Thursday, July 16, 2015

"The best DE-fense is a good O-fense."

… Storm, 'X-Men: The Last Stand'

So, after yester-DAY's VERY FATIGUING/TIRING "HALF-ass" efforts, I went to sleep relatively-EARLY--for ME.
I awoke this morning feeling REJUVENATED/REVITALIZED!
(… I.e. I IMMEDIATELY designed THREE Jujitsu-techniques this morning … BEFORE my "SECOND breakfast"!  … It USUALLY takes me a WHOLE DAY … or TWO … to devise ONE GOOD technique.)
(… To be HONEST, I was KINDA inspired by my three WRESTLING-buddies--whom I hadn't seen since HIGH SCHOOL--who visited me last night.)

… ONE of SAID "Jujitsu-techniques" is an AWESOME "counter" (DEFENSE) to a FABULOUS "FINISH" (OFFENSE).

Even though I take-PRIDE in my GREAT "comebacks", they are STILL REACTIONS.
'Tis BETTER to be more PRO-active.
RATHER than WAITING for OTHERS to "make the FIRST-move", I PREFER to "SET the TONE" of any/ALL altercations/issues.
(… No, I am NEITHER a "CONTROL-freak" NOR an "INSTIGATOR", I just KNOW that I'll "play DEFENSE--at FIRST, then QUICKLY "get-on the ATTACK".  I just ALWAYS maintain a MENTAL-state of "READINESS".  THIS way my self-DEFENSE becomes so COMFORTABLE that it's NOW 'muslin' ('MOO-shin') (Japanese for 'ACTION withOUT thought'.
THANKS, 23+ years of MARTIAL ARTS!)

(… LADIES, PLEASE RE-read that LAST point.)


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