Saturday, July 11, 2015

I YEARN to …

WALK--'SANS' aide/walker,
EAT--via MOUTH--with-OUT any REAL worries/concerns,
DRINK--some RELAXING/CALMING alcohol … WITH friends,
DANCE a few "JIG"s, 
"BOUNCE" & SPAR--in Karate
SWIM--in the OCEAN,

… If y'ALL noticed, 87.5% (7 out of 8) of the/my goals LISTED are PHYSICAL.  
(… And, #4 is "OPEN to INTERPRETATION".)
Ergo, MY "hindrances"/"obstacles"/"hurdles"/"disabilities" are PRIMARILY "PHYSICAL".  The ONLY MENTAL-weakness I "SUFFER from"--that I can THINK-of--is a SEVERELY-DILAPITATED/-LIMITED /-EXPUNGED memory-RECALL.

… "I WANNA learn to BLOW SHIT UP with my MIND."
(--WEIRDO potential-student, 'Accepted')
(… a la "Neo" in 'The Matrix')

… Actually, given my current/TEMPORARY mental-state … of psychological-DISarray … AND how EASILY my VOLATILE/EVER-CHANGING/EXTREME EMOTIONS INFLUENCE my decision-making, THAT kind of FIERY mind-control would INDUBITABLY lead to some seriously CAUSTIC & CATACLYSMIC consequences.
(… "Alliteration aside.")

… JEEZ!  What IF I really DID have THAT ability?!
"I could go to JAIL."
My neural-psychotherapist--to ME:
"Don't worry--you're young.  Your butt can take it."
((--Bartleby (ME) & Uncle Ben (my DOC), 'Accepted'))

I DID CO-cook some 'menemen' (phonetically: 'MEH-neh-mehn') (TURKISH egg-dish) for BRUNCH for my buddy & brother.  I ALSO sampled an egg--in an effort to "STIMULATE my TASTE-buds … to NO AVAIL.
(  : (  )
(… Even my weekend-caregiver had some "DELICIOUSNESS".)  After COMPLETING his meal, he repeatedly COMPLIMENTED my housemate & me on our dish.
To which my buddy responded:
"It's an EXPLOSION of FLAVOR.  … I'm workin' with some VERY UN-stable herbs here."
(--Glen, 'Accepted')

… In MY HELPING to PREPARE/COOK the meal, not ONLY did I "MASH garlic" & slice red peppers, but 
I could actually 
SMELL the veggies broil on the stove!
(… I couldN'T actually IDENTIFY WHAT was cooking, but I DEFINITELY felt my INNER nasal-membrane "TINGLING"!)

Regarding my interactions with the "FEMALE-community":
'Tis NOT that I am heartless.  
I just need to use my heart … LESS!

To CONCLUDE,"Ask me about my WEINER!"
(--Schrader, 'Accepted')


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