Tuesday, May 12, 2015

"'LUCK' doesn't exist."

… "'Math & Science' DOES."
(--Walter O'Brien, 'Scorpion')

"SLAVERY" was ABOLISHED (in AMERICA, at least) in 1865.
'Tis 2015 NOW.
Ergo, for the past 150 YEARS, the OVERALL "LIFE-message" has remained CONSTANT:

"We ALL have/possess 'FREE-WILL'."

We EACH "create"/cause our OWN--respective--"PROSPERITY" or "DEMISE".
(… Granted, there ARE IN-frequent, UN-fortunate situations in which one "FALLS" as a "VICTIM of CIRCUMSTANCES"--as I DID, but LIFE tries to LIMIT such instances.)
Thus, we MUST "take the 'BAD' with the 'GOOD'".

"LIFE" is all about "BALANCE".

"Use 'The FORCE'."
(--Jedi-Master Yoda, ANY/all 'Star Wars')

"Have you ever heard of 'VIETNAM'?"
(--Walter Sobchak, 'The Big Lebowski')
“I’m like the f*ckin’ Viet Cong, man, alright? I’m in and I’m out. I was there the whole time. You don’t know it, alright? That’s the f*ckin’ art of becoming somebody who people can pin their beliefs and their dreams on.” – Irving, 'American Hustle'

… I WAS QUITE the TALENTED, DEVOTED/(PREVIOUSLY-)"COMMITTED" (… Pun IN-tended.) 8-year competitive wrestler.  Thus, I'm CERTAINLY NOT "USED TO"/COMFORTABLE being "PINNED".
HOWEVER, if ANY of y'ALL wanna "pin" your HOPES, CONFIDENCE & MOTIVATION upon ME, then I'd GLADLY oblige!
You know, sometimes in life, all you have are f*cked up, poisonous choices.”
( – Rosalyn, 'American Hustle')  
(… ALAS!  ''C'est la vie.'' = 'Such is LIFE.')

So, I watched 'The Shawshank Redemption' for the "UMPTEENTH" time, and it REMINDED me to ALWAYS utilize my SKILLS/TALENTS.
(… "Andy Dufresne" WAS a STELLAR "banker" BEFORE his FALSE imprisonment.  Yet, as a prisoner, he CONTINUES his financial-advising.)
(… I WAS a MAGNIFICENT "number-generator" BEFORE my TRAGIC accident.  Yet, as an invalid, I CONTINUE my mathematical-BRILLIANCE … via tutoring & account-balancing.)
(… ALSO, I STILL TEACH martial arts.)

… "If you canNOT do GREAT things,
do SMALL things in a GREAT way."
(--Napoleon Hill)  

(… Relating to ME, "GREAT" refers to 


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