speak a multitude/plentitude/plethora/ of foreign languages. With an IQ of well-OVER 150, I can read at 20,000 words per minute and memorize both visual and audible information. That means I doN'T have to look up "eidetic" like you do (it means I have VIVID mental images).

3. The Laser Overlord

I have a distinguished background in theoretical physics and quantum mechanics. Given how frequently I COULD--HARMLESSLY--experiments with lasers, just think of how many ray-guns I could make! 

4. The Epic Engineer

I PRIDE-MYSELF on being SIMILAR to "Happy"--of 'Scorpion'--who  is a mechanical prodigy & can eyeball the density of most metals and alloys, as well as the structural makeup of any car, train, or building. She’s a master of homemade weapons and can determine the speed, impact, and trajectory of bullets and other flying objects.
(… It's ALL "PHYSICS" & "TRIGONOMETRY"--"right-up 'MY alley'"!)

5. The Human Calculator

"Bragging" I MUST!  I am--A BIT of--a mathematical genius who can solve complex math and physics equations on the fly, including taking into account factors like wind resistance, temperature, and time. I can recognize patterns and numerical relationships that allow me to solve both hypothetical and real-life problems through logic.

6. The Mind Mender

Although I NOW struggle with EMPATHY, I've LONG PRIDED-myself on "looking-AT" problems from "MANY angles".  The esteemed behavioral psychologist can make judgments and assessments based on a person’s subconscious psychical cues, which are tied to their emotions and thoughts.

7. The Sage

I--thanks to my EXTENSIVE, commendable "Biomedical-Engineering"-background in Academia--understand practically everything about the science of the human body. Not only that, but everybody comes to me for advice—personal and professional—making ME the resident "fountain of WISDOM".

… "Remember: 'HOPE' is a GOOD-thing … maybe the BEST of things.  And, NO 'good-thing' shall ever 'DIE'."
(--Andy Dufresne, 'The Shawshank Redemption')

Early this afternoon, two of my FORMER fellow HIGH-ranked & HIGHLY-respected BLACK BELTS demonstrated a few of MY Jujitsu-techniques--"on the FLY"--to the ADULTS'-class of MARTIAL ARTS.
(… OBVIOUSLY, THEY are still … "PRESENT".  TECHNICALLY, I'm "NOT-there".)

To MAINTAIN my (SEMI-)"SANITY", I watched--FIRST--a BASEBALL game (GO, "Twinkies"!  … SHIT, I jinxed 'em!), THEN, (LIVE) "U.F.C." (Ultimate Fighting Championships) matches!
((… At the time of my--DREADED--accident/injurIES, I WAS training to be an MMA-fighter (Mixed Martial Arts).  So, I can DEFINITELY RE-late!))

… AFTER said "matches", I watch 'Saturday Night Live', 'cuz …


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