Saturday, May 30, 2015

IS it "the CALM before the STORM"?!

ME: "It's 'NASTY' out there(, 'WALKIN')!"
"The Architect" (--'The Matrix Revolutions') … of MY BLOG: "That's why GIRLS don't play."
(--'The Replacements')
ME--to him: "So, you're saying that I'm NOT a … 'GIRL'?!

So, HOW was the last ~7.8+ YEARS of a "HELLISH-CAUCOPHONY" a "CALM"?!
I … GUESS I'm IMPLYING that my time has been rather/quite/mostly UN-eventful.
But, THAT's understandable, considering my TWO comas & the EXTENSIVE damage to my brain, LEGS AND vocal-cords.
Ergo, I've been--UNDERSTANDABLY--quiet & "CALM".

… I displayed GREAT "muscle-control & -strength" in "STANDING" for a TERRIFIC, HIGHLY-ADVANCED, RELAXING "martial arts"-FORM in my Karate-class this morning.

… PLUS, the form REALLY SOOTHED my "shaky-nerves" to a GREAT-extent.
Right-AFTER the workout, I went-home & performed MY DRAMATIC-interpretation of "BOMBS over Baghdad" … in my TOILET.)

My ARM-trainer--about ME: "I look at YOU, & I see TWO men: the man you ARE and the man you OUGHT TO be.  Someday (SOON) those two will MEET.  Should make for one HELLUVA (SMART-athlete)."
(--Coach McGinty to QB Shane Falco, 'The Replacements')

MY INTERNAL-monologue--MAINLY to my LEGS, BRAIN & RIGHT-ARM: "The truth is,  you guys have been given something that every athlete DREAMS-of:
a SECOND-chance.
And, you're afraid of BLOWING it.  We ALL are.  But NOW, our FEAR is SHARED, & we can 'OVERCOME it' TOGETHER."
(--Coach McGinty)

To FURTHER relax, I watched a few GREAT films & played some card-games with my housemate.

"I wish I could (CONCLUDE with) something CLASSY & INSPIRATIONAL, but THAT wouldN'T be our style.
… PAIN heals.  CHICKS dig scars.  GLORY … lasts forever."
(--Shane Falco, 'The Replacements')

P.S. Since I--USUALLY--have "ALOTTA" (COMPARATIVELY) EXTRA "FREE-TIME" on the WEEKENDS, be AWARE that I'll PROBABLY "post" MULTIPLE rimes on SaturdayS and/or SundayS.


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