Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I am "'FUN'-deficient"!

(… WOE is ME!)

I certainly do NOT LACK "monetary-resources".  But, I YEARN to SHARE my JOY & ENTERTAINMENT with OTHERS!
((… I long for a "CO-pilot" "on this magic carpet-ride" (--'Aladdin') of LIFE!))
(… Ergo, I HOST frequent "par-TAYS"!)


What an UNFORTUNATE, DISGUSTING phrase to be interpreted LITERALLY--when having a "FALSE-alarm" on the "porcelain-THRONE:
(WARNING) … Such has NOT been the case with ME lately.  ("Knock on wood.")
(… TANGENTIAL-sidebar:
I 'THOROUGHLY'/'WHOLEHEARTEDLY' 'cachinnate', when I can SO astound my 'Fidus Achates' with MY OWN MASTERFUL mathematical-manipulations that he just looks at me QUIZZICALLY ... & asks 'INDUBITABLY?')

(… WHEW!  Okay, NOW I've GOT my "LINGUISTIC-erection", so I can ACTUALLY
"knock on 'WOOD'".)

(WARNING) So, my Fecal-Fortitude has ACTUALLY NOT been "SWALLOWING" much lately.  On the CONTRARY, my rectum has "REGURGITATED" FIVE different times in the last SIX DAYS.
(… 5/6 days = ~83.33%-FREQUENCY)
(… TIME-interval = 142 HOURS)


being "SLEEPY
feeling "TIRED".

But, ALAS!  There are TOO MANY "NOT 'bright'" people who think that ALL versions of FATIGUE are a "CRY for SLEEP".
(… I won't get-into how LITERAL-understanding of EVERYTHING probably interpreted my LAST sentence as "people's ACTUALLY becoming LUMINESCENT" & "SOBBING for a REM-cycle".


So, I BEGAN my "HUMP-Day" (= slang-term for "Wednesday") at ~6:15 am with a PURPOSEFUL, DETERMINED, SUCCESSFUL "WALK" 'a mi "JUAN"' to "answer Mother-Nature's '#1-call'".

Oh, sweet I-RONY!
For SOME reason, I was BOTH "TIRED" & "SLEEPY" ALL-DAY today!
(… YESTERDAY, I blogged about my tendency to get-TIRED … NOT "SLEEPY"!)
'Por ejemplo', I had a SLIGHTLY-shortened "SPEECH Therapy"-session.
(… NO FAULT of HERS!  But, she was NICE-enough to UNDERSTAND my SUB-par enthusiasm!)
Also, I was REALLY feeling the extreme-FATIGUE at "NeuroFit 360"!
Nonetheless, the OWNER understood.  (… YYYEEESSS!)
So, I JUST pedaled the "BIKE" … for ~30 minutes & practiced my "sit-To-STANDS" with ONLY ONE bat on which to LEAN/"STEADY myself".
… AND, I stretched my HAMSTRINGS & QUADS.
(I JOKED with my LEG-gym OWNER that "I'm TIRED. because I didn't sleep MUCH.  I was BUSY giving my FEMALE-guests their 'proper-ATTENTION'.")

My MAIN-nurse told me that my recovery is "taking longER than EXPECTED", because the doctors "medically-INDUCED" a SECOND-coma on ME.  She said (… And, she would KNOW … as a fellow "COMA-victim"!  … Plus, she IS a "NURSE"!) that when doctors actually "INDUCE"/FORCE a COMA.  (… My SECOND coma WAS "medically-INDUCED" … while the "doctorS" just sat-arounf … with their "heads lodged-FIRMLY up their ASSES"!
No, I'm not BITTER.

… I told my MAIN-nurse that my LEFT-toes OFTEN just SUBCONSCIOUSLY "CURL-up" over each other.  Said UN-knowing movement KINDA hurts and REALLY disturbs my "WALKING".
My MAIN-nurse CALMED my WORRY by explaining that THAT's actually a "GOOD-sign"!
"It shows that your (MY) body's TRYING-TO always do-MORE!"

Three good buddies from my "high school"-WRESTLING team came over (for ~four hours) tonight, & we had a GREAT time--playing cards, telling stories & "just shooting the (PROVERBIAL) shit".

P.S. The TRANSLATION of the BIG-WORDED sentence --that "STIMULATED" my "superstitious-verbiage" is

"I 'VERY-MUCH' ' 'Laugh-Out-Loud', when I can SO amaze my 'Best Friend Forever' (in LATIN) with MY OWN MATHEMATICAL-"WIZARDRY" that he just looks at me 'CONFUSEDLY' … & asks 'W.T.F.?'"

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