Thursday, July 23, 2015

"'The Past is the PAST, & the Future is NOW!'"

… (Clem, 'Joe Dirt')

"Every 'SAINT' has a PAST.
And, every 'SINNER' has a FUTURE."
(--'The GOOD Woman')
(… Now, by NO-MEANS, do I consider MYSELF a "SAINT"!  … Although, I DO have a--relatively--"STORIED" past.  CONVERSELY, my--POTENTIAL--FUTURE looks "BRIGHTER" every day.)
(… Keep-up the GREAT-"work", A.J.!)

"Our SCARS serve as a REMINDER that the past was REAL."
(--Hannibal Lector, 'Red Dragon')
(… I have--SEEMINGLY-permanent--VISIBLE "scars" on my LEFT BIG-toe, my RIGHT forearm & my "SPASTIC-eyes".)
(… Surgery, BOTCHED-surgery, Astigmatism)

All we CAN do is APPRECIATE the PRESENT & 'LIVE in the MOMENT'."
(--Rashida Rowe)
(… CONTRARY to THIS stipulation, I WILL create an IDEAL oldER version of … MYSELF.)
(… ALSO, I HAFTA "live EACH moment, as IF it were my LAST".)

"To have a GOOD FUTURE, you have to LEARN from the PAST & FOCUS on the PRESENT."
(--Sonya Parker)

When you forgive those that hurt you, they no longer have control over your future happiness. Their anger keeps them a prisoner to your past, while you enjoy the present.
(--Zakiya Caswell)
( The "KEY" to MY "getting-OVER/-PAST" my PREVIOUS incidents in which I was "WRONGED" is that I CREATE a BETTER RESULTING-situation--for ME--than my BEGINNING-status.)

"Your LIFE isnN'T determined by who you were in the PAST.  Your life is determined by the steps that you are willing to take today to make a better tomorrow.
(--Prakash Ray)

If we consider every moment as learning something in life we may create a wonderful treasure of practical knowledge of how to live a vibrant life. Every moment we live gives experience of good or bad events according to what we do in the given moment. The only important moment is the present moment. Living in the present moment gives practical outlook of life. Only you have to recognize and strive to make full utilization of the opportunity in the given moment. Therefore live every moment to the fullest according to your merit and ability.
(--Dr. Anil Kr Sinha)

Sometimes a man's spirit just ain't strong enough to withstand the ghosts from his past.
(--Kirina Joanna Cowman)

"Everything in your FUTURE is NOT (PRE-)determined by your PAST."
(--John Meyer)

The BEST way to PREDICT your FUTURE is to … 
(… THUS is MY "JOB"--60 seconds/minute, 60 minutes/hour, 24 hours/day, 365 days/year.)
(… NON-paying!)

"There is no limit to what you can do. Don't focus on money or success just be the moment. Forget the naysayers, forget the past, forget the future. Be the moment. Forget the mistakes. Do not let guilt play your moment, let love play the moment. Let your heart play the moment, do not let fear play you."
(--Jeremy Lin)

"A memory is just a MEMORY.  DoN'T let it control what happens in the future or worsen the present."
(--Collin Mitchell)

"Our actions of the past should not define who we are today. Our actions of today should help to define who we want to become."
(--Ash Sweeney)  

"FEAR is NOT what you OWE me, (LEGS).
 You owe me  ALL."
(--Tooth Fairy, 'Red Dragon')

I OWN a "MARTIAL ARTS"-shirt that says/reads:
"Warrior's Way".
There areN'T MANY (DELETE the "M".) wheelchair-BOUND, SEMI-mute "SMART-asses" with TWO black belts in Karate AND a HIGH-ranking brown belt in Jujitsu, who've trained--& TAUGHT
--in VARIOUS styles/systems for ~76.67 % (and COUNTING …) of his/her life.

… "A WARRIOR's 'path' is a LONELY one."
(--Agent Simmons, 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon')

… At Karate-class tonight, I couldN'T HELP but notice how utterly-FOOLISH, DIS-courteous, JUDGMENTAL & … STUPID … MANY parents ARE.


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