Monday, May 18, 2015

… "When you understand the 'Laws of PHYSICS, ANYTHING is POSSIBLE!"

… --Dr. Sheldon Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory'

-- "F = M x A"
(--Sir Isaac Newton's SECOND 'Law of Motion':
"Force = Mass times Acceleration")

What a GREAT--ALL-around--workout at "NeuroFit 360" today!
I "WALKED"--MANUALLY--on the "Vide-Glide" for FIVE minutes & two seconds, had a SHORT break then  "walked" for 298 MORE seconds.
RATHER THAN--STUBBORNLY, IGNORANTLY--"PUSHING myself" through any DIS-comfort, I--WISELY--"took a BRIEF (MUSICAL) interlude".  (I "FIST-PUMPED" to Jackie Wilson's 'Higher & HIGHER')
I closed my fists, leaned on 'em on a CUSHIONED-table & practiced my weight-shifting--VERY WELL, as I stepped my RIGHT foot OUT & back-IN.
Upon returning home--AFTER said workout--my shirt was SOAKED with MY sweat!

… Am I "WORKING my ASS off" to IMPROVE my PHYSICAL-fitness/-situation?

"Is the atomic-weight of cobalt 58.9?!"
(--Egon, 'Ghostbusters II')
Uuummm, … YES!
(… Actually, it's 58.933198.)

"A 'rhombicosidodecahedron' has 20 'REGULAR' triangular-faces, 30 square-faces, 12 pentagonal-faces, 60 vertices & 120 edges."
"One 'GALACTIC-year' is EQUAL TO 250 MILLION 'Earth-years'."

"'OPERANT-CONDITIONING techniques' are used to alter a PERSON's or GROUP's behavior."
"'Negative-reinforcement' is the REMOVAL of a 'positive-stimulus'."
(--DR. Shelton Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory')
(… The "ALTERING-behavior" notes the findings of psychologist B.F. Skinner.)

"Some people think I'm TOO intellectual."
(--Janine, 'Ghostbusters')
(… Ergo, I--A.J.--a MAN--am "Janine"--a WOMAN.)

-- …
SMELL something?!"
(--Ray, 'Ghostbusters')

-- "The 'KEY' to 'getting OVER something' is
'NOT looking back'."
('Mad Men' series-FINALE)

… Ya see … I VERY MUCH … DIS-agree.
I FEEL LIKE I'm the ONLY person who's "HEARD OF" & SUPPORTS the concept of
… HOW … the HELL … can one IMPROVE, if one does NOT RE-evaluate one's options/choices … in HINDSIGHT?!
… KNOWING the impending RESULTS, one can create HYPOTHETICAL situations, & RE-evaluate one's decision-making.

I.e. Note to SELF: Do NOT refer to YOURSELF (A.J.) as "ONE".
I can just "SMELL" the INEVITABLE wedgie(S)!

…  Or, is THAT odor  "seeping into" my room "Escaping from" my "Exciting, Ear-splitting, Eye-popping, Excretory-Extravaganza"?!
(… IsN'T Alliteration Amazing, Amusing & Unadulterated?!)
(… "UH-UH-AH!  ALL answers MUST be submitted in the form of a QUESTION."
--Willy Wonka, ORIGINAL 'Charlie & the Chocolate-Factory')

… WHY must I be SUCH an ANOMALY?!
… WHY/HOW am I so PROUD of being SO "DIFFERENT"?!
… Could/WOULD you PLEASE be more SPECIFIC than "ULTIMATELY"?!
… HOW could I be MORE-SOCIAL?!
… Since I prefer SCIENCE over RELIGION, whoM could/SHOULD I THANK for my STILL being able to "function" so WELL?!

(… NOTICE the PROPER-usage of "i.e." RATHER than "e.g.")
(… I remembered my "memory-TRICK" of
"I.e. = Individual example".)


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