Saturday, July 4, 2015

"The word for 'GOLD' translates to 'TREASURE'. 'KNOWLEDGE' is 'TREASURE'."

… (--Indiana Jones, 'Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull')

… 'Alti(NO dot above the "i")n' (PHONETIC Turkish = 'AHL-tihn')
means 'gold' in 'Turkiye'.
MY NAME--also Turkish--is pronounced 'Ahl-TAHN'.
(… spelled 'Altan')

ODDLY/STRANGELY, I received a "CALL" at
~3:45 this MORNING.
(… Yep, it was "NATURE", … DAMNIT!)

… FRUSTRATINGLY, I could NOT "fall-BACK-asleep".
So, I sent ALOTTA emails, read ALOTTA SPORTS-articles & played ALOTTA "Minesweeper".

I went-OUT to a local-diner for a VERY NICE breakfast with my housemate & a "FEW" (ACTUALLY, 'twas FIVE.) members of his immediate-family.
(… I LIP-SMACKINGLY & HUNGRILY admired some of the dishes/meals/"plates" ordered, as I ATE--via MOUTH--MY TWO nicely HARD-scrambled eggs.)

… Did I mention the AWE-INSPIRING "SEMI-awakening" of my TASTE-buds the other day?
(… Oh, YEEEAAAH!  NUMBERS--"7 minus 2 minus 1 equals 5".  Ergo, 'twas THURSDAY--7/2/15.)
ANYWAY, UN-fortunately, I AGAIN could NOT "pinpoint" the EXACT taste.
HOWEVER, I'm guessing/hypothesizing/HOPING that my "LACK OF taste" was because of the fruity-AROMA (YAY!) of the "MOUTH-WATERING" "Berry-Stuffed French Toast" NEXT-TO me.
(… I CORRECTLY guessed ONE of the three BERRIES in the dish--STRAWBERRIES, … blueberries & raspberries--SIMPLY/MERELY by SMELL!)

… (WARNING:) "MAD-'PROPS' to/for my housemate who OKAYED my proposition to/for MY EATING--via MOUTH--two scrambled eggs.  (… I ALWAYS check/ask FIRST, 'cuz I know & RESPECT my nurse's RECOMMENDATIONS in relation to MY ENIGMATIC digestive system.)
As is MY digestive-/excretory-TENDENCY, EATING--by MOUTH--tends to STIMULATE my BOWELS.
Sure enough, at 11:17 am (Yes, my "Caregiver-TEAM" documents my "bowel-activity".) my ANUS excreted a SEMI-SOLID "TREASURE" into/FOR my toilet.
(… ME--'a mi banyo': "You're WELCOME!  … DoN'T 'spend it' ALL in ONE place!")

I CERTAINLY appreciate how/that my MOM, "SPEECH-Therapist" & HOUSEMATE ALL have--INDIVIDUALLY--"OUTLAWED"/FORBIDDEN the use of my "letter-board" … in an effort to FORCE ME to SPEAK more!

… CONSEQUENTLY/UN-fortunately, when I TRY to "carry-OVER" my "NON-board COMMUNICATIONS" to my instructions with my caregivers, I tend to get VERY FRUSTRATED.  They're "NOT all-there 'UPSTAIRS'", so SOME of 'em REALLY-STRUGGLE to "put 2 & 2 TOGETHER" regarding MY SPEECH & GESTURES/SIGNALS.

… "Son-of-a-GUN!"
One of my "more UNDERSTANDING"/LOGICAL/"BETTER" caregivers JUST gave me my telephone to SPEAK to my housemate.  
(… SIGH) It turns out that he HAS TO (UNDERSTANDABLY) STAY with a friend--who JUST got SERIOUSLY-injured--in the HOSPITAL.
(… I wish her the … BEST!)

'Tis FAST-approaching.
MONDAY will--UNFORTUNATELY--mark the 7-Year Anniversary of MY CATASTROPHIC, life-altering/-DESTROYING car-accident.
(  : (  )
(… No, I will NOT be hosting an ANNIVERSARY-ParTAY … for such a HORRENDOUS event!)


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