Wednesday, May 20, 2015

… I certainly APPRECIATE praise! But, I doN'T NEED it!

I "perform"/conduct MANY a task/deed that would DESERVE/WELCOME compliments.
(… I AM … rather praise-WORTHY!)

But, I do NOT "LIVE or DIE" by the "judgments" of OTHERS.
NOT to BRAG, but I KNOW I am … what's the word …

"BREATHTAKING"?  (--'Seinfeld', referring to an UGLY baby)
(… Nope, it has MIXED connotations.)
(… C'mon, I am not THAT conceited!  … Am I?)
(… I like to THINK that MY STRUGGLES doN'T happen EVERYDAY!)
(… THAT's the ticket!  What a COMBINATION!
Yes, "I'm KIND OF a BIG DEAL."--'Anchorman')
(… People/Readers/Viewers are "taken ABACK" in WONDER & "AWE" at my "PHENOM"-enal "PUSH", "DRIVE" & "FEATS".  THESE would then "INSPIRE" others to ATTEMPT to IMITATE my perseverance.)
(… "'IMITATION' is the most sincere form of FLATTERY."  So, THAT deserves a PRE-emptive BOW & a "THANK YOU".)
(… Or, should I "curtsy"?!)

I've LONG told ALL my trainers … that I do NOT respond well … AT ALL … to NEGATIVE-"feedback"/comments.  "Slip the 'CONSTRUCTIVE-criticism' in there" with some "surrounding PRAISE".  THAT way they SEEM more like "POINTERS" and/or ADVICE.
(… I utilize/incorporate THIS VERY/SAME ideology into my "MARTIAL ARTS"-TEACHING.
The students are KIDS.  So, I doN'T WANT 'em to be "DOWNERS" … filled with "SELF-doubt"!)

… Speaking of my OPTIMUM-/MAXIMAL-"output", I "had the PRIVILEGE" of "working" with the OWNER of 'NeuroFit 360'.  He had the WISDOM, INSIGHT & KINDNESS to ALLOW me a "BREAK" after I--"MANUALLY"--"WALKED"/STEPPED on the … (CRUD!  I FORGOT the NAME of this particular WALKING/STEPPING exercise-machine!)

For the LONGEST time POST-accident, I couldN'T--withOUT help--lift my LEFT/INJURED fingers MORE than ~20 degrees from its "resting-position" in a CLOSED-FIST.
NOW, through various EXERCISES to STRETCH & PRACTICE, I can "reach" ~70 degrees.
YAY for MY "gettin' it UP"!
(… Interpret THAT as y'ALL see FIT.)

I LIVE by the "hand-tattoos"/MOTTO of the 'Boondock Saints'--which I, yet AGAIN, watched today before I left for the GYM:

(… which is Latin for
(… ESSENTIALLY, this "translates" TO:

"'personal-HONOR & TRUTH' … in actions & 'justice--REGARDLESS of the circumstances'")

(… Actually, I OWN a T-shirt--from my "MARTIAL ARTS"-school--that "reads"


(in Japanese).)


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