Friday, May 1, 2015

"That's fuckin' INTERESTING, man!"

(--'The Dude', 'The Big Lebowski')

People who use A LOT of SWEAR-WORDS tend to be more HONEST & TRUSTWORTHY, human behavioral-studies suggest.

So, yesterday my NEWEST 'jujitsu'-technique received WIDESPREAD-approval & exclamations of "WOW, that 'kicks ASS'--metaphorically."
((… EVENTUALLY, I succumbed to IRONY.  I added a VARIATION, so the Defender actually LITERALLY "KICKED the Attacker's ASS" … PLUS an 'eeza' (--Japanese for 'KNEE-strike') to the lower back.))

“Even 'MIRACLES' take a little time.” 
— Fairy Godmother, 'Cinderella'
((… It's been … SIX YEARS, NINE MONTHS, FOUR WEEKS & TWO DAYS (and COUNTING …) of my REHAB.  But, MY nerves have, ACTUALLY, been "responding" quickER, strongER & just BETTER.  Thus, ("Knock on wood.") THAT's ENCOURAGING!))
(… Also, Ms. Godmother, "little time" is VERY opinionated, subjective & circumstantial.  PLEASE "DROP your POPPYCOCK", & doN'T lecture ME about YOUR regards for "LITTLE time"!)

… Regarding my PROGRESS, I wish I could give y'ALL more VISUAL-evidence of my IMPROVEMENT(S).  But, if I were to BRAG of FALSE-/FAKE-/'FAUX'-/FABLED-accomplishments, I'd only be LYING to … MYSELF.
(… WOW!  That was just FOUR synonyms for "MADE-UP" … that ALL began with 'F'!
Altan Epitomizes Astounding, Amazing And Awesome Alliteration!)

… CONDENSED/"Little TIME" would be MY taking EIGHT YEARS of the HIGHEST/"most DIFFICULT" "levels"/courses of MATHEMATICS--ALL in--ESSENTIALLY/TECHNICALLY--MY ~4.167 years of high school!
(Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Cal, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Statistics)
(… So, in EIGHTH grade, I "hopped a PRIVATE-bus" to the local HIGH SCHOOL … EVERY weekday-morning to take a MATH-course.)
(… PLUS, I SKIPPED "Pre-Cal"--per the MATH-department Chairman, 'cuz I'm "just … THAT ... GOOD".)
(… In a RELATED story, my middle school "amped-UP" its MATHEMATICAL-curriculum the NEXT year … because of … ME!)
(… ME--to my two years youngER brother, who graduated from the SAME middle school:
"You're WELCOME!")

… So, I basically "tested-OUT" of my MATH-classes at my "Ivy League"-college (University of Pennsylvania).  Regardless, I TOOK mathematical-courses to REMAIN properly-INFORMED.
(… I did NOT want 'em CHANGIN' everything & makin' ME "OLD-SCHOOL … like 'I Love Lucy'"!)

… INTERNALLY, I was singing:

… NOW, I WANNA "change" … my NERVES & LEGS!
((… Ergo, my DESIRES are a "FUNCTION of TIME".
So, MATHEMATICALLY, THAT'd be written as …
DESIRE = f (t) with "t" as the "TIME"-component = (2t + 23) multiplied by (MY # of SUPPORTIVE peers + MY # of WILLING, COMPETENT "helpers"))
(… Equational-EXPLANATION:
"2t" 'cuz almost-ALL tasks seem to take me TWICE as long;
"23" 'cuz THAT was MY AGE at the time of said ACCIDENT;
"# of SUPPORTIVE-peers" 'cuz my "DESIRE" to be even-MORE SOCIAL directly-INCREASES as the ENERGY-/SOCIABILITY-level of my FRIENDS "approaches its MAXIMUM";
"# of COMPETENT 'helpers'" 'cuz--MUCH to my DISMAY--I STILL need SOME help to IN-crease my FUN)
(… PAUSE … for EFFECT.)
(… VERY NERD-esque!)

"NOTHING's 'impossible'!
… There's ALWAYS a way.
… I just 'SEE' the coding'" … to MY damaged NERVES & LEGS.
(--Stan, 'Swordfish')
(… THAT's what I REPEATEDLY say to SO MANY of my DOUBTERS!)

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