Sunday, July 5, 2015

("The ADVANTAGE of being a FREAK is it makes us strongER!"

… (--Dr. Gregory House, 'House')

… I'd OPENED the blinds in my room last night to view some (GREAT … & loud) fireworks LATE last night.  As the "INDEPENDENCE-Day CELEBRATIONS" continued LATE, I neglected to SHUT said "window-COVERS".
Now, I've ALWAYS BEEN a "LIGHT-sleeper".  But, "come … ON!"  A "SMIDGEON" of SUNLIGHT reflects-OFF my pool, INTO my bedroom & ONTO my CLOSED eyes, … and THAT SORELY-interrupts my "BRIEF (~5.6 hours = ~5 hours & 36 minutes = ~11:42 pm to ~5:18 am) "stay in 'ZZZ-Town'"?!

… THIS "INTERRUPTION in/of my "R.E.M.-Cycle'" further supports my notion of SOME of my senses being "HEIGHTENED"/STRENGTHENED, while others DECLINED/STRUGGLED.
While, my SMELL, TASTE, PATIENCE-levels and WALKING-abilities have "all but--TEMPORARILY--'VANISHED'.
(… Oh, YEAH!  Let's NOT FORGET my--once RAPID, now--DAWDLING/LANGUID nerve RE-generation.)

((… (I'm POSING & FLEXING.) "D'ya know where the … WEIGHT-ROOM is?!"
"How 'bout the … BEACH?!"))

… "When you UNDERSTAND the Laws of PHYSICS, ANYTHING is possible!"
(--Dr. Sheldon Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory')

… "Remember: … With great-POWER … comes GREAT-responsibility."
(… I "RUN"/OPERATE MY OWN BUSINESS--of the (medicinal-/medical-/physical-)CARE of ME.  Thus, I am "RESPONSIBLE for" the OCCUPATIONAL- & ECONOMIC-contentment of SEVEN different employEES.)

… But, MORE/MOST IMPORTANTLY, what about MY happiness?!  
LATE this morning, a lovely, young lady "sought-ENTRANCE to my 'HOOD via the front-gate".  My--USUALLY/NORMALLY GOOD/RELIABLE--caregiver IGNORED the RINGING-phone.
(… SIGH)
When he FINALLY DID answer the phone (The gate called-BACK.), I told him that I didN'T KNOW the visitor.
AFTER he hung-up, I inquired, "But, WHAT ABOUT (my friend) and/or (my brother)?!"
So, (SIGH) he called the front-gate and worked it out.  Thus, my "BROTHER"'s very nice friend & he left on a SHORT trek before we ALL watch the BIG GAME tonight (Women's World Cup FINAL: U.S. - Japan) TONIGHT. 

… WOW!  What a DOMINANT 5-2 VICTORY for the AMERICAN-women!

… A fellow "patient"/participant/"member" of/at my LEG-gym ("NeuroFit 360") has ALSO created a (GREAT) blog … upon which I'll occasionally/"from-TIME-to-TIME" … "GUEST-post".
(… I WIPE the SWEAT from my BROW.
So, THIS must be what a "JOB" is like!)!blog/c3wn

(… "Copy & Paste" ABOVE link.)

So, I "KICKED ALOTTA (METAPHORICAL) ASS" during my 18+ years in the academic-/educational-system.  WHAT three things "stand-OUT" the MOST from my learning?!
… 1) & 2) "BOYS have PENISES, & GIRLS have a VAGINA."
(--4 Year old boy, 'Kindergarden Cop') "I DESPERATELY wanna make-love to a SCHOOLBOY!"
… "No!  That came out wrong."
(--Lloyd Christmas, 'Dumb & Dumber')

(… I KID!  I kid.  Actually, IMMEDIATELY after graduating from the ESTEEMED "Ivy League"-institution of "University of Pennsylvania", I "secured a position" as a "Technological/Technical Engineer/Analyst" at/for a WELL-RESPECTED "Petroleum-Distributor".)

… A few years later--while STILL working, I enrolled for an "Accelerated-Master's Degree" at a local university.  
Ergo--Hence--Thus, I HAD TO "BALANCE my TIME" among my MANY commitments: "Engineering-WORK", "Martial arts"-STUDYING, "Martial arts"-TEACHING, ENTERTAINING my LONGTIME girlfriend--who resided with me, MAINTAINING my status as a "SOCIAL-butterfly", etc.

… I was ~2/3-FINISHED with SAID degree, when my CATASTROPHIC accident occurred.  

"Food for THOUGHT":
"HOW would the Civil War have gone DIFFERENTLY, if President Lincoln were a ROBOT sent from the FUTURE?"
(--Sheldon, 'The Big Bang Theory')

"But, (y'ALL)!  It's 'SHARK-WEEK'!"
(--Dale Doback, Step Brothers')

(… SERIOUSLY, 'tis!)


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