Saturday, May 23, 2015

"Oh, what a day! What a LOVELY day!"

… --Nux, 'Mad Max: Fury Road'

So, I BEGAN my buddy's "Bachelor PARTY-Weekend" last night with a "LATE NIGHT"-viewing of the action-PACKED thriller-film, 'Mad Max: Fury Road'.

I went-OUT to a local cinema to meet five friends.

I HAD TO ask the MAN for whom we were CELEBRATING--as a JOKE:
"Is it GAY that I STILL found Charlize Theron VERY ATTRACTIVE … EVEN with a 'buzz-cut'?!  … 'Cuz I admire people's INNER-beauty."
When he responded in the NEGATIVE, I wiped-CLEAN my SWEATY-brow.)

DURING said film-viewing, I practiced "STRETCHING"/"EXERCISING" my LEFT-fingers by--REPEATEDLY--OPENING … & closing my LEFT hand.
THANKFULLY, I was able to--ROUTINELY--open my LEFT fingers/palm to
~135 degrees.
(… YAY!)
I BEGAN my REHAB ~6.5 years ago with a SIMILAR type of "movement-techniques", until my "DOCTORS" (SARCASM, ha ha HA!)  actually TOLD ME--a PATIENT--to "NOT even TRY (to move my fingers),'cuz (I'll) just get DISCOURAGED".
((… PARDON my "political IN-correctness", but they're ALL (There were SIX--KNOWN--medical "NAY-sayers".) TRAUMATICALLY, BLATANTLY. EMBARRASSINGLY "RETARDED"!
(… 'Tis NOT so FUNNY, when "BUTT" of YOUR "jokes" is the one "HURLING the INSULTS" is it?!)

Here are some MEMORABLE,/INSPIRING/MOTIVATIONAL quotes from SAID "cinematic-tale":

"My name is (A.J.).  (As I REHABILITATE my TBI:)
"My world is reduced to a SINGLE INSTINCT-- SURVIVE!
As the world 'fell', it was HARD to know who was MORE … CRAZY:
(… Well, I WOULD--withOUT hesitating--say "EVERYONE ELSE", but then I'd BEGRUDGINGLY realize I said "MORE crazy" INSTEAD OF the CORRECT "crazIER".
… But THEN, I'd "bite my lip" upon realizing that--REALLY--either one is ACCEPTABLE.)
(… I NEED guests/visitors!")
"'HOPE' is a MISTAKE, you know?"
(… I couldN'T DIS-agree MORE!)
"Do NOT become ADDICTED to (LEG-strength).  It will 'take-HOLD of you', & you will RESENT its ABSENCE."
(… I--MISTAKENLY, SUB-conciously--made this ERROR.)
"I was a 'COP' searching for a RIGHTEOUS 'cause'."
(… I've ALWAYS been a morally/ethically GOOD person.  Lately I've been VALIANTLY/ADMIRABLY determining a LEGITIMATE reason for my GOOD-spirits.)
"(BAD/POOR tire-designers) TOOK my (BRAIN).  They TOOK my (LEGS).  What ELSE can they TAKE from me?!"
(MY INTERNAL-monologue:)
"WANNA get through this?!  Let's GO!"
… "There's NO going-BACK."

TODAY we'ALL went to the LOCAL horse-racing track to enjoy the good-times.
I have NEVER been very-INTERESTED in ANY form of "RACING".  But, the company was
(… We ONLY won ONE out of 13 bets/races--~7.69%--at "13 to 1" odds for $4.  So, we--JOKINGLY--"MADE him" buy us ALL ice cream with his $52 … like we're CHILDREN.)


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