Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I "'Walk HARD'!"

(NO, I am NOT trying to emulate "Dewey Cox".)
(… Though, 'Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story' WAS a rather humorous--but FICTIONAL--film!)

(… 'Silencing Doubters -- A Quest to WALK: The A.J. Kaynatma Story' is a COMPLETELY NON-fictional, COMEDIC AUTO-biography.)

I CONSTANTLY TRY to NOT "WALK" "with such HEAVY feet".
But--However--ALAS, my VALIANT efforts CONTINUE TO "go to NO AVAIL".


(… SEVERAL) MINOR "DEFEATS"/"LOSSES" shaN'T PREVENT my CONTINUED/REPETITIVE effort.  "MIS-fires" merely NECESSITATE RE-"calculations" & adjustments … before the NEXT trialS/attemptS.)

What's the saying/warning?
((… "Walk SOFTLY, and (Or, is it "or"?) carry a BIG stick."))
… Since I do NOT--YET--have the BALANCE, COORDINATION or NERVE-/LEG-"STRENGTH" to "WALK" with-OUT HOLDING onto my walker, 'tis 'MUY DIFICIL' (--'VERY DIFFICULT' for the NON-Spanish speakers) for ME to "HOLD" an ADDITIONAL object.
Also, since I am--STILL--a bit UN-sure about the STRENGTH-CAPABILITIES of my LEFT leg, I tend to be (QUITE) "HEAVY-footed" in my gait/strides.
… THUS, I'm "SCREWED" on/for BOTH accounts.
(  : (  )

Oh, YAY!
As I "WALKED" 'a mi banyo' this evening, I was QUITE QUIET.
(… Thank you, 'NeuroFit 360' for your REPEATED/CONTINUOUS "DRILLING" of PROPER weight-shifting!)

THAT proves that MY 4+ YEARS at "Florida Institute of Neurologic Research" was an UTTER WASTE of MY TIME & MY MONEY … PLUS MY PHYSICAL-, ROMANTIC-, OCCUPATIONAL-, FAMILIAL- & SOCIAL-POTENTIAL!

I've been watching ''Marvel's 'The Avengers' ALL evening, …which reminded me that
"I AM 'Iron Man'."

((… The title of MY AUTO-biography ('A Quest to WALK: The A.J. Kaynatma Story')--"Write that down."))
(--ME, during MY valedictory)

(… In writing said EPIC, "GRIPPING" said "biography", I WILL HAFTA ask MY "blog-CREATOR" for ASSISTANCE.  He IS … a bit … of a MASTERFUL-writer!)


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