Monday, July 6, 2015

(July 6, 2015) MY '(FAUX-)"Veteran's Day"

So, REGRETTABLY, it's been 
2,556 DAYS, or 365 WEEKS & 1 DAY (DoN'T forget the "Leap Year"), (whichever y'ALL PREFER) ("To EACH his OWN") since MY CATASTROPHIC, CATACLYSMIC, DEATH-DEFYING, LIFE-ALTERING car-accident,
((… Feel free to "TEAR-up".  … (SHRUG) Shit, I WILL.))
(… ALAS!  My T.B.I. does NOT--YET--ALLOW me to CRY.  But, if I COULD, I'd "SHED a TEAR" for NOT "throwing a 'shindig'/'soiree'", simply 'cuz it would be MORALLY- & ETHICALLY-WRONG.  I'm SURE it'd be EERILY-similar to a "PITY-party".(  : (  )

I looked-up the police-report of my DREADED-accident.  It ERRONEOUSLY ASSUMED & stated that I was NOT wearing my seat-belt, when I'm POSITIVE I WAS!
(… UN-fortunately, I doN'T REMEMBER the DAY!  But, I DO know my TENDENCIES/QUIRKS.  I ALWAYS "BUCKLE-UP for SAFETY" … even NOW in my WHEELCHAIR!  
… PLUS, the FORCE of the tire-EXPLOSION & the ANGLE of my THRUST/EJECTION OUT my vehicular-window made it COMPLETELY-INdeterminable to KNOW whether SAID "belt" was FASTENED!  

"I had determined to go as far as declaring in abstruse and puzzling utterances the future causes of the 'common advent', even those truly cogent ones that I have foreseen. Yet lest whatever human changes may be to come should scandalise delicate ears, the whole thing is written in nebulous form, rather than as a clear prophecy of any kind."
((…. "Just 'SMILE & NOD'", 'cuz even I--BARELY--understand it.  I just like it, 'cuz 
1) It's the GREAT Nostradamus.
2) It KINDA "echoes" MY emphasis on 
"Do as I say, NOT as I DO."
(… SHIT!  NO it doesN'T.  THAT would make me "PROPHET"ic.)
… JUST, interpret that as y'ALL see fit.)

"It's ALWAYS THERE.  … THAT's what happens with heartbreak."
(--Abby Wambach, U.S. National Women's Soccer STAR-reserve/-veteran on her previous World Cup loss … FOUR years ago) 

I "celebrated" by doing my BEST-version/-demonstration of "UN-assisted STANDING & SOLO MINI-stepping" … AIDED--SLIGHTLY--by a CANE … at "NeuroFit 360".
(… YAY for PROPER "WEIGHT-shifting"!)

… I "flashed-BACK" to my SIXTH-grade-"Language Arts" class: Well, I was SEMI-bored, so--RATHER THAN "doodling" … OR "picking my 'SHNOZ'" (NEITHER is really "MY … STYLE".)--I STARTED-ON my "European History A.P." homework by researching the "withdrawal of state-support from the 19th century Anglican Church" … OR "antidisestablishmentarianism".  
(… YAY for "memory-RETRIEVAL"!)
((… I got a bit of "a LINGUISTIC-erection"!  (--Seth MacFasrlane, 'Inside the Actors Studio'))

P.S. Yes, I consider MYSELF--despite my LACK OF "military-experience"--a "VETERAN", 'cuz I've been "BATTLING" a "LAUNDRY-LIST" of SERIOUSLY-TRAUMATIC/-UNFORTUNATE injurIES for SEVEN F---IN' YEARS!


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