Sunday, May 24, 2015

Are THESE "limericks" … of my EMOTIONAL-state? (RHYME-TIME)

"There once was a man from a state up-HIGH,
who suffered from a 'T.B.I.'.
As he valiantly-tried to fasten his pants-BUCKLE,
he stammered--with a CHUCKLE:
'If I weren't such an optimist, I'd prah-bob-lee CRY.'"

"So, I was 'contemplating my EXISTENCE',
when I decided to abandon 'the path of least RESISTANCE'.
I wanna make my exercises TOUGH.
So, my 'output' isn't smooth; it's ROUGH.
This way I'll resist asking for ASSISTANCE."

"Contrary to medical-opinion, I am quite SMART.
Bar-frequenters would consider me 'as sharp as a DART'.
Too many people are too quick to ASSUME
That I'm as 'dumb as a LEGUME'.
However, I'll stump 'em all with my mathematical-'ART'."

"I greatly desire 'kuhm-puh-NEE".
'Being social' fills me with GLEE!
Seeing as I don't like to BOAST,
I prefer to show my productive actions the MOST.
My progress will decrease pih-TEE!"


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