Monday, July 20, 2015

"Looks like someone's got a BAD-case of 'the MONDAYS'."

… (--'Office Space')
My brother walked-INTO my room this morning & quoted THAT line to me.
I COUNTERED by quoting the NEXT film-line in asking him:
"JEEZ!  Does anyone say THAT where YOU (live … in Turkey)?!"
HIM: "Hell-NO!  You'd get your 'ASS-kicked' for saying sumthin like THAT!"'
(--'Office Space')

I woke up this morning (at ~5:48 am) to the HORRIBLY-RUDE/-INconsiderate "alarm-clock" of my MECHANIZED-/MOTORIZED-bed just--RANDOMLY--"shootin'-UP" my legs & "STAYIN' there" … BREAKING!
(… WTF?!)
((… ONE of my caregivers WILL-CALL either my mom OR "Serta" (the "P.o.S." bed-company) 'man(tilde)ana por la man(tilde)ana'.))

"This (bed-)AGGRESSION will NOT stand!"
(--The Dude, 'The Big Lebowski')

JEEZ, my CLEANING-service people are a BUNCH of SEMI-cunniving/-sneaky 'PUTAS'!
(… Yeah, I KNOW that I called them 'FEMALE-DOGS' … or 'PERRAS' in THEIR "native-tongue".)
But, EVERY-TIME they (SUPPOSEDLY) (SEMI-)clean, they IGNORE my INCESSANT-requests to
NOT rearrange any/ALL of MY stuff in MY house,
& NOT use such "STRONG"/"HARSH" chemical-CLEANERS in MY ROOM!

… (SIGH) I sat through ~19/30 (~38 minutes) of MY "SPEECH-Therapy"-session as my CLEANING-service/maids "LOLLIGAGGED-"/"PUTZED-"/"BULLSHITTED-"around--PRETENDING to CLEAN.
What INFURIATED me is that
HOWEVER, 'twas a GOOD "therapy-session" of tongue-movement EXERCISES & "EATING"--by MOUTH!

… ALSO, I VERBALLY-described my DIS-content … about the Cleaning-(CRAP-) Crew.
(… Ergo, my SPEAKING is IMPROVING … & becoming more-INTELLIGIBLE!)

I'm gonna HAFTA agree with Charlie:)
"With the way mathematicians THINK, 'WE' (ME, MYSELF & I) can CERTAINLY be LONELY sometimes."

… After another PRODUCTIVE-workout (@ "NeuroFit 360"), returning-HOME, brushing 'mis dinettes', showering & getting RE-dressed, I got-UP to watch 'Back to School' … with my brother & his friend.
… THAT GREAT film REMINDED me of the JOKE I told my EX-girlfriend … during a NAME-game in the car:
"Rodney Field.  His middle name is 'Danger'.  YOUR turn for 'F'."
(… And, she BELIEVED me!)
… ALSO, in HINDSIGHT, I realize that I SHOULD've "studied" in the college-LIBRARY--NOT just in my dorm-room.
… MANY MOVIES have shown that--CONTRARY to POPULAR-belief, LIBRARIES can be VERY-SOCIAL!)

(… Then again, that MIGHT explain WHY their FICTIONAL-films.)


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