Thursday, July 30, 2015

Am I … a "BI-"?!


"ALAS!  "I'm NOT an 'AMBI-turner.  (sniffle) I caN'T turn LEFT."
(--Derek, 'Zoolander')

EVERY/EACH person has a "PREFERRED"/"FAVORED" side.

"According to the theory of left-brain or right-brain dominance, each side of the brain controls different types of thinking. Additionally, people are said to prefer one type of thinking over the other. For example, a person who is 'LEFT-brained' is often said to be more logical, analytical, and objective. A person who is 'RIGHT-brained' is said to be more intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective.
In psychology, the theory is based on the lateralization of brain function.

In one study by researchers at the University of Utah, more than 1,000 participants had their brains analyzed in order to determine if they preferred using one side over the other. The study revealed that while activity was sometimes higher in certain critical regions, both sides of the brain were essentially equal in their activity on average.
'It’s absolutely true that some brain functions occur in one or the other side of the brain. Language tends to be on the left, attention more on the right. But people don’t tend to have a stronger left- or right-sided brain network. It seems to be determined more connection by connection,' explained the study's lead author Dr. Jeff Anderson.
While the idea of right brain / left brain thinkers has been debunked, its popularity persists. So what exactly did this theory suggest?
In psychology, the theory is based on the lateralization of brain function. So does one side of the brain control specific functions? Are people either left-brained or right-brained? Like many popular psychology myths, this one grew out of observations of the human brain that were then dramatically distorted and exaggerated.
The right brain-left brain theory originated in the work of Roger W. Sperry, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1981."
(--Kendra Cherry--Psychology Expert, 'Left Brain vs Right Brain', 'About Education')

The left-side of the brain is considered to be adept at tasks that involve logic, language, and analytical thinking. The left-brain is described as being better at CERTAIN/SPECIFIC aspects:
  • -- Language
  • -- LOGIC
  • -- Critical thinking
  • -- NUMBERS
( I've CAPITALIZED the "areas"/"fields"/"specializations"--in "CAPS"--that INDICATE why/how I'm  a TAD MORE  "LEFT-brain 'DOMINANT'".   THIS "theory" makes-SENSE, 'cuz 
1) The nerves PROJECTING from each NEURAL-hemisphere cross at the "MEDULLA",  causing the LEFT-side of the brain to "control" the RIGHT-side of the body  & vice-versa.
2) The RIGHT-side of my ENTIRE-body is my STRONGER-/PREFERRED-side.
(( I WRITE, THROW, "FIX my GLASSES", comb my hair, brush my teeth &  "WIPE my ASS" with my RIGHT-hand.  I KICK soccer balls, KICK fellow-'Karateka' (in the FACE!), SWIM strongER, PUSH hardER on the "bike" at "NeuroFit 360" with my RIGHT-leg.))

( As BAD/TOUGH as my injurIES make my life NOW, things COULD've been exponentially-WORSE, if I'd have had extensive-damage to the LEFT-hemisphere of my BRAIN.   THEN, I'd hold this 'Remember the Titans' football-CHANT in a lot LESS-regard:
"STRONG-side!  LEFT-side!   STRONG-side!  LEFT-side!")

So, since I was DRIVING (So, I was in the front-LEFT seat of my S.U.V.) on/along a POPULAR highway,--at ~1.1667 miles/minute (= ~70 miles/hour),  & my FRONT-LEFT car-tire EXPLODED; I was EJECTED--OVER my seatbelt, OUT my window & ONTO the freeway-road.  So, HOW was MORE SIGNIFICANT-damage NOT "absorbed" by the LEFT-side of my BRAIN/HEAD?!
(… Am I really THAT-MUCH of an "ANOMALY"?!  Am I a CONTORTIONIST?!
… Using MY "LOGIC", my/the BEST "guess" is that my "martial arts"-INSTINCTS "kicked-IN", & I ATTEMPTED-to "SHOULDER-roll" my way to SAFETY.)
(… WOW!  My "REASONING" is VERY sensical!)
(… Also, WOW!  After REALLY CONCENTRATING & FOCUSING, I REMEMBER that--upon my vehicular-IMPACT/-EJECTION, I TRIED-to "LEFT SHOULDER-roll" on/along the road.  This "LOGICAL" CONCLUSION EXPLAINS/JUSTIFIES my INEVITABLE-NEED for EXTENSIVE-repair on my LEFT-shoulder … via SURGERY & METALLIC-implants & my SIGNIFICANT-injurIES MOSTLY affecting the LEFT-side of my body.)
(… Since--at the time--I was coming-FROMM Karate-class, it makes-SENSE that I was PRONE-to "demonstrating my Karate-KNOWLEDGE & -TECHNIQUES".) 

… But, WHY are my LEFT neural-hemispherically controlled "areas" STILL so RIDICULOUSLY-/"-UN-believably" PRAISEWORTHY?!
((… E,g. I "speak" the FOREIGN "languages" I KNOW (Turkish, Spanish, Italian, German, Latin) more-COGENTLY/-UNDERSTANDABLY than my "NATIVE-tongue".
I HAFTA  organize MY "CARE"--via "LOGICALLY"-scheduling EIGHT DIFFERENT "employEE"s' obligations.
In order to SKILLFULLY/painLESSly/EFFICIENTLY organize MY DAILY-activities, I MUST "think CRITICALLY".
Whenever I need-to RELAX, I think of PRIME-"#s".
"Balancing my rather-BUSY schedule of RECUPERATION &/versus FUN" REQUIRES a great-amount of "REASONING".)

( I even ENJOY "class, when I'm JUST VIEWING the 'Karateka'--as I did tonight!)

( Actually,  THAT's a LIE.  
( As an example of MY TREMENDOUS "muscle-memory", my "PROFESSOR" told a student that my technique was--ONLY--"SIMILAR-to" a rank-REQUIREMENT.  When asked if I knew of WHAT the YOUNG-girl was referring-to, I--QUIZZICALLY--shrugged.)


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