Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Think of the 1994-film, ''It's a Low Down Dirty Shame''.

'Cuz my--RELATIVELY--"recent" life-story is A BIT of a WASTE of a WONDER-FULL "MIND"/"TALENT"/LIFE.

… It's "relatively-RECENT", 'cuz my TRAUMATIC-accident occurred
~6.87 years ago.
My "time--ALIVE--on this earth" would be
~30.11 years YOUNG.
Ergo, I've spent
~22.82% of my life--THUS FAR--"shouldering this HEAVY burden" of OTHERS' DOUBT, IGNORANCE & general APATHY toward MY "T.B.I."
(… As my--HOPEFULLY--LONG & PROSPEROUS life CONTINUES, THAT #--"~22.82%" WILL DE-crease!)

((… My "Morning-/MAIN-nurse" JUST COMMENDED me for MY "IMPRESSIVE" MENTAL-math SKILLS:
"MOST NON-injured people caN'T do what 'you' (I--A.J.) do."))

So, back to MY actual day:

I had a "SOLID" "UPPER body"-workout:
-- GREAT LEFT arm-/shoulder-ROTATION/-"RANGE-of-MOTION"!
-- INTENSE stretching from DIFFERENT angles with VARYING amounts of PRESSURE/RESISTANCE!
-- PHENOMENAL SOLO-display of MY RANDOM shoulder-, wrist- & finger- STRETCHING exercises

"I'll go take me a shower & PRETEND I didn't wake-up in 'The CRYING Game'!"
(--''It's a Low-down, Dirty Shame'')
(… "'The Crying Game' = GOOD--EMOTIONAL--movie!)

Ex-CUSE me!  I was just sitting-ON my EX-ternal genitalia.
Was I JUST COMPLIMENTING a film's "running the 'EMOTIONAL-gamut'"?!


Okay, SO?!

… Speaking of My Memorable, Mind-boggling, Magical(?!), Mental Mathematical-Mastery,

What IS the BEST #?!
The best number is 73. 
73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror, 37, is the 12th, and ITS mirror, 21, is the product of multiplying 7 and 3.
… In binary 73 is a palindrome, 1001001, which backwards is 1001001.
… Also, the SEQUENTIAL #s of the "PRIMES" (21 & 12) are "MIRRORS".

WHAT is SO WRONG with ME?!


(… DoN'T answer THAT!)

… Regarding my IMPORTANT (MATHEMATICAL-)calculations, I was--MENTALLY--"balancing my (MOM's) checkbook".  She DIS-agreed with MY #s, so she QUESTIONED my QUANTITATIVE-analysis.
ME--to her:
"You've known me to be a very SMART person.
Don't you think if I were WRONG, I'd KNOW it."
(--DR. Shelton Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory')

(… Nonetheless, NOW I MUST cry.
"One CRIES, because one is SAD.
For example, I CRY, because OTHERS are stupid,
and that makes me SAD."
--DR. Sheldon Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory')
(… He's echoing MY sentiments.)

My "UPPER body"-workout was quite TOUGH!
(… But, ALAS!  "If it were EASY, then EVERYONE would do it.")
If I did/had NEITHER earned the "MILE-Swim"-badge, … NOR CATASTROPHICALLY "LOST" the (TEMPORARY) use of my LEGS, I just MIGHT DROWN in my PERSPIRATION!
(… Ah, the wonder & entertainment of HYPERBOLE!)

FINALLY, 'tis ALWAYS a GREAT "meeting" with my "neural-psychologist"!
Usually, I doN'T like to … "BRAG"/"BOAST", but I was PARTICULARLY PROUD OF my RE-gaining MOVEMENT in my LEFT hand/fingers.
ALSO, I get to REVIEW my blog-posts with an … UN-biased, "OUTSIDE"-source!
(… She CONFIRMED MY … & OTHERS' "stipulations"/beliefs that I … am … actually …



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