Sunday, May 31, 2015


-- I've ALWAYS HATED how STUPID & FAKE the WWE ("World Wrestling Entertainment … & to a lesser extent, people who are "FANS" of its BLATANT MOCKERY as FAUX-"WRESTLING".
HOWEVER, I do "have a SOFT-spot"--for OBVIOUS reasons--for WWE-candidate/-prospect,

A.J. Styles.

(… What a FAN-tastic NAME!)
(… As a matter of FACT, "A.J. Styles" is the NEW-name of/for MY "walk-in closet".)

-- DAMN YOU, President Jimmy Carter!
"He STARTED us on a PATH to the metric system … BUT then just GAVE-UP."
(--Sheldon, 'The Big Bang Theory')

-- WHY are WE--as HUMAN BEINGS--entirely TOO QUICK to "JUMP … to Conclusions"(--'Office Space')?!
((Too MANY "IGNORAMUSES" about ME: "Oh, THAT's a BUMMER!  That poor guy is in a wheelchair … WITH an "attendant", and he HAS TO 'communicate' with a 'letter-board'?!  I feel BAD for the 'RETARDED'.  … Can I SAY 'retarded'?!  Is it politically-CORRECT"
ME: "No, DIP-SHIT.  It AIN'T! (SIGH!)  NEVER mind.  Why don't YOU get back to YOUR burning the American flag & clubbing BABY-seals, JACKASS!"))

-- WHY's America GOTTA BE so … DIFFERENT … & ODD?!
(… We're NOT "on the metric system.  "English" is ONE OF the world's TOUGHEST languages to LEARN … as a NON-native.  For the LOVE of GOD, EMBRACE … "SOCCER" … AND/or
"'Ah-mehr-ee-KAHN FEWT-bohl'"!  … Etc.)

-- WHO/WHAT/WHERE/WHY would I "BE--in my life" had my CATASTROPHIC accident NOT occurred?!

-- I WONDER … if I COULD … start my OWN "martial arts"-DOJO.
(… Would I WANT TO … do that?!)

-- Approximately 30+ years ago, was my mom ORIGINALLY gonna have TWIN-babies?
((… Did I RESORB the OTHER fetus?!  Thus, do I NOW "have the STRENGTH (& INTELLECT) of a grown man AND a little baby"(--Dwight Schrute, 'The Office')
(… "Sur-VEY says:" … YES!))

-- WHY did such a TRAGICALLY-UN-fortunate accident HAFTA happen to ME?!
(… I very much believe in KARMA.  So, WHAT ridiculously-GOOD thing could I have done to NECESSITATE such a HEARTBREAKING, CATASTROPHIC GROUP of injuries to BALANCE my 'QI'?!)

-- WHY are there SO MANY STUPID people around/ALIVE?!
(… The Latin culture got it WAY WRONG, when they classified humans as 'homo SAPIENS' … meaning 'WISE men'!)
(… It's WRONG, 'cuz it AIN'T TURKISH!)

-- … Ya know what IS "Turkish", despite ADAMANT-INSISTENCE from Greeks?!
… 'Yogurt'.  … LOOK it UP!

-- In the words of "Jack", who's IMITATING/MOCKING Cher, on 'Will & Grace',
"If I could turn-back TIIIOOOME", WHAT/HOW would I have CHANGED?!

-- WHY is Waldo HIDING?!  Did he witness MY martial arts?!

-- WHY can I remember SOME things ("martial arts"- & wrestling- PRINCIPLES, MATH, SPORTS-trivia) … but NOT others (Karate-'kata'-DESIGNED moves, FUN-tales from college, SOME BIO-mechanical principles for STANDING & WALKING)?!

-- … I KNOW it's a VERY COMPLICATED issue, but WHY does society CONSTANTLY BRAG of its GREAT-accomplishments, when we/they know "next-to-NOTHING" about "NEURAL-activity" & "nerve-RE-generation"?!

-- I'm watching 'Hulk'.  So, I'm contemplating,
"WHAT 'SUPERHERO' do I MOST resemble?"
Cyclops--with his LASER-vision (MY glasses)  AND BEAUTIFUL FEMALE-"partner" (my EX-girlfriend),
Hulk--with his AMAZING physical-STRENGTH AND EMOTIONAL-variability
Gambit--with his RIDICULOUS card-playing SKILLS AND "BADASS-personality"?

Well, I USED TO resemble Wolverine, 'cuz of my QUICK-healing.
HOWEVER, in lieu of my CRIPPLING accident,
I'm MORE like Professor X--with his EXTRAORDINARY MENTAL-abilities … AND wheelchair.

-- … Also, I JUST saw a PREVIEW for an UPCOMING-film, & it reminded me of MY POTENTIAL:
"LEGENDS doN'T retire.  They simply 'reinvent themselves'."
((… I shaN'T let my injurIES 'SLOW ME DOWN"!  (… Well, LITERALLY, they ARE/HAVE.)
… Nonetheless, my NEW theme-song is
'CARRY ON, my WAYWARD son!'))


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