Tuesday, July 28, 2015

"What came FIRST--the MUSIC or the MISERY? ('High Fidelity' quotes)

PRESENT A.J.--to PRE-accident A.J.: "Top five things I miss about (my--FUNCTIONING--legs)--ONE: 'FREE-WILL'.  Having the CHOICE/OPTION to SIT or STAND or LUNGE or GALLOP or  SQUAT-THRUST my way to  ANYTHING, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME.  NOT-having to DEPEND-on someone-ELSE to act as my 'SPOTTER' or 'DRIVER' or 'GUARD'  would-be  'MAGICALLY-SATISFYING'.  TWO: 'CHARACTER'.  My LOWER-appendages were NEVER hesitant to 'GOOF-off', and/or 'make an ASS of me'.  That 'dedication to HUMOR/COMEDY' exemplifies 'character'.  Or, at least they HAD 'character' before that 'EXPLODING-TIRE nightmare'.  They're STRONG & DEPENDABLE, and they NEVER seem to 'give-up'   no matter HOW 'DEEP' a stance my 'Martial Arts'-Professor wanted me to SHOW. THAT's 'CHARACTER'."      
[holds up three fingers]
[long pause, hesitantly]
PRESENT A.J.: "I miss their 'FEEL' & the way they BEND  but NOT break.  No, I'm NOT some kind of WEIRDO/SICKO who CONSTANTLY 'TOUCHES himself' & WHINES about 'putting the LOTION in the basket'.   I'm NOT Buffalo-Bill from 'Silence of the Lambs'!  I could ALWAYS ''push 'em to their LIMITS''.  I miss their STRETCHING.  It's a mystery of human-ANATOMY, & I doN'T understand it!  (Actually,  I DO comprehend the 'EXTENSION' & 'CONTRACTION' of muscles.  SSSHHH!)  Some muscles, as far as their 'TENSION' & 'EASE' are concerned, just feel like home-REST  as opposed to 'home-WORK'." 
[shake my head, recollecting, then look back and lip synch 'FOUR' while holds up four fingers]
PRESENT A.J.: "I really dig how I would just WALK-around. It's like I  didN'T care how I looked or what I projected, and it's NOT that I didN'T care!  It's just, I was NOT-affected, I guess, and that gave me--GRACE.  And, FIVE: I USED-TO do this thing in bed when I couldN'T get to sleep.  I'd kinda half-moan, & do SIT-UPS, 'til I TIRED &/or FATIGUED.  EXHAUSTING!  But, I've GOTTA maintain my ABS!   I COULD make a 'LAUNDRY-LIST' about my LEGS & things that 'drive me CRAZY'.  BELIEVE ME!  But, it'd just be your 'garden-variety' SELF-depricating nitpicks.   That's KINDA the 'issue' that got me here--in 'neural-psychotherapy'."    


PRESENT A.J.: "The making of a great compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do and takes ages longer than it might seem. You gotta kick off with a killer, to grab attention. Then you got to take it up a notch, but you don't wanna blow your wad, so then you got to cool it off a notch. There are a lot of rules. Anyway... I've started to make a tape... in my head... for my LEGS.  Full of stuff that's APPROPRIATE for THEM.  Full of stuff that RELAXES THEM.  For the first time I can sort of see how that is done."

PRESENT A.J.:  "I agreed that what really matters is what you like, not what you are like... Books, records, films - these things matter. Call me shallow but it's the fuckin' truth, and by this measure I was ACTUALLY ENJOYING … MUSIC!"

PRESENT A.J.: "It would be nice to think that, since I was 23, times have changed. Treatment of COMA-victims has become more sophisticated.  Government-officials less 'THICK-headed'.  BRAIN-tissue thicker. LOGICAL-instincts more developed. But, there seems to be an element of that afternoon in everything that's happened to me since.  All my violent, traumatic-stories are a scrambled version of that first one."  

PRESENT A.J.--to MY BRAIN: "If you REALLY wanted to screw me up, you should've gotten to me earlIER."

PRESENT A.J.: "Hey, I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but I'm certainly not the dumbest. I mean, I've read books like "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" and "Love in the Time of Cholera", and I think I've understood them. They're about girls, right? Just kidding. But I have to say my all-time favorite book is Johnny Cash's autobiography "Cash" by Johnny Cash.  

PRESENT A.J.: "……………...Now, the making of a good compilation tape is a very subtle art. Many do's and don'ts. First of all you're using someone else's poetry to express how you feel. This is a delicate thing.

PRESENT A.J.--to PRE-accident A.J.: "So you've got a list here of 5 things you'd do if qualifications and time and history and salary were no object.
OLD-SCHOOL A.J.: "Yeah, SO?"
PRESENT A.J.--evaluating the choices: "HHHMMM, 1) Martial Arts Instructor--'Tis VERY DEPENDENT on your SOCIAL-connections.  2) Industrial-/Technical-Engineer for Petroleum-Distributor--You WERE RAPIDLY 'climbing the MANAGERIAL-ladder'.  3) Biomedical Engineer--WHERE?!  4) UFC-fighter--WHERE's your PRACTICE-facility?  5) Comedic-writer--INTRIGUING!  But, you need MORE info!

PRESENT A.J.: "A.J., gimme your TOP FIVE physical-'crimes' perpetuated by YOU to … YOURSELF in this EARLY-century.  GO!  (IMMEDIATELY)     …………………..Sub-question: is it in fact unfair to criticize a FORMERLY-BRILLIANT Engineer/Martial-Artist for his latter day sins?!  Is it BETTER to burn-OUT or fade-AWAY?!"  


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