Tuesday, September 1, 2015

APPARENTLY, I'm "PLAYING" the "GAME of 'Life'":

ME: "I WANT 'the ball'."
My housemate: "'WINNERS' always do."
(--'The Replacements')

(After a quick-"huddle" between ME, MYSELF & I, A.J.--the "quarterback"/"LEADER" announced to HIS "TEAM":
… "I wish I could say something CLASSY & INSPIRATIONAL, but THAT just wouldN'T be our style."

… "DoN'T be AFRAID … to give up the GOOD … to go for the GREAT."

(--Steve Prefontaine)


(--ORIGINALLY by the French philosopher Voltaire, but REVISED by my "Martial Arts"-Professor)

… NOT to BRAG, but 'tis REALLY-NICE to hear OTHER 'Senseis' COMPLIMENT me.  

We were sittin' around at my "Professor"'s house recently as we-ALL watched a big UFC-fight … & "shot the (PROVERBIAL) 'SHIT'".  
One guy commented that he DREADED my KICKS.
Someone-ELSE thanked me for introducing so many WRESTLING-moves to HELP his Jujitsu.
… THESE remarks were "met with a RESOUNDING/DEFINITIVE agreement".
My "Professor" added that "It shows GREAT DEDICATION & DETERMINATION that (I am) STILL very-ACTIVE 'within the DOJO'."
(… "'DOJO'" = 'Martial Arts SCHOOL/GYM)

… "It is the 'SUPREME-ART' of the TEACHER to 'AWAKEN' JOY in creative-KNOWLEDGE & -EXPRESSION."

(--Albert Einstein)
(… I ABIDE-by THIS "responsibility", whenever I TEACH a Jujitsu-class: I "AIM-to" CREATE/DESIGN a couple thought-PROVOKING techniques to STIMULATE "the CREATIVE-juices/-sparks".  … AND, I ALWAYS-encourage 'preguntas'!)

… ME--to my housemate: "You know what seperates the 'WINNERS' from the 'LOSERS'?"

HIM: "The score?"

ME: "No, getting back on the horse after getting kicked in the 
( I mean this, OF COURSE, 

(I often DIS-agree with my mom about HOW-to handle various-aspects of MY health, MY time and/or MY employEEs.  But, I TRY-to "hear HER argument" BEFORE making my FINAL-decision.)

… "'Tis the mark of an EDUCATED-man to be able to 'ENTERTAIN a thought' withOUT 'ACCEPTING it'."
(… 'Por ejemplo': 
Yesterday I CONCLUDED my interviews--WITH my mom & MAIN-nurse.  They BOTH felt that "Candidate-B" was the BEST-choice.  I SLIGHTLY "leaned-TOWARD" "Candidate-C" … 'cuz of his HUMOR.  But, BOTH were MORE-than acceptable/legitimate.  Since I did NOT OPENLY-announce my PREFERENCE, they/I "went-with" "Option-B" with "Choice-C" as his/the "BACKUP".
"Only TIME will tell."  …)

…"The way I see it: If you've got a team, you've gotta TRUST 'em."



"If you doN'T CHANGE 'the DIRECTION' you are likely to END-up … where you're heading."
(--John C. Maxwell)
(… Is that GOOD-news?!  
Is this a PROPONENT/PROMOTER of UN-faltering DETERMINATION?  OR, is it SUPPORTING "ADJUSTING-to one's MISTAKES"?  … OR, is it a little of BOTH?!)
(… I guess that it's "OPEN-to INTERPRETATION".
… Seeing as I am a STAUNCH-OPTIMIST, I FEEL that Mr. Maxwell is advocating "UN-wavering PERSISTENCE WILL lead-to EVENTUAL-VICTORY."
… THAT summary--courtesy of MY-words--has been MY "motto" THROUGHOUT my 

Alice (My--collective--LEGS): "Would you tell me, which way I 

ought to go from here?"

Cheshire Cat (My BRAIN) : "That depends a good 

deal on where you want to get to."

Alice: "I don't much care where."

Cheshire Cat: "Then it doesn't matter which way you go.” 

~ Lewis Carroll, 'Alice in Wonderland'


Now, I'm no "SOOTHSAYER". ((LARGELY/MAINLY 'cuz 'tis a 'FAUX'-/FAKE-/FALSE-/PSEUDO-"Science".  … "'Fortune-telling' is MALARKY … that preys on the GULLIBLE & STUPID.")  (--Dr. Sheldon Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory'))
… HOWEVER, I DO ADAMANTLY-agree with Mr. Wilson:
"The future is up for grabs. It belongs to any and all who will 

take the risk and accept the responsibility of consciously 

creating the future they want."

~ Robert Anton Wilson

( The BEST way to PREDICT the FUTURE is to CREATE 


… (ONE of my MULTIPLE-personalities is a WOMAN.  So, WE are having an INTERNAL-conversation.)

My--MALE--HEART's HARANGUING my--MALE--LEFT-arm, about WHY said arm did NOT "shoulder-roll" (SIGH!  "TEXTBOOK"-Karate) IMMEDIATELY-upon my automotive-EJECTION during my accident … to PROTECT the WELL-being of my--FEMALE--brain:
"Her LIFE was 'in your hands', 'DUDE'.  
… You fucked-it-up.  YOU FUCKED-it-UP!"
My arm's RETORT: "CCCaaalllmmm down, bro.  Nothing is 'fucked'.  You're being VERY UN-'Dude'."
My brain interrupts: "'Nothing is FUCKED'?  'NOTHING is FUCKED'?!  The GODDAMN PLANE has CRASHED into the MOUNTAIN!"
(--'The Big Lebowski')

Go CONFIDENTLY in the direction of 'your DREAMS' … in order to live the life you've IMAGINED.
(… LITERALLY, I "WALK"--in my house EVERY MORNING the ~70 feet … AT LEAST … PLUS a 90-degree LEFT-turn … to URINATE into 'mi JUAN'.)
… ALSO, I "WALK" AT LEAST four OTHER/longER "treks" around my BIG house during ANY day!
FURTHERMORE, there's ALL the "WALKING" I--GRATEFULLY--do at "NeroFit 360".
I ALWAYS "WALK" to my toilet … to URINATE--REGARDLESS of the time-of-day/-NIGHT.

"Do not pray for an EASY-life.  Pray for the strength to 

endure a DIFFICULT-one." 

Bruce Lee

(… "IF it were EASY, then EVERYONE would DO it."
… TRUST me: I wouldN'T wish MY injurIES/medical-SITUATION upon my WORST-enemy!)
(… But, my EXTENSIVE "martial arts"-training has taught me the  RESPECT, DISCIPLINE & … pain-TOLERANCE to accept,withstand &, ULTIMATELY, "hurdle-OVER" my--CURRENT/TEMPORARY disabilities.)

… "Pain HEALS.  Chicks dig SCARS.  GLORY … lasts forever."
(--Shane Falco, QB, 'The Replacements')

is when what you SAY & what you DO are the SAME.

As the FOOTBALL-season FAST-approaches, I "LONG-to" RE-establish my LONGTIME-position as …
LITERALLY, I wonder IF I could STILL "produce"/"create" my "spiraling-MASTERPIECES" … with ONLY ~55% of my RIGHT-/THROWING-HAND.

My INNER-monologue  with ME, MYSELF & I

"The truth is, you guys have been given something that every 

athlete dreams of: a second chance. And you're afraid of 

blowing it. We all are. But now our fear is shared, and we can 

overcome it together."

((… ESSENTIALLY, A.J. is a … "Team of ONE".  HE must 




There was a RECURRING-theme about "ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY".  I REALIZE that--although I DO "make MISTAKES/ERRORS" (… LOTS since my accident)--I'm ANNOYINGLY-STUBBORN, … when I THINK/KNOW I'm CORRECT.  To MAINTAIN a POSITIVE/"FLOWING" work-environment, SOMETIMES 'tis wiseR to let OTHERS "WIN" a few "debates".  

Since MUCH--ALL--of my RECOVERY-process is GRADUAL, 'tis "rather MONOTONOUS & HUMDRUM for me to ONLY blog/report on my DAILY-progress.
Ergo, I'll USUALLY select a FILM & relate THAT-day's "ESCAPADES" to SAID-movie.


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