Tuesday, May 26, 2015

"HUMANITY's ALWAYS … FEARED … what it caN'T understand."

… youngER Magneto, 'X-Men: Days of Future Past'

Since I've NOW "graduated" to EATING--by MOUTH--TWO scrambled eggs (NOT one egg) per "Speech Therapy"-session, I've decided to "THROW CAUTION to the WIND":
I "take a BREAK" & eat only ONE egg--at a time--in months that contain an "R".
Ergo, NO "breaks" 'til September.
(… My mom: "WHY?!"
ME: "What's LIFE withOUT a lil WHIMSY?!")

(Regarding my NOT attending Church-services:)
ME--quoting Amy Farrah-Fowler of 'The Big Bang Theory': 
"I doN'T OBJECT to the CONCEPT of a DEITY.  
But, I'm BAFFLED by the notion of one who takes ATTENDANCE."

FRUSTRATED, my mom exclaimed to me--about ME:
"Oh, you're … IMPOSSIBLE!"
… My retort:
"I caN'T be 'impossible'!  I EXIST!
I think what you MEANT was …
(--DR. Sheldon Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory')
(… TRUST me, Mom.  Need I REMIND you of my YEARLONG-"ACING" of "'Advanced Placement'-Probability/Statistics" … in HIGH SCHOOL … while SIMULTANEOUSLY YEARLONG-"ACING" "A.P. Calculus BC"?!)
(… What are the odds of THAT?!
… HHHMMM, I'd say "1 in 508".)
((… EXPLANATION: There were 508 students who graduated in MY high school ℅ '03.  ONE student (ME) accomplished SAID feat.))

… This LOGICAL/INSIGHTFUL REASONING would ALSO be a "SOLID"-argument AGAINST/to MY IGNORANT/"NOT smart" (MEDICAL) doctors, who STILL--WRONGLY (OBVIOUSLY)--claim that I doN'T DESERVE my "IN-alienable RIGHTS" as a LIVING American citizen!

By the way, DUMB-ASSED American government, I possess "DUAL-citizenship", as I am ALSO a TURKISH-citizen.  "The MODERN Republic of 'Turkiye' NEVER gave me ANY problems/questions about my EXISTENCE.
Ergo, according to SIMPLE/BASIC MATHEMATICAL- & LOGICAL-principles:

"There's a MILLION reasons WHY people keep SECRETS …
that we JUST doN'T understand."
(--Agent Cabe Gallo, 'Scorpion')

… If POSSIBLE, I try to NOT inform NEW-comers of my "Traumatic Brain-Injury".  THIS way, it's a PLEASANT surprise WHEN I "DAZZLE" 'em w/ my MATHEMATICAL-MASTERY.

WHY 's my LEFT/"SERIOUSLY injured" hand SUDDENLY OPENING … to 
~150 degrees 
from its RESTING-/CLOSED-position?!
((… 'Cuz EVERY Monday, Wednesday & Friday, on my way TO & FROM my LEG-gym ("NeuroFit 360"), I practice OPENING my fingers))
I JUST lifted ONLY my LEFT middle-finger.  
… SHOULD I "come-across" ANY of my PREVIOUS, DOUBTING "doctors", 

Yesterday, my MAIN-nurse--per MY request--just CHECKED my blood-pressure.
It was 
"107/72" … which BEGS the question:
(… The "NORMAL"/AVERAGE blood-pressure is 
Ya see?!  I just KNOW/KNEW that--despite (MEDICAL-)"doctors' CLAIMS that I have a SERIOUS "MENTAL-malfunctioning", it doesN'T/wouldN'T take a GENIUS to figure-out that MOST of my SIGNIFICANT-injuries are PHYSICAL.
(… Yes, I AM IMPLYING that MANY of MY--MEDICAL--"doctors" "doN'T know their ASSES from HOLES in the GROUND".)
(… Granted, I DO have "JUST a FEW" psychological/emotional "DIS-orders"--like the IN-ability to CRY and/or FULLY-empathize.  But, these ISSUES are COMPARATIVELY "quite MINOR" in regards to how SERIOUS/DETRIMENTAL/life-THREATENING my "doctors" CLAIM 'em to BE.)
((… A) Are my "doctors" really THAT "UN-qualified"?!
ME: "Uuumm, … a little o' Column-A & ALOTTA Column-B."))

"If my ANSWERS FRIGHTEN you, then you should CEASE asking SCARY QUESTIONS."
(--Jules, 'Pulp Fiction')

SOMETIMES when we THINK we know the ANSWERS, in ACTUALITY, it's the QUESTIONS we had WRONG.
(… WHOA, A.J.!  That's 'DEEP'.)
(… I APPRECIATE the SETUP/ASSIST for … "THAT's what SHE said!")

"Aristotle said, ''INFINITY' is the LACK OF limitation'."
(--Charlie, 'NUMB3RS')
(… According to THIS sense/perspective, I "want to"/WILL WALK to/with "INFINITY".)

Ya know, it JUST occurred to me: 
IF there ARE an INFINITE number of "PARALLEL-universes", there's BOUND to be an A.J. who ACTUALLY DOES BELIEVE in "parallel-universes".

HONESTLY, ladies:
"Do GIRLS care MORE about 'GLOBAL-WARMING' or 'wearing WHITE pants AFTER Labor Day'?"
(--Friends with Benefits)

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