Thursday, May 14, 2015

"My BODY has a MIND of its OWN. It doesN'T LISTEN TO ME!"

(--Lincoln Rhyme, 'The Bone Collector')
((… Mr. Rhyme is a FELLOW-invalid (though his handicap is FAR/MUCH WORSE) & a fellow-(Boston-accent) "SMAHTEE".))

At "LESS-than-IDEAL"/IN-opportune times, my "bodily-NERVES" AND/or muscles will either
"let me down" or
just "give-OUT" on me.
(  : (  )

My MOM--a Speech/Language Pathologist--about ME:
"(AUDIBLE SIGH) He's a MATHEMATICIAN.  They have THEIR OWN language."
My blog-CREATOR:
"(DUMBFOUNDED, shrugging his shoulders)  Oh, I thought it was … like, Turkish … or ANCIENT Spanish, … or SUMTHIN' FOREIGN."
((… "The Architect"(-'The Matrix Reloaded') KNOWS Latin, A LITTLE German & ALOTTA English.  But, in direct-CONTRAST to … YOURS TRULY, he's CLUELESS regarding … the "INTERCONTINENTAL-language"--"NUMEROLOGY".))

"You canNOT get through a SINGLE-day with-OUT having an IMPACT on the world around you.
What you DO makes a DIFFERENCE, … and you have to DECIDE way kind of 'difference' you WANT to make."
(--Jane Goodall)

… I CHOSE/DECIDED to--POST-accident/injurIES--CONTINUE my MATHEMATICAL- & "Martial Arts"-MASTERY … by VOLUNTARILY starting MY OWN math-TUTORING service.
ALSO, I STILL (CO-)TEACH a KIDS' martial arts class.  Considering my memory is NOW … A BIT "SPOTTY", I mainly focus my TEACHINGS on ''Jiujitsu', … 'cuz it's 'GROUND-fighting,' … and I'm MOST COMFORTABLE … on my BACK.
(… LADIES?!)

… "MATH is LOGIC."

"So, I took one of those 'PERSONALITY-Tests'.  ...
It came back 'NEGATIVE'."
(--comedian Dan Mintz)
(… Ha ha HA!)
(… But, SADLY, 'tis SO "PAINFULLY"-TRUE about ME … POST-accident.)
(… Sniffle … sniffle … SINGLE tear)

((… J/K!  (CHUCKLE) Oh, I REALLY had you goin' THERE, didn't I?!)

… Nonetheless, NO ONE … knows MY "WEIRD", "STRANGE", "UNIQUE", "REMARKABLE", "ANOMALOUS" body as WELL as I!
(… "I am my worst CRITIC", … & I am DETERMINED to KEEP it THAT WAY!)

"I am SELF-'propelled'; 'fueled' from WITHIN.
but I am NOT 'ATTACHED' to them.
I learned a LONG TIME ago that IF I give them the 'POWER' to 'FEED' me,
I also give them the 'POWER' to 'STARVE' me."
(--Dr. Steve Maraboli)

… Speaking of NON-medical "doctors", I have the UTMOST-RESPECT for y'ALL.
((… I--ONLY--"coasted" (EASILY) through ~3/4 of my "ACCELERATED M.B.A.", before my TRAGIC/CATASTROPHIC auto-accident DESTROYED my LIFE.))
THUS, "PROPS" to y'ALL--INCLUDING MY neuralpsychologist AND MY brother--for accomplishing what even I could NOT achieve … ACADEMICALLY!
((… Granted, my brother's ALWAYS been a GOO student.  (SNICKER) (… Well, he IS related to ME!))

… Awww, SHOOTSKEES!  He asked me to NOT YET refer to him as "DR. Kaynatma", 'cuz it'll JINX him!
Bro, you shaN'T be superstitious!
"EACH of us CONTROLS (his/her) OWN destiny."
((--Toby (WELL-KNOWN, ESTABLISHED psychologist), 'Scorpion'))
… ME: "Bro, let's SPLIT the 'work'.  I'll be 'SUPER'. & YOU be 'STITIOUS'!

"Right now, I'm 'SUCKLING at the BOSOM of modern-PHYSICS."
(--DR. Sheldon Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory')



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