Thursday, May 21, 2015


(Cough, COUGH)

"TRUE friendship" is like "'SOUND' health":
The VALUE of it is seldom KNOWN, until it is LOST."

… "'Tis important to put MALE-comrades BEFORE women who sell their BODIES for money."
"Do you mean, 'BROS before HOES'?"
"Yes.  But, I rephrased it to AVOID offending the 'HOES'."
(--Sheldon & Leonard, 'The Big Bang Theory')

"Do you think 'Elastic Woman' of 'The Incredibles' NEEDS birth-control, or can se just BE a diaphragm?!"
(--Raj, 'The Big Bang Theory')

"The BEST way to LEARN … is to TEACH."
(… I very much AGREE with this statement!)
THUS, I encourage the "more ADVANCED"/"HIGHER-ranking" 'Karateka' to HELP & DEMONSTRATE the day's LESSONS & TECHNIQUES.
ANYONE can be a TEACHER … with the CORRECT/PROPER prep-WORK!)

(… I am just "Chock-FULL of" the Linear- & Limiting-Lexicon.)
What IS the BEST #?!
The best number is 73.
73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror, 37, is the 12th and its mirror, 21, is the product of multiplying 7 and 3... and in binary 73 is a palindrome, 1001001, which backwards is 1001001.

 PLUS, the SEQUENTIAL #s of its primes (12 & 21) are "MIRRORS". 
"73" is the "CHUCK NORRIS" of #s.

((… To "SUM-UP" (YET ANOTHER mathematical term) my BLOGGING: 
Since my RECOVERY/REHABILITATION is a VERY SLOW & GRADUAL process, I PREFER to PRIMARILY type HUMOROUS tales & anecdotes … with a "sprinkling-in"/"SMATTERING" of my REHABILITATION-accomplishments/-milestones.))
I am here to "ENTERTAIN" … with my HUMOR!
((… As I did in my undergraduate-fraternity … as "Eminent Chaplain"/JOKESTER for three (We caN'T pledge 'til SOPHOMORE-year.) GLORIOUS years at the University of Pennsylvania.))

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